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同义 tactics(n。 策略)
stressful['stresfl]a。 充满压力的
例句 Although the computer has become an indispensable part of our life; we cannot neglect the fact that it makes our life more complicated and stressful。 尽管计算机已经成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分,但是我们不能忽略这一事实——计算机让我们的生活变得更加复杂、压力也更大。
subsidiary[s?b'sidieri]n。 子公司 a。 次要的;辅助的
搭配 a subsidiary stream 支流;a subsidiary payment 补贴费
例句 1。 Just take my experience as an example; I am the manager of the marketing and business development department in my company and there are four subsidiary staffs in my department。 就以我自己的经历为例:我在我们公司负责市场和业务拓展部门,部门中有四名助理人员。
2。 It's reported that the profit of this corporation is basically made by the subsidiaries in the east…Asian countries。 据报道,该企业的利润主要是由东亚国家的子公司创造的。
subsidy['s?bs?di]n。 补助金,津贴
例句 To achieve that; we need money to help them until they can support themselves; that means we have to provide them with training courses; daily care for their children; and probably a monthly rent subsidy。 要实现这一点,我们需要资金来帮助他们,直到他们能够养活自己,这就意味着我们要为他们提供培训课程,为他们的子女提供日常看护,很可能每个月还要提供房租补助。
同义 allowance(n。 津贴)
要点 allowance和subsidy都有“津贴”的意思,但前者主要指“有范围,有额度的定量补贴”,subsidy则多指“由政府发放的补助金”。
supervise['su:p?rvaiz]v。 监督,管理;指导
例句 1。 Sometimes we have to tolerate the unfair criticisms from a supervisor as well as the hatred from those people we are supervising。 有时我们不得不忍受来自监督人不公正的批评,以及我们监督的人们对我们的怨恨。
2。 After looking at the progress from different aspects; I can say it has to be supervised。 从不同角度审视进程之后,我可以说这一进程必须得到监督。
同义 oversee(v。 监督)
要点 oversee和supervise都有“监督”的意思:前者多强调“审查”,比如:oversee the work(监督工作);后者则多强调“监督某种行为是否正确”的含义,比如:to be supervised by the government(在政府的监管下)。
supervisor['su:p?rvaiz?r]n。 监督者;管理人;指导者
例句 1。 The most important thing is that the good supervisor's behavior sets the standards for the employees。 最重要的是这位优秀监督者的言行为员工们设立了标准。
2。 A poor supervisor will be criticized that he or she failed to give any advice on how to improve。 一个差劲的监管人会因为无法给出任何关于如何改善的建议而受到批评。
undertake[??nd?r'teik]v。 承担;进行,从事
例句 1。 Sometimes the creative solutions come up just because a company is more likely to make risky decisions that are hard to undertake for an individual。 有时,一些有创造性的解决方法的出现只是因为公司更有可能作出冒险的决定,而这对于个人来说是很难承担的。
2。 The printer does not have the capability to undertake such a large publishing project。 这个印刷工没有能力承接如此大规模的印刷工程。
同义 engage(v。 从事)
要点 engage与undertake含义相近,也可以表示“从事”的意思,比如:engage in doing sth。。
vacant['veik?nt]a。 空的;闲置的
搭配 a vacant room 空房间
例句 1。 A company may lose a lot of revenue when some of its important positions are vacant for it has to seek a qualified person or take a lot of time to train new employees。 当一些重要的职位空缺时,一家公司也许会失去大量的收益,因为它不得不寻找称职的人选或者花费大量时间培训新员工。
2。 Whenever you go to the library; you will see diligent students studying there; and you'll find it is hard to find a vacant seat; especially in the examination period。 无论何时前往图书馆,你都会看到勤奋的学子在那里苦读,而且你会发现很难找到一个空座位,尤其是在考试期间。
workweek['w?:rkwi:k]n。 一星期工作时间
例句 The shortened workweek would increase profits of the company because employees would have better rest and feel more alert; therefore they would make fewer errors in their work。 缩短的周工作时间可以增加公司的利润,因为员工可以得到更好的休息并能保持更高的警惕,这样他们在工作中就会减少出错。

abnormal[?b'n?:rml]a。 反常的;变态的
搭配 abnormal behavior 变态行为
例句 1。 If you find your computer abnormal; call a computer expert to check it。 如果你发现你的电脑有点不正常,可以叫电脑行家来检查一下。
2。 The warm December in northern countries was abnormal。 北部国家12月份的温暖是不正常的。
同义 unusual(a。 不寻常的);exceptional(a。 异常的)
要点 unusual有“不寻常”的意思,多用于描述某一事物的“不平常”;exceptional表达的则是“异常的”,多强调“超常的,例外的”,比如:an exceptionally talented dancer(一名才华卓越的舞者)。
absurd[?b's?:rd]a。 可笑的,荒唐的
例句 The idea that only when people have earned a big sum of money can they be regarded as successful is not only unreasonable; unconvincing; or misleading; but also absurd and ridiculous for it has neglected the famous scientists; sociologists; and philosophers who make great contribution to our society。 只有当人们获得一大笔财富才能算是成功的说法不仅毫无道理、不足以让人信服或者有误导作用,而且还十分可笑而荒谬,因为这个说法忽视了那些为我们的社会作出贡献的著名科学家、社会学家和哲学家们。
同义 ridiculous(a。 荒唐的)
例句 For children whose parents are abusive to them; it is difficult to have a normal childhood; and it is possible that they may imitate their parents' behaviors when they grow up。 那些经常被父母辱骂的孩子很难拥有正常的童年,而且当他们长大成人之后,很有可能会模仿父母的行为。
要点 abusive一词源自abuse,有“虐待的;辱骂的”意思,如:abusive comments(侮辱性的言论)。
affection[?'fek?n]n。 喜爱,爱慕之情;影响
例句 1。 As we all know; many couples complain that their life is full of vapidity; and they repine that they cannot feel the affection existing anymore。 正如我们所知道的那样,很多夫妻都会抱怨生活中充满无趣,他们总是抱怨无法再感受到爱意的存在。
2。 The couple have developed a genuine affection between them。 这对夫妇彼此间产生了一种真正的互相爱慕的情怀。
同义 fondness(n。 喜爱);influence(n。 影响)
反义 antipathy(n。 反感)
要点 fondness和affection都有“喜爱”的意思,前者多强调“溺爱”或者一种“爱好”,后者则主要表示“爱慕之情”。
anxious['??k??s]a。 渴望的;担忧的,焦虑的
例句 1。 Some people get anxious about their pets for the cost of feeding them。 一些人因为饲养宠物所需的花费而感到焦虑。
2。 Every time when I encountered some difficulties; I felt anxious and asked myself when I could grow up and become an adult。 每当我遇到困难时,我就会感到焦虑,并会问自己何时才能长大,变成一个大人。
3。 Workers were a bit anxious about the convenience of the machines bought abroad at first。 工人们起初有点担忧购自国外的机器使用起来是否方便。
同义 eager(a。 渴望的);worried(a。 担忧的)
要点 anxious主要是指因某事而感到焦虑。
appreciate[?'pri:?ieit]v。 赏识;鉴赏;感激
例句 1。 It may not always be the music that other people are intent to hear or appreciate; but the art itself。 人们想要听的或者欣赏的也许并不是音乐,而是这种艺术本身。
2。 If I enter a small company; I think that the employer will appreciate me and give me more opportunities to utilize my abilities。 如果我进入一家小公司,我认为雇主会赏识我,并给我更多的机会来施展我的能力。
arbitrary['ɑ:rb?treri]a。 任意的;专断的;不理智的
搭配 a
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