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例句 1。 If all the water is polluted; people will face the deficiency of drinking water。 如果所有的水源都被污染,人们将面临缺乏饮用水的情况。
2。 Vitamin D deficiency will lead to serious diseases; for example bone diseases。 缺乏维生素D会导致严重的疾病,比如骨骼疾病。
同义 lack(n。 缺乏)
density['dens?ti]n。 浓度;密度
例句 1。 Exercise helps the bones build density and helps you maintain good health。 锻炼能帮助增强骨骼密度,并让你保持良好的健康状况。
2。 In big cities; since the population density is high; there are always various kinds of social activities; sports events and concerts。 在大城市,由于人口密度大,因此总是会有各种各样的社交活动、体育赛事以及音乐会。
deposit[di'pɑ:zit]v。 使沉淀;堆积 n。 堆积物;存款;寄存处,存放处
例句 1。 Excavations of the ancient tomb revealed deposits containing a huge number of pots and other antiques。 挖掘古墓时掘出包含大量罐子以及其他古董的存储间。
2。 It is not difficult to imagine how embarrassed you are if you do not have any deposit。 如果你一点存款都没有,不难想象那将是多么尴尬。
3。 The sediments have been deposited over a long period of time。 经过很长的一段时间,沉淀物已经堆积起来了。
同义 settle(v。 使沉淀);accumulate(v。 堆积);accumulation(n。 堆积物)
dimension[dai'men?n]n。 维;尺寸;方面;[常pl。]大小
例句 1。 The clothes are a crucial dimension that reveals people's mood and attitude every day。 着装是揭示人们每日的心情和态度的重要方面。
2。 The dimensions of the cosmos are so large that common units of distance cannot be used to measure it。 宇宙实在太大,以至于常用的距离单位无法用来衡量它的大小。
3。 Another dimension of relationship banking is to establish highly personalized relationships between the employees and the clients。 关系型银行的另一个方面就是在雇员和客户之间培养高度个人化的关系。
同义 aspect(n。 方面)
例句 1。 The inconsistency between the woman's expensive fur collar and the white cap which identifies her as service staff dissolved her image of aristocratic woman。 这个女人昂贵的皮毛领子和揭示了她服务人员身份的白帽子之间的不和谐感使她的贵妇形象毁于一旦。
2。 Local residents here believed that dancing and drumming played the role of tools that dissolve conflicts between people。 这里的本地居民相信,舞蹈和击鼓可以作为化解人们之间冲突的工具。
3。 Carbons and iron compounds were dissolved in kilns。 碳铁化合物是在窑炉中分解的。
同义 melt(v。 融化);liquefy(v。 溶解);eliminate(v。 消除)
diversity[dai'v?:rs?ti]n。 差异;多样性;不同点或不同方面
搭配 biological diversity 生物差异;species diversity 物种多样性
例句 1。 The academic articles still can be found in the library; and the variety of articles and topics reflects the great diversity of users' interests accurately。 这些学术文章仍然可以在图书馆中找到,而这些各种各样的文章和话题能够精确地反映出用户兴趣极大的多样性。
2。 It not only shows us the cultural diversity; but also helps us learn to appreciate different traditions and customs of people from different countries or regions。 这不但为我们展示了文化多样性,还帮助我们学会理解来自不同国家和地区人们的不同的传统和习俗。
3。 The first reason that I like large cities is the diversity of the people。 我喜欢大城市的首要原因是这里有千差万别的人们。
同义 variety(n。 多种多样)
ecological[?i:k?'lɑ:?ikl]a。 生态学的,生态的
搭配 ecological balance 生态平衡;ecological disaster 生态灾难
例句 1。 The ecological balance is damaged by serious pollution; causes many animals and plants to lose their habitats and finally become extinct。 生态平衡被严重污染所破坏,导致许多动植物失去了它们的栖息地,并最终走向灭绝。
2。 By enhancing this natural response in plants; researchers might someday abandon the use of chemical pesticides for they can cause serious ecological damage。 通过提高植物的自然反应,研究人员或许在某一天将摒弃化学杀虫剂的使用,因为杀虫剂会造成严重的生态破坏。
要点 ecological的副词形式ecologically也会经常用到,比如“对生态无害的”就可以说成ecologically friendly,如:Around the world; many companies have adopted ecologically friendly practices in production。
ecosystem['i:kousist?m]n。 生态系统
搭配 balanced ecosystem 平衡的生态系统
例句 1。 Everybody should bear this fact in mind: the removal of one plant from an ecosystem can cause many unforeseen changes; and sometimes may damage it irreversibly。 每个人都应该把这一事实牢记于心:从某个生态系统中除去某种植物会造成许多无法预见的改变,有时会对生态系统造成不可逆转的破坏。
2。 The lecturer objects to the measure of using an infectious virus for a virus intended to eliminate the whole cane toad population of this country could be transmitted to other places where cane toads are an essential part of the ecosystem。 讲师反对使用传染性病毒的措施,因为这种将会消灭这个国家所有蔗蟾蜍的病毒会被传递到其他地方,而在那些地方,蔗蟾蜍是其生态系统中的一个重要部分。
element['elim?nt]n。 元素,要素
例句 1。 He may be a master of painting light and shadow; but in this painting these elements do not go with each other。 他也许是绘画光与影的大师,然而在这幅作品中,这些元素相互搭配得并不和谐。
2。 On a larger scale; car production is possibly the most significant element of this country's industry。 从更大程度上来说,汽车生产可能是这个国家产工业中最重要的元素。
同义 component(n。 成分;组件)
要点 element和component都有“元素,成分”的含义,但两者最大的区别在于element指“事物的组成部分”,主要是抽象的事物,如:Health is an important element of our life。 而component除了可以表示抽象事物的组成部分以外,多指“机器的组件”,比如:It is a key component of this machine。
emission[i'mi?n]n。 散发(物);发射;排放
搭配 zero…emission 零排放,无污染
例句 Although many cities require installing catalytic converters and other controls on motor vehicles to restrict the emission of pollutants; the great number of many thousands of motor vehicles awaiting the installation is also a problem to the government。 尽管许多城市要求在机动车上安装催化转换器以及其他控制装置以减少尾气排放,但等待安装的机动车有数千辆,这一庞大的数目仍然是政府的一个难题。
enrich[in'ri?]v。 使充实;使肥沃;使富裕
例句 1。 The decomposition of wood and other plants is a natural process that enriches the soil and makes it more suitable for the future growth of trees。 木材和其他植物的腐烂是一个自然的过程,这个过程会使土壤变得更加肥沃,并且更适合今后树木的种植。
2。 By changing life style constantly; people can enrich their knowledge and broaden their horizon。 通过不断地改变生活方式,人们可以扩充知识并开阔眼界。
3。 Some older people may like classic movies and books that can remind them of the past; and they think these movies and books can enrich people's spiritual life obviously。 许多年长的人喜欢那些能让他们想起旧时光的经典电影和图书,而且他们认为这些电影和书显然能够充实人们的精神生活。
同义 fertilize(v。 使肥沃)
evergreen['ev?rgri:n]a。 常绿的 n。 常绿树;常绿植物
搭配 evergreen trees 常青树
例句 In the 1950s; a kind of evergreen tree which was once very common in this area started to die out。 在20世纪50年代,一种在这个地区曾经十分常见的常青树开始灭绝。
evolve[i'vɑ:lv]v。 发展;(使)进化;使逐渐形成
例句 1。 Through their hard work and continuous endeavor; the world evolves more rapidly than ever。 由于他们的辛勤工作和不断的努力,世界正以比以往更快的速度发展。
2。 Some scientist
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