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同义 local(a。 地方性的)
要点 municipal和local虽然都有“地方性的”的含义,但两者存在一定的区别:municipal多指“市政的”,如:municipal engineering(市政工程);local则多用来表达“当地的”含义,如:local time(当地时间)。
obligation[?ɑ:bli'gei?n]n。 责任;债务;欠的人情
例句 The young people have the obligation to show the elderly how to use computers for that everybody in this society has the right to enjoy the advanced technologies。 年轻人有义务向老一辈演示如何使用计算机,因为在这个社会中的每个人都有权利享受先进的技术。
oppose[?'pouz]v。 反对;对抗
例句 1。 For me; I totally oppose to give them so much money as salary per year for it is unfair to other employees。 对我而言,我完全反对每年付给他们这么多钱作为薪水,因为这对其他员工是不公平的。
2。 There are people who take risks both in dangerous sports and business; but running a risk with one's own life as opposed to the money is less understood by others。 一些人会在危险的运动或商业活动中冒险,但以个人的生命而不是财富去冒险的举动很少能被他人所理解。
3。 Politicians rarely opposed the government's generous support to business owners。 政客们很少反对政府对企业家的慷慨支持。
同义 object(v。 反对);resist(v。 抵抗)
要点 object和resist在表达“反对”的意思时隐含的意义略有不同:object多有“拒绝”的含义;而resist则偏重指“抵抗”,如:resist the temptation(抵制诱惑)。
overcharge[?ouv?r'?ɑ:r?]v。 索价过高;使过量装填;夸张 n。 过高的要价;超载
例句 There are some car mechanics who think that if someone doesn't know much about cars; maybe they can try to overcharge him or her。 一些汽车修理工认为,如果一个人对车不是十分了解,或许就可以试图多收他/她的钱。
perspective[p?r'spektiv]n。 展望;观点;角度;透视图
搭配 perspective glass 透视镜
例句 1。 Going outdoors gives me a new perspective and helps clear my mind。 走到户外不但给我一个全新的视角,还能帮我理清思路。
2。 From a purely economic perspective; the cost of planting this crop has made it less attractive。 从纯粹的经济角度考虑,种植这种作物的成本使其不具备太大的吸引力。
persuasive[p?r'sweisiv]a。 有说服力的,让人信服的
例句 1。 There is an example that is very persuasive to explain this。 有一个例子可以非常有说服力地解释这一点。
2。 If you want to convince the committee to accept your proposal; you'll have to be more persuasive。 如果想说服委员会接受你的建议,你就得更有说服力。
poverty['pɑ:v?rti]a。 贫穷,贫困
搭配 poverty line 贫困线
例句 1。 My mother is still living in poverty and it is sad for me to think about her living situation。 我妈妈依旧过得清贫,一想到她的生活状况我就感到忧愁。
2。 The tragedy is that so many kids were abandoned or forced to give up their study because of poverty。 悲剧的是如此多的孩子因为贫穷而被遗弃,或者被迫放弃学业。
同义 poorness(n。 贫穷)
predict[pri'dikt]v。 预言,预测
例句 1。 If you're short of funds; you may not be able to predict when you are able to pay back。 如果资金短缺,你也许无法预言什么时候才能还清债务。
2。 Experts predict that in the United States; the gourmet coffee market is going on booming。 专家们预计美国的精品咖啡市场仍会进一步繁荣。
同义 forecast(v。 预测)
要点 forecast也可以表示“预言”,但相比predict更偏重于表示“预报”的含义,如:weather forecast(天气预报)。
prejudice['pre?udis]n。 偏见,成见 v。 使产生偏见
搭配 without prejudice (to)(对…)没有不利,无损(于)
例句 1。 The criticisms in the passage are largely caused by the prejudice against it and the ignorance about online encyclopedias。 很大程度上,文章中的评论是源于对此的偏见,以及对在线百科全书的不够了解。
2。 Recently; there have been more handicapped people in films; and it helps reduce prejudice against them。 最近,有许多残疾人出现在电影中,这可以帮助减少人们对他们的偏见。
prospective[pr?'spektiv]a。 未来的;预期的;可能的
例句 1。 It has long been a controversy amongst students and critics that which prospective majors would be more helpful to the future jobs。 长久以来,哪些可能选择的专业会对未来就业有所帮助一直是学生和评论者们争论的问题。
2。 The school should develop the atmosphere for the prospective students to feel at home even at the first sight; and make them be willing to study and live in school。 学校应该为将要招收的学生创造一种氛围,能让他们在第一眼看到学校时就感觉像是在家一样,并且让他们愿意在学校里学习和生活。
prosperity[prɑ:'sper?ti]n。 繁荣,兴旺;幸运
例句 1。 Now people gradually realize that experienced workers and the talents will be the most important factor for an enterprise's future prosperity。 如今,人们逐渐意识到有经验的员工和有天赋的人对于一个企业未来的繁荣将是最重要的因素。
2。 A new factory will bring prosperity to our city; because the tax collected from a factory is an important source of revenue。 一家新的工厂将给我们的城市带来繁荣,因为从工厂收来的税款将会是一项重要的收入来源。
同义 flourish(n。 兴旺);blossom(n。 繁盛,兴旺)
protect[pr?'tekt]v。 保护,保卫
搭配 protect against/from 使免受
例句 1。 Dogs play an important role in our life: shepherd dogs on small farms are very helpful because they can protect the livestock; while police dogs help find illegal drugs and catch criminals。 犬类在我们的生活中起着重要的作用:在小型牧场中,牧羊犬非常有用,它们可以保护牲畜;而警犬则可以帮助人们找到毒品并抓住罪犯。
2。 From the first day on campus; we have to do everything by ourselves; for example; washing clothes; cleaning rooms and going shopping。 Meanwhile; we also have to learn how to protect ourselves and how to get along well with others。 从来到校园的第一天开始,我们就不得不自己去做所有的事,比如洗衣服、打扫房间以及购物,同时,我们也必须学会如何保护自己,以及如何与他人和睦相处。
3。 The fruits are protected with special plastic bags that keep them from all kinds of insects and other animals。 果实都被特殊的塑料袋保护起来以防各种昆虫和其他动物的侵扰。
要点 protect常用来表示“保护,防护”,比如“保护环境”就是protect the environment。
protest['proutest]v。 抗议;反对
例句 1。 If she and her brother are each given a cookie; she will check whose cookie is bigger and protest loudly if she finds that her brother's is bigger than hers。 如果她和哥哥每人都得到一块曲奇,她会去看谁的更大一些,如果她发现哥哥的曲奇比她的大,她就会大声抗议。
2。 The students have been protesting against the higher tuition。 学生们一直在抗议增长的学费。
racism['reisiz?m]n。 种族主义,种族歧视
例句 1。 You should respect your roommates as well as their religions and cultures; do not laugh at ethnic people because racism is rude and stupid。 你应该尊重你的室友以及他们的信仰和文化;不要嘲笑少数民族的人,因为种族歧视是粗鲁而愚蠢的。
2。 Racism still exists in some areas of America。 在美国的一些地区仍然存在种族主义。
recruit[ri'kru:t]v。 招募(新兵),征募 n。 新成员
例句 1。 The employer asserts that for the sake of saving money; he would rather raise the expectations of the existing employees than recruit new ones。 这位雇主表示,为了节省开支,他宁愿对已有的员工抱有更高的期望,而不是招募新的员工。
2。 When it is necessary; the ants can recruit a huge army from their nests quickly。 在必要的情况下,蚂蚁可以迅速从巢穴中招募一大批蚁群。
同义 enlist(v。 征募)
要点 enlist也有“征募”的意思,但它更多是用来表达“招募新兵,入伍”的含义;recruit虽然也有这个含义,但现在多指职场中的“招聘”。
refute[ri'fju:t]v。 反驳,驳斥
例句 1。 The lecturer refutes the point in
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