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同义 oven(n。 炉;烤箱);kiln(n。 窑;炉)
garbage['gɑ:rbi?]v。 垃圾;垃圾箱;废物
例句 1。 If a product is beautiful but not able to perform its function; it can only be seen as a decoration; or even a piece of garbage。 如果一件产品很漂亮却无法发挥其功能的话,它只能被视为装饰品,甚至是一件垃圾。
2。 The local government planned to clean up all the garbage in the area。 当地政府计划清理这一地区的所有垃圾。
gasoline['g?s?li:n]n。 汽油
例句 1。 They can't meet our requirement of oil and gasoline。 他们无法满足我们对石油和汽油的需求。
2。 With a car; the travel time is minimal and we only need to consider the cost of gasoline。 如果有辆车,路途花费的时间将会降到最低,而且我们只需考虑汽油的价格。
3。 In 1982; Henry Ford constructed a one…cylinder gasoline motor。 亨利·福特于1982年制造了一辆单缸汽车。
gossip['gɑ:sip]n。 闲话;爱说长道短的人 v。 说长道短
例句 1。 A good co…worker is a sympathetic listener who will never gossip about others。 一个好的帮手应是一位有同情心的倾听者,永远不会对别人说长道短。
2。 For the gossips; you can face them or ignore them。 对于那些流言蜚语,你可以面对或无视。
grocery['grous?ri]n。 杂货店;杂货
例句 When driving to do some shopping; one can pick up more groceries than before because he can put them in the car trunk instead of carrying them by hand。 当开车去购物时,与以前相比,人们也许会买更多东西,因为可以把这些东西放在后备箱里,而不用拿在手里。
groom[gru:m]v。(给…)梳理毛发;培养;使做好准备 n。 新郎;马夫
例句 1。 In this country; wheat bread is always used on celebrations and big events; so there is no wedding without a big round bread for the bride and groom。 在这个国家,小麦面包经常在庆祝仪式或大事件中出现,因此在每场婚礼中都要给新郎新娘一个大圆面包。
2。 Mother chimpanzees care for and groom their young。 黑猩猩母亲照顾子女,并为它们梳理毛发。
handicap['h?ndik?p]n。(身体或智力方面的)缺陷;障碍 v。 妨碍;使不利
例句 1。 Today; a person who can't read is considered as severely handicapped。 如今,一个不认字的人会被认为有严重缺陷。
2。 Recently; there have been more handicapped characters in many films; and that helps reduce prejudice。 最近,许多电影中都出现了更多有残疾的角色,这可以帮助减少人们的偏见。
3。 A bad mass transportation system would be a handicap that limits the development of a city。 一个糟糕的公共交通系统会成为限制这个城市发展的障碍。
harness['hɑ:rnis]n。 马具 v。 利用…产生动力;给(马等)上挽具
例句 1。 Too often; people feel harnessed to their work to pay the bills or keep up with others; neglecting the fun and joy in life。 太多的时候,人们感觉自己被工作套牢,以支付账单或赶上他人,却忽视了生活中的情趣。
2。 The waterwheel is a mechanism designed to harness energy generated by water instead of animals。 水车是一种机械装置,利用水产生的能源,而不是动物。
impression[im'pre?n]n。 印象;印记;压痕
例句 1。 Generally speaking; it needs time to judge a person and the first…sight impression is not always dependable。 总的来说,判断一个人需要时间,而且第一印象并不永远都可靠。
2。 The plots of the fiction make a more lasting impression on my mind。 这部小说的情节在我脑海里留下了更加持久的印象。
infancy['inf?nsi]n。 婴儿;幼年;(发展或生长的)初期
搭配 in one's infancy 处于初创期;在摇篮时代
例句 1。 At that time; Politics; Drama; Physics and a number of other subjects were in their infancy; and they were strictly examined。 在那时,政治、戏剧、物理以及很多其他科目仍处在发展初期,受到了严格的检验。
2。 In Earth's infancy; its surface temperature was high enough for life。 在地球形成初期,其地表温度对生命来说足够温暖。
infant['inf?nt]n。 婴儿,幼儿 a。 婴儿的;初期的
例句 Without this progress; the infant mortality would increase sharply。 如果没有这项工程,婴儿的死亡率将会急剧增加。
ingredient[in'gri:di?nt]n。 成分,要素;(烹调的)原料;组成部分
例句 1。 Like many people; I tend to cook at home because it allows me to have more control over the ingredients。 和许多人一样,我也倾向于在家做饭,因为这样可以更好地控制食材。
2。 If you spend time reading the ingredients; you would definitely come across words like preservatives or artificial flavorings。 如果你花时间看成分表,你一定会看到“防腐剂”或是“人工添加剂”这类的词语。
3。 Perseverance is one of the essential ingredients for success。 坚持不懈是成功的必备要素之一。
要点 在写作中,可以用It is the。。。ingredient for。。。 这个句型来表达“这是…的要素”,在这个句型中,也可以用factor来替换ingredient。
inhabit[in'h?bit]v。 居住于,栖居于;占据
例句 1。 The lecturer said that some insects and birds that inhabit the trees are beneficial for the growth of the trees。 讲师称,一些栖息在树上的昆虫和鸟类对树木的生长是有益的。
2。 The archaeological proofs indicate that Native Americans first inhabited the area。 考古学证据显示,美洲土著人最初在这个区域居住。
intensive[in'tensiv]a。 密集的;彻底的;集约的
搭配 intensive care 重病特别护理
例句 1。 There are a lot of ways to study; such as attending classes; discussion; and so on; but the field trip is a more direct and intensive way。 有许多学习的方法,比如上课和讨论等等,但实地考察是更直接也更彻底的方法。
2。 Games that require intensive thinking help develop logical and analytical ability。 需要进行集中思考的游戏能帮助发展逻辑能力和分析能力。
intoxication[in?tɑ:ksi'kei?n]n。 中毒;醉酒;极度兴奋
搭配 water intoxication 水中毒
例句 1。 You may fall into indescribable intoxication when you listen to a favorite piece of music。 当你欣赏一首心爱的乐曲时,可能会陷入无法形容的兴奋状态。
2。 At a depth of five atmospheres; nitrogen causes symptoms just like alcohol intoxication。 在压力等于五个大气压的深度,氮会引起类似醉酒的症状。
lawn[l?:n]n。 草地,草坪;操场
例句 1。 For instance; a good neighbor is someone who understands that your children may occasionally run across his lawn although you have told them not to。 举例来说,好邻居能理解你的孩子偶尔会跑过他家草坪——即使你已经告诉孩子们不要这样。
2。 If you don't mow your lawn; it will look like a tropical forest。 如果你不割草,你的草坪看上去就会像是热带森林。
同义 grassplot(n。 草地)
leftover['leftouv?r]n。[常pl。]残留物;吃剩的食物 a。 剩余的
例句 The pots could be used to hold the leftovers from the meals of the workers。 这些锅可能被用来盛放工人们吃剩的食物。
longevity[l?:n'?ev?ti]n。 长寿;寿命
搭配 longevity of …的寿命
例句 1。 The improvement of medical care is a factor in longevity。 医疗保健的提升是长寿的一个因素。
2。 A balanced diet; enough sleep as well as a positive attitude towards everything contribute to longevity。 均衡的膳食、充足的睡眠以及对万事积极的态度有助于人长寿。
lush[l??]a。 茂盛的 n。 酒鬼
例句 1。 The scenery of Ireland is so beautiful and its abundant rainfall makes everything there looks very green and lush。 爱尔兰的风景十分美丽,那里充沛的雨量使一切看起来都绿意盎然。
2。 If someone is described as a lush; it means that they drink too much alcohol。 如果一个人被称做酒鬼,这说明他饮酒过量。
同义 flourishing(a。 茂盛的)
luxurious[l?g'?uri?s]a。 奢侈的;极舒适的;放纵的
例句 1。 The coat she is wearing has a luxurious fur collar that no servant could afford。 她穿的外衣有着奢华的皮毛领,不是一般的佣人可以负担得起的。
2。 Sure; it is everybody's dream to live in a luxurious house with spacious rooms; private swimming pools and servants。 的确,每个人都梦想住进有着宽敞的门厅、私人
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