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同义 obtain; gain(v。 获得,取得)
acute[?'kju:t]a。 极度的;激烈的;敏锐的
搭配 suffer from acute pain 疼得厉害
例句  It is urgent to solve the acute problem of air pollution in the city。 城市空气污染这一严重的问题亟待解决。
同义 intense(a。 激烈的);keen(a。 敏锐的)
adaptability[??d?pt?'bil?ti]n。 适应性
例句 1。 In my opinion; the changes of environment can improve one's adaptability。 在我看来,环境变化可以提高人们的适应能力。
2。 The senior people's adaptability to new technologies and new ideas should be studied in…depth these days。 时至今日,老年人对新技术和新理念的适应性应该被深入研究。
adaptive[?'d?ptiv]a。 适合的;有适应性的
搭配 adaptive behavior 适应行为
例句 1。 They point out that the longer you maintain your good habits; the more adaptive you are and you may live comfortably。 他们指出,你将自己的好习惯保持的时间越长,你的适应性就会越强,你就会活得很舒适。
2。 She wasn't quite an adaptive girl so she began to miss her home immediately when she returned to school。 她不是一个适应性强的女孩,因此在返校后没多久她就开始想家了。
addition[?'di?n]a。 加,加法;增加的人(或物)
搭配 in addition to 除…之外;in addition 另外,加之
例句 1。 In addition; when students are studying abroad; they will contact and make friends with students who come from different countries and cultures。 另外,当学生们出国留学的时候,他们就会和来自不同国家、不同文化的学生接触并成为朋友。
2。 The most valuable memory of my trip is the photos that I took; so in addition to personal necessities; I strongly recommend that you take a camera。 我旅程中最重要的回忆就是我拍的照片,因此除了私人必需品以外,我强烈建议你带一台照相机。
派生 additional(a。 附加的,外加的)
algebra['?l?ibr?]n。 代数,代数学
例句 1。 I think everyone should have the ability to discern right from wrong; it's much more important than understanding how to split atoms or solve algebra problems。 我认为一个人要有分辨是非的能力,这比明白原子如何分裂或解决代数问题重要得多。
2。 I got an A in my algebra and my parents promised to buy a set of Agatha Christie books for me。 我的代数得了优,因此我父母答应给我买一套阿加莎·克里斯蒂的小说。
同类 与学科有关的词:geometry 几何;architecture 建筑;law 法律;philosophy 哲学;immunology 免疫学;accounting 会计学;nursing 护理学。
annotation[?n?'tei?n]n。 注释,注解
例句 She's such a studious girl that the margins of her textbook are full of neat annotations。 她是个十分勤奋的姑娘,她的教科书页边空白处写满了整洁的注释。
派生 annotate(v。 评注,注解)
archaeology[?ɑ:rki'ɑ:l??i]n。 考古学
例句 1。 The increasing job opportunities in archaeology have increased the number of professional archaeologists in Britain。 考古学领域不断增长的工作机会,使得英国的专业考古学家人数也随之上涨。
2。 I knew nothing about archaeology so when I met an eminent archaeologist who's crazy about the Egyptian tombs; I became completely speechless。 我对考古学一无所知,因此当我遇到一位疯狂爱好埃及陵墓的杰出考古学家时,我完全搭不上话。
派生 archaeological(a。 考古学的)
assess[?'ses]v。 估价;评定
例句 1。 In modern society; grades nearly play the most important role in assessing students' academic ability。 在现代社会,成绩在评定学生的学术能力方面几乎起着最重要的作用。
2。 Aside from examinations; there are also other metrics used to assess students' abilities。 除了考试以外,还有许多别的标准来评价学生的能力。
attain[?'tein]v。 达到;获得
例句 1。 The first and foremost reason for my support is that all students should have the same opportunity to attain a chance of further study。 我持支持态度的首要原因是所有学生都应该有同等的深造机会。
2。 It is obvious that library is the ideal place for people to attain knowledge。 很明显,图书馆是人们获取知识的理想地方。
3。 Trees planted last year grow rapidly and can attain heights of up to 90 feet。 去年种下的树生长得很快,可达90英尺高。
要点 attain和achieve都有“获得”之意,但attain指经过努力获得未曾预料到的结果,achieve则是指获得成就或实现目标。
attention[?'ten?n]n。 注意,留心;立正
搭配 pay attention to 注意
例句 1。 I have learned that it is much better to focus my attention to do one thing well but not keep on trying anything new。 我已经了解到最好要集中自己的注意力去做好一件事情,而不是不断尝试新的事情。
2。 I don't think we should pay more attention to these things。 我认为我们不应该更多关注这些事。
audition[?:'di?n]n。/v。 旁听;试演
例句 The goal at an audition or interview is to find the proper one。 试演或面试的目的都是为了找到合适的人选。
同义 rehearsal(n。 旁听;试演)
auditorium[??:di't?:ri?m]n。 礼堂;观众席
例句 If you watch the show on TV; you cannot feel the atmosphere in the auditorium; which makes the audiences feel excited。 如果你在电视上看演出的话,你就无法感受礼堂里那种使观众感觉兴奋的气氛。
同义 hall(n。 礼堂)
例句 1。 As far as I am concerned; I quite agree that bilingual education should start as early as possible。 就我而言,我完全同意双语教育应该尽早开始。
2。 There is no denying that it is important to be bilingual or even multilingual in this fast…paced world。 不可否认的是,在当今这个快节奏的社会中,掌握两种或两种以上的语言十分重要。
brochure[brou'?ur]n。 小册子;说明书
例句 1。 The school has improved the relevant service network and given away brochures and other materials of the introduction of the school。 学校完善了相关的服务网络,并分发了介绍学校的小册子和其他资料。
2。 Whenever I want to go on vacation; I consult Lonely Planet; and collect some travel brochures to gather useful information。 每当我想要去度假的时候,我都会参考《寂寞星球》旅游指南,并搜集一些旅行手册来搜索有用的信息。
同义 pamphlet; booklet(n。 小册子)
buddy['b?di]n。 密友,伙伴
搭配 buddy system 结伴制
例句 1。 Do not hide behind anybody for you are buddy of your roommates。 不要躲到后面,因为室友们都是你的伙伴。
2。 We'll adopt a buddy system throughout the ride。 我们将在整个驾车过程中实行“一帮一”制度。
同义 companion(n。 密友,伙伴)
cafeteria[?k?f?'tiri?]n。 自助餐厅,自助食堂
例句 1。 If I were the tour guide; I would show the visitors around the school; including the classrooms; gym; computer lab; music classroom; and cafeteria。 如果我是导游,我会带游客们参观校园,包括教室、体育馆、机房、音乐教室和餐厅。
2。 In this perfect cafeteria; you can get whatever you like; for example curry; spicy food; Japanese or Italian food—just everything you may think of。 在这家非常棒的餐厅里,你想吃的食物应有尽有,比如咖喱、辛辣食物、日式料理或意大利菜——你能想得到的任何东西。
同义 café(n。 自助餐厅)
catalog['k?t?l?:g]n。 目录;系列 v。 编目录
例句 1。 You needn't have to spend hours poring over card catalogs in the library or looking at the shelves if you retrieve the information online in advance。 如果你提前在网上检索好信息,你就不用花很长时间在图书馆里研读卡片目录或浏览一排排书架了。
2。 The reason why the painting was removed from the official catalog is still unknown。 将这幅画从官方名录上移除的原因目前仍未知晓。
celebrity[s?'lebr?ti]n。 名声;知名人士
例句 1。 The celebrities' words and behaviors have significant effect on people; especially the children。 名人的言行举止对人们的影响极大,尤其是对小孩子。
2。 A celebrity's good fame and credibility may be ruined before he or she can prove that the rumors are not true。 
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