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contaminate[k?n't?mineit]v。 污染
例句 1。 The poisoned insects and contaminated water will kill the birds; and even if pesticides do not make birds die outright; they can prevent them from reproducing。 有毒的虫子和受污染的水都会导致鸟的死亡,而且即使杀虫剂不会立即致死,也会阻止它们的繁殖。
2。 The pollutant will be limited into a low level so that they can not contaminate the environment。 这些污染物将被限制在一个较低的水平,这样便无法污染环境。
3。 These raw materials are too seriously contaminated with lead to be used。 这些原材料受到了严重的铅污染,因此无法继续使用。
contemporary[k?n'temp?reri]a。 当代的;同时代的 n。 同代人
例句 1。 A report said that youth suicide is a very serious contemporary social problem; and the main reason is the lack of concern and love。 一份报道称青年人自杀是一个严重的当代社会问题,其主要原因是缺乏关爱。
2。 In the current culture; there are many forms of expression except for novels and poems; and some of these forms tend to be more direct when talking about the issues that contemporary people are concerned with。 在当今的文化中,除了小说和诗歌以外还有许多其他的表达方式,而其中的一些方式在谈论当代人所关注的问题时通常更加直接。
3。 She imitates other contemporary authors' styles。 她模仿了其他当代作者的风格。
contend[k?n'tend]v。 与对手竞争;主张
例句 This theory contends that the structures were utilized to store food supplies。 这个理论主张这一结构是用来存储供给的食物的。
要点 除了常用的argue以外,还可以用contend表示“主张”,这个词也含有“争论”的意思。
contribute[k?n'tribju:t]v。 贡献;捐赠;有助于
例句 1。 The Internet can be seen as a huge base of knowledge that contributes to the educational system。 互联网可以看做一个巨大的知识储备,能够对教育体系有所帮助。
2。 I think it was the social environment that contributed to the development of bebop music。 我认为是社会环境成就了比波普爵士乐的发展。
同义 donate(v。 捐赠);promote(v。 有助于)
派生 contributor(n。 贡献者)
要点 promote也可以表达“对…有帮助”的含义,偏重于“促进”,如:These factors promote the economic growth。
criterion[krai'tiri?n]n。 标准
例句 1。 It is highly appraised for its fastness and durability; which are basic criterion for products。 这一商品因不褪色和持久耐用而得到了高度的评价,而这正是评价商品优劣的基本标准。
2。 There is an old saying that goes:“Practice is the only criterion of inspecting the truth。”有句老话是这样说的:“实践是检验真理的唯一标准。”
同义 standard(n。 标准)
dam[d?m]n。 坝 v。 筑堤挡住;控制
例句 Infrastructure improvements such as a constructing irrigation dams in the mountains may likely be protested by the local residents who live there due to cultural factors。 出于文化因素,在山中修建灌溉大坝这样的基础设施建设可能会被居住在当地的居民抗议。
例句 1。 He is willing to dedicate his time; energy and knowledge to reach their mutual goal。 他愿意贡献自己的时间、精力和知识以达成他们共同的目标。
2。 Under the leadership of the mayor; all the citizens are dedicated to fighting crime in the city。 在市长的带领下,市民们齐心协力地与城市中的犯罪行为作斗争。
同义 devote(v。 致力于)
dedication[?dedi'kei?n]n。 献身;奉献;献词
例句 For one thing; we admire the talent and dedication of the young athletes; for another thing; we are wondering about their loss during the training year after year。 一方面,我们钦佩年轻运动员的天赋和献身精神;另一方面,我们也想知道他们在年复一年的训练中失去了什么。
defense[di'fens]n。 防御,防卫 v。 抵御
搭配 defense mechanism 防卫机制;defense against 对…的防御
例句 I have realized that it's important to keep up to date with the programs that offer the defense against the virus。 我已经认识到实时更新病毒防御程序是十分重要的。
delinquency[di'li?kw?nsi]n。 过失,失职;行为不良
搭配 juvenile delinquency 少年犯罪
例句 1。 Juvenile delinquency rate will be reduced if a new movie theater is built here。 如果在这里新建一个电影院,少年犯罪率就会减少。
2。 Juvenile delinquency becomes a serious social problem that needs our attention in this region。 少年犯罪在这个地区成为一个严重的社会问题,需要我们的关注。
deteriorate[di'tiri?reit]v。 变坏;变质;恶化
例句 Our economy; standard of living; and even our health would deteriorate without money。 如果没有金钱,我们的经济、生活标准,甚至健康情况都会变差。
同义 erode(v。 变质)
determine[di't?:rmin]v。 查明;(使)决定;下决心
例句 1。 Research shows it is participation in these activities that determines the benefits the body will get instead of excellence。 调查表明,身体将得到什么好处取决于是否参与这些活动,而不是进行这些活动的优秀程度。
2。 When I was a child; I could decide which kind of candy to buy; make a decision to get the books I was longing for; and determine to make friends with who I liked。 当我还是一个孩子的时候,我能决定买哪种糖果,决定买哪些最想要的书,以及决定和我喜欢的孩子做朋友。
3。 We are determined to make our program work though it is difficult。 尽管艰难,我们也决心要使我们的项目发挥作用。
devastate['dev?steit]v。 破坏;彻底摧毁
例句 1。 A good case is that in West China; farmers cut down millions of trees each year; as a consequence; environment has been seriously devastated。 中国西部的情况是一个很好的例子,农民每年砍掉数百万棵树,结果,环境已遭到了惊人的破坏。
2。 Countless houses were devastated by the flood。 无数房屋被洪水破坏了。
discard[dis'kɑ:rd]v。 丢弃
例句 1。 At the ceremonies; they had festive meals and then discarded the pots that were used to serve the meals。 他们在仪式上用过丰盛的美食,然后丢弃了那些用来盛放食物的锅。
2。 Don't discard the old newspapers for they can be recycled。 不要丢弃旧报纸,因为它们是可以循环再利用的。
同义 reject(v。 丢弃)
要点 discard和reject都有“丢弃”的含义,但discard主要指丢掉不再需要的东西,可以是物品,也可以是一种思想或信仰,比如:I discard my old belief。 而reject则多指“丢弃信仰”,如:They rejected their political beliefs。
disperse[di'sp?:rs]v。 分散,散开;疏散
例句 1。 The consolation and encouragement from friends is the best relief that disperses the uncomfortable feelings immediately。 朋友给的安慰和鼓励最能让人感到宽慰,可以让不快的感觉烟消云散。
2。 The Sun came out again as the wind dispersed the clouds。 风吹散了云彩,太阳就再次出来了。
dispose[di'spouz]v。 安排;使倾向于;清除;解决
例句 1。 The problem if we should allow fantastic students to enter universities would not be easy to dispose。 是否应该允许古怪的学生进入大学学习的问题并不容易解决。
2。 The lack of cultural knowledge disposed the readers to think that literature is only something written。 文化知识的缺失使读者倾向于认为文学只是一些写出来的东西。
3。 If we cannot dispose of the nuclear waste properly; we will be doomed to get in trouble。 如果不能恰当地处理核废料,我们必将陷入麻烦。
要点 与dispose表示“清除”的含义类似,短语get rid of也可以表示“清除”的意思,可以指“擦掉、去除某种记录或者污渍”。
documentary[?dɑ:kju'mentri]a。 文件的;纪实的 n。 纪录片
搭配 documentary material 文献资料
例句 1。 The guest speaker displayed documentary films related to the subject。 特邀发言人展示了与主题相关的纪录片。
2。 For most documentary filmmakers; neither actors nor studio settings are needed。 对于大多数纪录片摄制者来说,演员和摄影棚布景都是不需要的。
3。 The documentary about bald eagles on telev
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