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refute[ri'fju:t]v。 反驳,驳斥
例句 1。 The lecturer refutes the point in the reading—the consumers tend to choose cheap products even though they have no certification。 讲师反驳了阅读文章中的观点——消费者倾向于选择便宜的产品,即使这些产品没有经过认证。
2。 One of the best methods to refute a point is to cite examples from your own experiences。 驳斥某个观点最好的办法之一就是从自己的亲身经历中举例。
reservation[?rez?r'vei?n]n。 预订;保留;(印第安部落)居留地
搭配 make a reservation 预订;without reservation 无条件的,毫无保留的
例句 I agree with the statement without reservation because children can handle a second language quicker than adults。 我无条件认同这个观点,因为孩子在学习一门第二外语的时候会比成年人更快一些。
例句 1。 Fuel…cell engines utilize easily available and renewable resources; which makes them particularly attractive。 燃料电池发动机使用容易获得的可再生能源的特点使它们极富吸引力。
2。 In contrast; their resources were accrued from learning; feeling; progressing; and the communication with other people。 与此相反,他们的资源是通过学习、体会、进步以及与他人交流而积累的。
retreat[ri'tri:t]v。 撤退;退缩 n。 撤退;隐退处;休息寓所
例句 1。 The Summer Palace is a royal retreat located on the bank of a large lake where visitors can walk along and find a concrete ship docked at the far end of the walk。 颐和园是一座位于一个大湖岸边的皇家寓所,游人可以沿着湖边散步,在路的尽头可以看到一艘石舫停靠在码头。
2。 The tribe had to give up their lands and retreat to Canada。 部落不得不放弃他们的土地,撤退到了加拿大。
同义 retire(v。 撤退)
要点 retire和retreat都有“撤退”的意思,但前者多用于表示“退休”,后者则指军队等的“撤退”或“隐退”。
revolution[?rev?'lu:?n]n。 革命;旋转
例句 It is clear that the ability of reading and writing is necessary in order to participate in this technological revolution。 显然,要参加这场技术革命,具备读写能力是必要的。
sacrifice['s?krifais]n。 牺牲;献祭;祭品 v。 牺牲;祭神
搭配 sacrifice for/to 牺牲
例句 1。 I don't see any useful purpose to sacrifice the animals' health and freedom to build a zoo in a city except for people's entertainment。 我看不到牺牲动物的健康和自由,在城市中建造动物园有任何有用的目的,这只是为了人们的娱乐而已。
2。 In my case; for instance; I find that my pressures from work are so excessive that I must often sacrifice time at home to meet the challenges of finishing my tasks。 以我的经历为例,来自工作中的压力如此巨大,以至于我必须经常牺牲在家的时间才能战胜挑战,完成任务。
statement['steitm?nt]n。 陈述,声明;报表
例句 I totally agree with the statement that modern technology is creating a single world culture。 我完全赞同这个说法:现代科技创造了单一的世界文化。
substantiate[s?b'st?n?ieit]v。 用事实支持(某主张、说法等),证实
例句 1。 The purpose of my article is to provide sufficient evidence; details and examples from various perspectives to substantiate the view that the significance of protecting the environment is great。 我的文章的目的是从各种不同的角度提供充分的证据、细节以及事例来证明保护环境具有重大的意义。
2。 The hypothesis was substantiated soon by the following discovery。 这个假设很快被随后的发现证实了。
同义 verify(v。 核实)
要点 substantiate和verify都有“核实”的意思,但前者更强调“用事实说明”或者“通过实践证明”,比如:The fact will substantiate this statement。 后者则多强调“核实某个事实,查证”,多用于表示核实某一信息的真实性,比如:I verified the source of this message。
successive[s?k'sesiv]a。 接替的,继承的;连续的
搭配 successive generation 连续世代
例句 1。 For instance; when a graduate is confronted with the choice of jobs after leaving the campus; the first decision is very important for the career and life because an inapposite choice could bring successive problems。 举例来说,当一名毕业生离开校园,面对工作的选择时,第一个决定会对日后的事业和生活十分重要,因为不适合的选择会招致接二连三的问题。
2。 The team has won five successive games。 这个队已经连续赢得五场比赛。
同义 consecutive(a。 连贯的);subsequent(a。 随后的)
supply[s?'plai]n。 供应(量);存货;必需品 v。 供给
搭配 supply sth。 to sb。 给某人提供某物
例句 1。 One of the main crops of this area was grain maize; which could be stored for long periods of time and serve as a long…lasting supply of food。 这一地区的主要作物之一是玉米,它可以储存很长时间,并且可以作为长期的食物供应。
2。 Although water is available at the relay stations; it is helpful to have an additional supply。 虽然中转站也提供水,但是多带一些水会对你有帮助。
territory['ter?t?:ri]n。 领土;领域,范围
搭配 defend territory 捍卫领土
例句 On the territory of my country; there are many places with good climate and soil where wheat and other grain products grow abundantly; and people choose wheat as their staple food。 在我国的领土上,有许多气候宜人、土地肥沃的地方,盛产麦子和其他谷物,人们选择麦子作为他们的主食。
同义 domain(n。 领域)
要点 territory和domain都有“领域”的意思:前者多强调国家或地区“领土”,后者则多强调“领域”的含义,比如:the experts in the domain of art(艺术领域的专家们)。
thrive[θraiv]v。 茂盛;茁壮成长;兴旺
例句 Fungi thrive in a wide range of environments。 真菌可以在许多种不同的环境中茁壮成长。
同义 flourish(v。 繁荣)
trigger['trig?r]v。 引发,导致 n。 扳机
搭配 trigger a war 引发一场战争
例句 1。 For many people; they feel that the“exercise”of the mind by playing certain games can promote intelligence in an individual; because these games trigger the mind to think and question constantly。 对于许多人来说,他们感觉通过一些特定的游戏而实现的头脑“锻炼”可以提高一个人的智力,因为这些游戏会激发大脑不断去思考和质疑。
2。 In the development of a healthy body; outdoor games are as important as physical activities that trigger the body's metabolism to burn excess fat and calories。 在塑造身体健康方面,户外运动与能够激发身体新陈代谢并燃烧多余脂肪和卡路里的体育活动一样重要。
3。 Pheromones are chemical signals that trigger behavioral responses。 信息素是引发行为反应的化学信号。
turbulent['t?:rbj?l?nt]a。 动乱的;狂暴的;汹涌的
例句 When we visited the ancient meeting sites; we felt like that we were back to that turbulent and exciting time。 当我们参观古老的集会地点时,感觉仿佛回到了那个动荡而令人激动的年代。
同义 disorderly(a。 无秩序的);violent(a。 暴力的)
要点 与turbulent含义相近,violent也可以表示“狂暴的”,比如:a violent impact“剧烈的冲击”。
unanimous[ju'n?nim?s]a。 全体一致的,一致同意的
例句 1。 According to the survey; not all the students are unanimous with the statement that teachers should assign homework every day。 根据问卷调查的结果,不是所有的学生都一致同意老师每天都应该布置作业的说法。
2。 This plan got a unanimous consent among the group members。 这个计划在组员中得到了一致的同意。
undergo[??nd?r'gou]v。 经历;遭受
例句 1。 Without these components in the engine; the hydrogen doesn't undergo the chemical reaction that produces electricity to power the machine。 如果发动机中没有这些组件,氢气就无法发生化学反应来发电,这样机器便无法运转。
2。 All forms of art were undergoing a revolution at that period。 在那个时期,所有的艺术形式都在经历一场革命。
violate['vai?leit]v。 违反;亵渎;侵犯;打破(平静)
例句 1。 Getting up late and going to bed late violates the human biology
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