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suspicious[s?'spi??s]n。 可疑的,令人怀疑的;多疑的
搭配 be suspicious of 对…起疑
例句 1。 The woman was suspicious and I couldn't understand her reaction for it was very strange。 这个女人很可疑,而且我不理解她那些十分奇怪的反应。
2。 It's suspicious that he didn't come home last night。 他昨天晚上没有回家,这很可疑。
swear[swer]v。 诅咒;宣誓
例句 I swear that you will take out the albums and play them with happy tears for you have found how you love your life and the world。 我发誓你会拿出这张专辑,流着幸福的泪花开始播放,因为你已经发现你热爱自己的生活以及这个世界。
要点 I swear that。。。这个句型可以用来表示某种承诺及保证,但这个句子比较口语化,也可以用I promise that。。。来替代。
sympathetic[?simp?'θetik]a。 感应的;有同情心的;体谅的;【物】共振的
搭配 sympathetic vibration 共振
例句 1。 A good co…worker is a sympathetic listener who never shows off his own knowledge and ability。 一位优秀的合作者应该是能够体谅他人的倾听者,永远不会炫耀自己的知识和能力。
2。 He is both sympathetic and considerate。 他既富有同情心,又善解人意。
tolerant['tɑ:l?r?nt]a。 宽容的;容忍的
例句 1。 Even though a group member should analyze things independently; he or she should be tolerant to different people's working habits。 尽管一名小组成员应该独立分析事情,但他们也应该能够宽容地对待不同人的工作习惯。
2。 In order to get a comprehensive understanding to this world; we need to be tolerant of another's background; opinions; and lifestyle。 为了全面地了解这个世界,我们要容忍他人的背景、观点,以及生活方式。
3。 The man who is prejudiced is not tolerant at all。 这个怀有偏见的男子毫不宽容。
tolerate['tɑ:l?reit]v。 忍受;容许;承认
例句 1。 I appreciate the subjectivity of art and literature and I think that we are free to tolerate; to criticize; and to accept various forms of art。 我欣赏艺术和文学的主观性,而且我认为我们可以自由地容忍、批评并接受各种形式的艺术。
2。 We should be aware of the fact that no one could tolerate our foolish behavior in society。 我们应该意识到这个事实:在这个社会中没有人能容忍我们的愚蠢行为。
同义 endure(v。 忍耐)
要点 tolerate和endure都有“忍耐”的意思:前者多强调“容忍,宽恕某件难以忍受的事情”,后者则更强调“持续”的含义,比如:This species endured the environmental changes。
trustworthy['tr?stw?:rei]a。 值得信赖的,可靠的
例句 We'd like to make friends with a humorous and easy…going person; but we should make sure if he or she is trustworthy。 我们喜欢和幽默且随和的人做朋友,但我们应该弄清楚这个人是否值得信赖。
unwilling[?n'wili?]a。 不情愿的
例句 Good managers know how to make full use of the employees' skills while poor ones stick on doing everything themselves and they are often unwilling to give any authority to others。 优秀的管理者了解应该如何充分利用员工的技能,而一个糟糕的管理者坚持事必躬亲,不愿意将权力赋予其他人。

abreast[?'brest]ad。 并列地,并排地
例句 1。 At that time; the pace of life was slower than it is now; hence people did not think that they had the need to keep themselves abreast of time or to know the affairs happening around them。 那时候,由于生活的节奏比现在要慢,因此人们并不认为他们需要赶上时代的步伐,或者是知道他们周遭发生的事情。
2。 Every child should know that it is dangerous to walk abreast on the street。 每个孩子都应该知道在街上并排走是十分危险的。
要点 abreast表示“并排”时,可以用短语side by side来替换。但这个单词也暗含“赶上…的节奏”的意味,这一点可以在短语keep abreast of中得到体现,也可以用catch up with来表达相同的含义。
absolute['?bs?lu:t]a。 完全的;绝对的;地道的
搭配 absolute zero 绝对零度;with absolute certainty 绝对肯定地
例句 For most of us; an environment of absolute quiet is suitable for study because the noise may distract us。 对于我们大多数人来说,完全安静的环境适合学习,因为噪音会让我们分心。
派生 absolutely(ad。 完全地;绝对地)
要点 absolute的副词形式absolutely在写作中十分常用,表示“绝对”的情况,比如:Although we can see the beautiful sceneries on TV; visiting these places in person is absolutely a good idea。
accordingly[?'k?:rdi?li]ad。 因此,所以,于是
例句 1。 Accordingly; it was our responsibility to take care of our parents since they had brougnt us up。 父母把我们抚养成人,因此我们有义务照顾他们。
2。 With the increasing number of automobiles that are put into use; the problems caused by the automobiles seem to be more and more serious accordingly。 由于投入使用的汽车数量不断上涨,其引发的问题似乎也因此变得越来越严重。
3。 He was tired out; accordingly; we sent him home。 他非常疲惫,因此我们把他送回了家。
additional[?'di??nl]a。 附加的,追加的;额外的
例句 1。 Some additional entertainment will make our life more colorful。 一些额外的娱乐活动能使我们的生活变得更加丰富多彩。
2。 They have arranged a guest speaker to give the students additional information about this question。 他们安排了一位特邀发言人来给学生们一些关于这个问题的附加信息。
3。 The reason that I disagree with the above statement is that the news on social…media websites provide some additional topics for friends and family to discuss。 我反对上述说法的原因是社交网站上的新闻可以提供一些额外的话题供朋友和家人之间讨论。
派生 additionally(ad。 额外地,附加地)
要点 additional的副词形式additionally意为“此外”,可以用在句子开头,后接需要补充的叙述。
alternative[?:l't?:rn?tiv]n。 供替代的选择 a。 可供替代的;供选择的;非传统的
搭配 alternative energy 替代能源
例句 1。 Unfortunately; the alternative to this option still can't provide a satisfactory solution。 不幸的是,这个替代的选择也没有提供一个令人满意的解决方案。
2。 There is no alternative method to achieve this goal。 要实现这个目标,没有其他的方式。
3。 The electric car is the best alternative to prevent the enviroment from pollution。 要使环境免受污染,电动汽车似乎是最好的替代品。
同义 option(n。 选择)
要点 alternative表示“非传统的”含义并不十分常用,但我们常说的风能、水能、太阳能等这类的“替代性能源”就是alternative energy。
apparent[?'p?r?nt]a。 显然的,明显的
例句 1。 For my hometown; it is apparent that solving the problem of air pollution is the first thing to do。 对于我的家乡,很显然解决空气污染问题是头等大事。
2。 I was taught that it is superficial to judge others according to their apparent fortune。 我被教导根据外在财富来评判他人是肤浅的。
3。 People of this country noticed the apparent changes in their daily life。 这个国家的人们注意到了他们日常生活出现的明显变化。
派生 apparently(ad。 明显地,显然地)
appropriate[?'proupri?t]a。 适当的[?'prouprieit]v。 占用,挪用
例句 1。 In my opinion; certain clothes are appropriate for certain situations; so it is rude to attend a ceremony in casual wear。 在我看来,特定的衣服适合特定的场合,所以穿着便装来出席仪式是十分粗鲁的。
2。 People not only travel within their own country; but also go abroad in order to find an appropriate place to live。 人们不但会在自己国内搬迁,也会到国外寻找一个适合的地方生活。
同义 suitable(a。 适当的);engross(v。 占用)
assume[?'su:m]v。 假定;承担;呈现
例句 1。 Most people assume that famous people are all wealthy; but sometimes it is not the fact。 许多人认为名人都是富有的,但有时这并不是事实。
2。 According to my opinion; a real leader is the person who makes decisions; shows initiative and assumes responsibility。 根据我的观点,一位真正的领导者是那个作决定的人,这个人会展现出主动精神并承担
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