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2。 With advanced urban environment and infrastructure; this city attracted not only many foreign companies to set their offices and build their factories here; but also a great number of domestic investors。 拥有先进的城市环境和基础设施,这座城市不仅吸引了许多国外公司前来这里设立办事处并建造工厂,也吸引了很多国内的投资者。
insist[in'sist]v。 坚持要求;坚决主张
搭配 insist on 坚持
例句 1。 The poor lady insists on doing everything herself。 这位贫穷的女士坚持所有的事情都亲历亲为。
2。 Even though I agree that the older can teach the younger a lot of things; I insist that they can also learn something from the younger。 尽管我同意年长者能教给年轻人许多东西,但我坚持认为他们也能从年轻人那里学到一些东西。
interfere[?int?r'fir]v。 干涉;妨碍;干扰
例句 1。 No one meant to interfere in your life; they just provided you with their suggestions。 没有人想要妨碍你的生活,他们只是给你提供一些建议。
2。 We should ask for permission before doing anything that may interfere with others' works。 我们在做任何有可能打扰别人工作的事情之前都应该求得许可。
3。 I don't think it is a good idea for teenagers to have jobs while they are still students; because it will interfere with their study; their normal life; and their childhood that would never return。 我认为青少年在求学期间工作不是一个好主意,因为这会影响他们的学习、正常生活,甚至是一去不复返的美好童年。
同义 obstruct(v。 妨碍)
要点 interfere还有“干预,干涉”的含义,多指来自政府的干预,比如:The government shouldn't interfere in private business。 另外,“干扰接收信号”也可以用这个词,比如:The building interferes with television reception。
internal[in't?:rnl]a。 内在的;国内的;内心的
例句 1。 There is no certain standard to gauge their internal personality。 没有特定的标准来衡量他们的内在品质。
2。 There are two reasons that led to such a result: internal factors and external factors。 有两个原因造成了这样的结果:内部因素和外部因素。
同义 interior(a。 内部的)
反义 external(a。 外在的,外部的)
要点 internal和interior都有“内在的”意思,但两者形容的对象不同:前者多强调“内心的”,而后者则多强调“内部的;本质的”。
intrude[in'tru:d]v。 侵入;打扰;把(思想等)强加于
例句 My first trial was simply an example of doing the opposite when my parents tried to intrude in and offer their advice。 我的第一次尝试就是一个很好的反抗的例子,那时我父母试图把他们的想法强加给我,并提供他们的建议。
反义 extrude(v。 逐出)
invasion[in'vei?n]n。 侵入;侵犯,侵略
例句 1。 Some buildings can be seen as evidences of foreign invasion; and others are signs of various religions that existed。 一些建筑可以看做外来入侵的证据,而其他的一些建筑则是各种宗教曾经存在的标志。
2。 An invasion of the introduced species had threatened the lives of local species。 引入的物种威胁了当地物种的生存。
investment[in'vestm?nt]n。 投资;(时间、精力等的)投入
例句 1。 Education is the best investment in yourself and your future。 教育是对你自己和你的未来最好的一项投资。
2。 Children of doctors; lawyers; and investment bankers may be lonely for their mothers and fathers work a longer time than others。 医生、律师以及投资银行家的孩子或许会感到孤独,因为他们的父母会比其他人工作更长时间。
legislative['le?isleitiv]n。 立法机关 a。 立法的;立法机关的
例句 1。 Establishing a new holiday involves a series of legislative process。 设立一个新的节日涉及一系列的立法过程。
2。 Members of Congress have to spend most of their time in Washington to fulfill their legislative duties。 国会议员大部分时间要待在华盛顿,履行他们的立法职责。
mainstream['meinstri:m]n。 主流;主要倾向,趋势
例句 1。 The mainstream medical establishment did not realize this problem for many years。 许多年来,主流医疗机构没有认识到这个问题。
2。 The simple design of this product has become mainstream trend。 这款商品的简约设计已经成为主流趋势。
majority[m?'??:r?ti]n。 大多数,多半
例句 No matter what others may say; it's not fair for the majority of teachers。 无论别人会怎样说,这对大多数教师而言都是不公平的。
metropolis[m?'trɑ:p?lis]n。 首府,都会;大都市
例句  A modern metropolis is a place with tall buildings; busy streets and shops。 现代化大都市就是一个有着高楼大厦、繁忙街道和店铺的地方。
military['mil?teri]a。 军事的 n。[the ~]军队,武装力量
搭配 military device 军用设备
例句 The military stationed at the fortress。 军队驻扎在不同的要塞。
minority[mai'n?:r?ti]n。 少数;少数民族
例句 1。 Another reason why I support the view that higher education should become accessible to all students is that higher education should serve the function of educating all the students in that country; not merely a minority of its people。 另一个我支持所有学生都应该有机会接受高等教育的理由是高等教育应该致力于教育整个国家的全体学生,而不仅仅是一个小众群体。
2。 Unfortunately; based on the general criterion; we are obviously in the minority。 不幸的是,基于一般的评判标准,我们显然属于少数。
同义 fewness(n。 少数)
mission['mi?n]n。 代表团;任务,使命
例句 1。 With the ever increasing environmental pollution; the importance of environment protection has been realized by an increasing number of people; as for the governments; it is especially an undeniable mission。 随着环境污染的日益严重,越来越多的人意识到保护环境的重要性;至于政府方面,更是将其看做一项不可推脱的使命。
2。 The homing pigeon can be trained to carry out the mission of sending messages。 信鸽可以被训练用来执行信息传递的任务。
同义 delegation(n。 使团);task(n。 使命)
monument['mɑ:njum?nt]n。 纪念碑,纪念馆;历史遗迹
例句 1。 If we build a monument for a person; children are able to know the person's story and that he or she was born in this city at the same time。 如果我们为某个人建造一座纪念碑,孩子们就可以知道这个人的故事,同时也会了解到这个人就生在这座城市里。
2。 The monument was set up to honor all those who died in the revolution war。 这座纪念碑是为纪念所有在革命战争中献身的人们而建立的。
morale[m?'r?l]n。 士气,斗志;精神力量
搭配 raise morale 提高士气
例句 1。 This promotes good morale among her workers; and this brings a great profit to the business。 这在她的员工之间鼓舞了高昂的士气,并给业务带来了很大的收益。
2。 In the wilderness; the band supplied entertainment to the soldiers and boosted their morale。 在一片荒芜中,乐队为士兵们提供了娱乐,并鼓舞了他们的士气。
同义 spirit(n。 志气)
要点 morale多指打仗时所需的“士气”,比如:boost morale“鼓舞士气”;在工作或比赛中也可以用它来表示“斗志”。
mortgage['m?:rgi?]n。 抵押贷款,按揭(贷款)v。 用…作抵押
例句 1。 Although the way of living has changed so much; this policy is still not practical; peculiarly in underdeveloped countries where lots of people have no ability to read and write bills; to understand the mortgage documents or job applications。 尽管生活方式的改变如此之大,这样的政策仍然不切实际,尤其是在不发达的国家,那里的许多人没有读写账单的能力、无法理解按揭贷款文件或是工作申请。
2。 In order to pay their mortgage of the house; the young couple worked very hard。 为了还清房子的按揭贷款,这对年轻的夫妇工作十分努力。
municipal[mju:'nisipl]a。 市(政)的;内政的;地方性的
例句 For all reasons given above; I strongly recommend that the city municipal should preserve the old and historic buildings。 鉴于所有上述的原因,我强烈建议市政应该保留那些古老的、有历史价值的建筑。
同义 local(a。 地方性的)
要点 municipal和
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