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2。 Studies revealed that non…readers tend to isolate themselves from the society。 研究显示那些不阅读的人倾向于把自己和社会隔离开来。
judgment['???m?nt]n。 看法;判断;判决
例句 1。 In my opinion; only when we get to know a person well can we make a right judgment。 我认为只有当我们完全了解某个人之后,才能作出正确的判断。
2。 Some people trust their first impressions of a person because they believe this type of judgment is correct in most cases。 一些人相信一个人的第一印象,因为他们认为这样的判断在大多数情况下都是准确的。
juvenile['?u:v?nl]n。 幼体;少年 a。 幼稚的;少年的
例句 The main goal of this organization is to reduce juvenile delinquency。 该组织的主要目标是减少青少年犯罪。
lash[l??]v。 将…系牢;(风、雨等)猛烈打击;猛烈抨击 n。 鞭打;睫毛
搭配 lash out 猛击;大肆挥霍
例句 1。 If somebody had been treated badly during childhood; that person may tend to lash out at others。 如果一个人在童年时期遭到恶劣对待,那么这个人可能会有攻击他人的倾向。
2。 It is a kind of drum with skins lashed onto its both sides。 这种鼓的两面都固定有皮质的鼓面。
3。 The rainstorm has lashed in the central and southern areas of the state。 暴风雨在这个州的中南部地区肆虐。
leverage['lev?ri?]n。 杠杆作用;力量;影响
例句 The small business regards innovation as its leverage to provide more optimal solutions for the customers。 这家小企业将创新看做动力,为客户提供最优质的服务。
loyalty['l?i?lti]n。 忠诚,忠心
例句 1。 Obedience; loyalty; and respect are moralities that are equally important today。 服从、忠诚和尊重在如今也是同样重要的美德。
2。 In short; the suitability; loyalty and honesty of employees are needed to take into consideration。 总之,员工的稳定度、忠诚度和诚实度都要考虑。
3。 It is a pity that maybe most of us can't give our parents the loyalty or respect that they wish or deserve。 遗憾的是或许我们中的大多数人都无法给予父母他们渴望或应得的忠诚和尊重。
memorization[?mem?ri'zei?n]n。 记住;暗记
例句 1。 These signs and symbols are used to facilitate memorization。 这些符号和象征是用来帮助记忆的。
2。 Some students are not good at memorization; but they are at home with analyzing and deduction。 一些学生的记忆力并不好,但是他们擅长分析和推论。
3。 I can't deny that my good memorization helps me a lot in finishing this kind of tasks。 我不能否认我出色的记忆力在完成这类任务上对我帮助很大。
merit['merit]v。 应获得;值得 n。 优点;价值
例句 1。 A teacher knows the merits and demerits of each student in detail。 老师清楚地知道每一名学生的优缺点。
2。 A good son or daughter ought to have many merits; and the most important one is to respect and take care of their parents。 一个好儿子或好女儿应该具备很多优点,但最重要的是尊敬并照顾好他们的父母。
3。 I agree that attending a live concert has its unique merits。 我同意参加现场音乐会有其独特的好处。
同义 advantage(n。 优点)
要点 merit最常用的含义是“优点,功绩”,既可以指“优秀品质”,也可以指“优点,优势”。此外,这个词还可以作动词,意为“应得”,比如:His achievement isn't merited。
例句 1。 At the beginning of the new millennium; life became stressful suddenly—people competed with each other for better jobs while companies competed for more profitable business。 在新千年初期,生活忽然变得压力重重——人们为了更好的工作相互竞争,而企业也为利润更高的业务而竞争。
2。 In the new millennium; some people believe that they will be successful as long as they grasp more types of knowledge。 在这个新千年,一些人认为只要他们能掌握多种类型的知识就能取得成功。
3。 Over millennia; the sea has been getting saltier and saltier。 几千年来,海水变得越来越咸了。
要点 millennium的含义实际上与a period of 1000 years相同。而“千禧年”也是用millennium表示。
mortality[m?:r't?l?ti]n。 死亡率
例句 The infant mortality would increase without this project。 如果没有这项工程,婴儿死亡率将会上升。
obstacle['ɑ:bst?kl]n。 障碍,干扰;妨害物
例句 1。 The difficulties we met encouraged us to build up confidence for the future obstacles。 我们遇到的困难鼓舞我们建立起应对未来障碍的信心。
2。 We'll face numerous difficulties and obstacles; which are helpful to us。 我们会面临许多对我们有益的困难和阻碍。
3。 The biggest obstacle to develop military forts is the shortage of materials。 缺乏原料是建设军事要塞的最大障碍。
同义 handicap(n。 障碍);barrier(n。 障碍物);obstruction(n。 妨碍)
要点 有许多单词都有“障碍”的意思:barrier是指“临时性的障碍”,可能会被跨越;obstruction是指抽象意义上的“妨碍”;handicap主要指“身体的残障”,也可以表示“不利条件”;obstacle则多指“起到阻碍作用的障碍物”。
obtain[?b'tein]v。 获得;通用;存在
例句 1。 As we all know; people who are really successful obtain money through hard work。 我们都知道,那些真正成功的人是通过努力工作而获得财富的。
2。 What we obtain in the practice is a supplement to the knowledge that we learn from textbooks 我们在实习中收获的经验是对我们从书本上学到的知识的一种补充。
3。 When sailing on the ocean; the best way to obtain fresh water is desalination。 在海上航行的时候,脱盐是取得淡水的最好方法。
同义 acquire(v。 获得);procure(v。 取得)
要点 虽然acquire和obtain都有“获得”的意思,但obtain主要表示“得到某事物”,而acquire强调“习得”的含义,比如:acquire knowledge“获取知识”。
offensive[?'fensiv]a。【体】攻方的;攻击性的;冒犯的 n。 进攻,攻势
搭配 charm offensive 魅力攻势
例句 1。 People may feel that a lot of western customs are offensive if they know little about western culture。 如果人们对西方文化知之甚少,他们也许会觉得许多西方习俗都有冒犯性。
2。 You may be excited when the offensive team is carrying the ball closer to the goal。 当你看到进攻的球队带球跑到更靠近球门的位置时,你可能会十分激动。
同义 aggressive(a。 侵略性的)
omit[?'mit]v。 省略;遗漏,忽略
搭配 omit doing/to do 忘记做某事
例句 1。 In my humble opinion; compared with the strengths discussed above; its weaknesses can be omitted directly。 依我拙见,与上面讨论的那些优势相比,它的缺点都可以直接被忽略了。
2。 You should check it closely to make sure there is nothing omitted。 你应该仔细检查一下以确保没有什么纰漏。
同义 neglect(v。 疏忽)
personality[?p?:rs?'n?l?ti]n。 个性;名人,人物
搭配 personality cult 个人崇拜;multiple personality 多重人格
例句 1。 No matter what happens to me; my personality would never change。 无论在我身上会发生什么事,我的个性都不会改变。
2。 There are many factors that shape your personality; for example; your experience of growing up or the neighbors who live next door。 有许多因素都会塑造你的个性,比如你的成长经历,或者住在隔壁的邻居。
3。 We all have to work with many different kinds of people with different personalities。 我们都必须与有着不同个性的不同类型的人们一起工作。
同义 individuality(n。 个性);character(n。 性格)
phenomenon[f?'nɑ:min?n]n。 现象;非凡的人(或事物)
例句 1。 The phenomenon that many people choose to visit museums at weekends is really interesting。 许多人周末到博物馆游览的现象确实十分有趣。
2。 I believe the phenomenon that people are attracted to dangerous activities is caused by a whim。 我相信人们被危险活动吸引的现象是由于一时冲动造成的。
3。 A similar phenomenon has also appeared in the neighborhood。 在临近地区也出现了类似的现象。
piety['pai?ti]n。 虔诚;孝行
例句 Filial piety is the most important tradition of our country that we ho
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