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搭配 double confirm 再次确认
例句 1。 I think that playing mental games is worthwhile no matter whether you win or lose since you could get rid of tiredness and exhaustion and you'll confirm your confidence as a learning…capable person。 我认为不管是输是赢,玩益智游戏都是值得的,因为这可以帮助你摆脱劳累和疲惫,而且你会因为自己的学习能力而信心倍增。
2。 It's better to confirm with all your colleagues before a meeting。 在会议之前,最好与所有的同事都确认一下。
同义 verify(v。 证实);strengthen(v。 使巩固);approve(v。 批准)
congestion[k?n'?es??n]n。 拥挤,拥塞;充血
例句 1。 I am worrying about the problems of traffic congestion and parking of this city。 我担忧这个城市的交通拥堵和停车问题。
2。 On the negative side; the widespread use of automobiles results in more and more private cars; and exacerbates the congestion problems。 消极的一面是汽车的广泛使用造成了私家车数量的增加,并且加剧了交通拥堵的问题。
同类 交通相关词汇:transit 运输;highway 公路;passenger 乘客;platform 站台;terminus 终点站。
要点 表示“交通阻塞”,除了traffic congestion以外,还有一个常用的短语:traffic jam,着重指行驶缓慢的状况。
conscientious[?kɑ:n?i'en??s]a。 诚实的;尽责的;谨慎的
例句 1。 If you are a conscientious football player; you will definitely learn to grasp the skills of this game because it will help you play better than ever。 如果你是一名认真的足球运动员,那么你一定会掌握这项运动的技巧,因为这将帮助你有更好的表现。
2。 When doing new work; and others are more efficient than you; it is certainly that you'll find difficulty catching up with them at the beginning; but if you are a conscientious worker; you'll become more and more skilled。 当你在做一项新工作,而其他人的效率都比你高时,一开始你肯定会发现很难赶上他们。但如果你是一名尽责的员工,你就会变得越来越熟练。
要点 在表示“认真”时,conscientious可以与serious或earnest互换,但conscientious更偏重表示“尽职尽责”。
consensus[k?n'sens?s]n。 共识,一致同意;舆论
搭配 reach a consensus 达成共识
例句 1。 The project took the group members so long to reach a consensus。 这个项目让成员们花了很长时间才达成共识。
2。 It seems we have reached a consensus that the commodity price must be controlled by the government。 看来我们达成了共识,政府必须控制物价。
contemplate['kɑ:nt?mpleit]v。 盘算;思量;注视
例句 1。 If all the factors are contemplated; I think that the advantages of buying a car will carry more weight than going on vacation。 如果考虑到所有因素,我认为买一辆车的好处要比去度假的好处多。
2。 I am contemplating a visit to Turkey during this vacation。 我正盘算着这个假期去土耳其旅游。
要点 contemplate常用来表示“冥思苦想,深思熟虑地思考”。
convince[k?n'vins]v。 使确信;说服
例句 1。 I am convinced that reading and writing are extremely more important today than in the past。 我坚信与过去相比,现在读写变得极其重要。
2。 The influencer convinced the group members that their plan was“highly creative”and hard to carry out。 影响者说服组员,他们这个计划太过“创新”,而且很难执行。
3。 People are becoming increasingly convinced of the importance of preserving and protecting the environment。 人们越来越坚信保护环境的重要性。
要点 convince指用事实或道理排除他人对某事的怀疑,使其深信事件的正确性。persuade是“劝说,说服”的意思,指利用明显的理由说服某人做某事,即:persuade sb。 into doing sth。。
cooperate[kou'ɑ:p?reit]v。 与他人合作,配合
搭配 cooperate with sb。 与某人合作
例句 1。 If the weather cooperates; it's enjoyable to read a book outside on a bench or go swimming with a friend。 如果天气适宜,在户外的长凳上看书,或与朋友一起去游泳是令人愉悦的。
2。 Attending college gives students an opportunity to live with other students and learn how to cooperate with others。 上大学给学生们提供一个机会可以与其他学生生活在一起,并学会如何与其他人合作。
3。 They have to cooperate with each other and solve a lot of problems together。 他们必须相互合作,共同解决许多问题。
要点 cooperate的名词派生词cooperation也比较常用,比如:Sports are not an individual activity; it needs the cooperation of the players。
corporate['k?:rp?r?t]a。 法人的,公司的;共同的
搭配 corporate culture 企业文化;corporate image 企业形象
例句 1。 A corporate identity is the image of a corporation which is designed to facilitate the attainment of business objectives。 企业形象是一家企业留给人们的印象,这一印象能促进业务目标的实现。
2。 She used to be a teacher; but now she is a corporate statistician。 她过去是一名老师,不过现在是一名公司统计员。
同义 incorporated(a。 组成法人组织的)
corporation[?k?:rp?'rei?n]n。 公司,企业;社团
例句 Factories and corporations need to employ workers who can read the instructions and manipulate the machines。 工厂和公司需要雇用能够读懂操作说明并操作机器的工人。
要点 在写作中,千万不要将corporation与拼写相近的cooperation混淆。
搭配 guidance counselor 咨询顾问;school counselor 学校辅导员
例句 1。 For senior students; the counselor should ask them about their career planning。 对于高年级学生,顾问应该询问他们的职业规划。
2。 The school counselor should talk to the students about the difficulties they meet in their study。 学校辅导员应该和学生谈谈他们在学习中遇到的困难。
crew[kru:]n。 全体船员;工作人员
例句 The mission for the crew is almost finished。 这组工作人员已基本完成他们的使命。
deadline['dedlain]n。 最后期限,截止时间
搭配 meet the deadline 赶上最后期限;按期完成
例句 I'm not willing to lend money to my friends because it's awkward to ask for a deadline for the repayment。 我不愿意借钱给我的朋友,因为对他们要求一个最后的还款期限不太合适。
demerit[di:'merit]n。 过失;缺点,短处
例句 Parents give us life; so they know our merits and demerits; and they will help us get rid of our flaws。 父母给了我们生命,所以他们知道我们的优点和缺点,还会帮助我们改掉不足之处。
deserve[di'z?:rv]v。 应得,值得
例句 The man deserves the grade he received for his contributions to the company。 由于对公司所作的贡献,他获得的成绩都是应得的。
同义 merit(v。 值得)
要点 be deserving of十分常用,与deserve含义相同,如:He deserves death。与He is deserving of death。表达的意思是一样的。另外,短语be entitled to“有…的资格”的含义也与deserve相近,在写作中可以替换使用。
dismiss[dis'mis]v。 不再考虑;解雇;驳回
例句 The new…employed worker is dismissed because he lied on his resume。 新来的员工因在简历中造假而被解雇了。
要点 当dismiss作“解雇”讲时,可以用fire来替换,后者更口语化。
dispatch[di'sp??]n。/v。 分派,派遣;发送
例句 1。 When storms come; an experienced civil engineer can quickly know which parts of the city have the danger of being flooded; and dispatch his crew to those areas to prevent the disaster。 当暴风雨来临时,有经验的土木工程师能迅速知道城市的哪些地区会有被水淹的危险,并派遣他的队员前往这些地区以阻止灾难的发生。
2。 The post office will dispatch these letters within one day。 邮局将在一天之内把这些信件发送出去。
要点 dispatch常指为特殊原因或执行特殊任务而迅速地派遣使者或部队,而表示派遣代表团则多用send。
effective[i'fektiv]a。 有效的,生效的;给人深刻印象的
搭配 effective measures 有效措施;an effective remedy 有效药物
例句 1。 Food prices will be reduced as soon as the farmers discover more effective means to produce food。 一旦农民发现更有效的粮食生产方法,食物价格就会下降。
2。 Making continuous progre
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