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So from her face she raised the veil that hid her charms and tears Upon the jewels of her cheeks fell; like a crystal spray。
Indeed; I thought to kiss her cheek; that thereanent to God She might make moan of me upon the Resurrection Day;
So were we twain the first to plead of lovers; each 'gainst each; Whenas the dead shall rise; before the Lord whom all obey;
And I; 'Prolong our standingup and reckoning;' would say; 'That so mine eyes may feed their fill upon my loved one aye。'
Then said the gardener to her; 'O lady of fair ones and mistress of every shining star; know that we sought not; in bringing thee hither; but that thou shouldst entertain this ely youth here; my lord Noureddin; for he hath only e to this place this day。' And she answered; saying; 'Would thou hadst told me; that I might have brought what I have with me!' 'O my lady;' rejoined the gardener; 'I will go and fetch it to thee。' 'As thou wilt;' replied she: and he said; 'Give me a token。' So she gave him a handkerchief and he went away in haste and returned after awhile; bearing a bag of green satin; with cords of gold。 She took the bag from him and opening it; shook it; whereupon there fell thereout twoandthirty pieces of wood; which she fitted; one into another; till they became a polished lute of Indian workmanship。
Then she uncovered her wrist and laying the lute in her lap; bent over it; as the mother bends over her child; and swept the strings with the tips of her fingers; whereupon it moaned and resounded and yearned after its former habitations; and it remembered the waters that gave it to drink 'whilst yet in the tree;' and the earth whence it sprang and wherein it grew up and the carpenters who cut it and the polishers who polished it and the merchants who exported it and the ships that carried it; and it cried out and wailed and lamented; and it was as if she questioned it of all these things and it answered her with the tongue of the case; reciting the following verses:
Whilom I was a tree; wherein the nightingales did nest; Whilst green my head; I swayed for them with longing and unrest。
They made melodious moan on me; and I their plaining learnt; And so my secret was by this lament made manifest。
The woodman felled me to the earthy though guiltless of offence; And wrought of me a slender lute; by singers' hands carest;
But; when their fingers sweep my strings; they tell that I am slain; One with duresse amongst mankind afflicted and oppress;
Wherefore each boonpanion; when he heareth my lament; Grows mad with love and drunkenness o'ermasters every guest;
And God inclih unto me their hearts and I indeed Am to the highest place advanced in every noble breast。
All who in loveliness excel do clip my waist and in The arms of every languorouseyed gazelle my form is prest。
May God the Lord ne'er sever us; nor live the loved one aye Who with estrangement and disdain her lover would molest!
Then she was silent awhile; but presently taking the lute in her lap; bent over it; as the mother bends over her child; and preluded in many different modes; then; returning to the first; she sang the following verses:
An they'd unto the lover incline or visit pay; From off his back the burden of longing he might lay。
A nightingale o' the branches vies with him; as she were A lover whose beloved hath lighted far away。
Up and awake! The midnights of lovedelight are clear And bright; With union's splendour; as very break of day。
Behold; to love and joyance the lutestrings summon us And eke today our enviers are heedless of our play。
Seest not that unto pleasance four several things; to wit; Rose; gillyflower and myrtle and lights (54) unite alway?
And here today assemble four things; by favouring fate; Lover; beloved; money and wine; to make us gay。
So seize upon thy fortune i' the world; for its delights Pass by and but traditions and chronicles do stay。
When Noureddin heard this; he looked on her with eyes of love and could scarce contain himself for the violence of his inclination to her; and on like wise was it with her; because she looked at the pany who were present of the sons of the merchants and at Noureddin and saw that he was amongst the rest as the moon among stars; for that he was sweet of speech and full of amorous grace; perfect in beauty and brightness and loveliness and acplished in symmetry; pure of all defect; blander than the zephyr and more delicate than Tesnim; (55) as saith of him the poet:
By his cheeks' unfading damask and his smiling teeth I swear; By the arrows that he feathers with the witchery of his air;
By his sides so soft and tender and his glances bright and keen; By the whiteness of his forehead and the blackness of his hair;
By his arched imperious eyebrows; chasing slumber from my lids With their yeas and noes that hold me 'twixt rejoicing and despair;
By the scorpions that he launches from his ringletclustered brows; Seeking still to slay his lovers with his rigours unaware;
By the myrtle of his whiskers and the roses of his cheek; By his lips' incarnate rubies and his teeth's fine pearls and rare;
By the straight and tender sapling of his shape; which for its fruit Doth the twin pomegranates; shining in his snowy bosom; wear;
By his heavy hips that tremble; both in motion and repose; And the slender waist above them; all too slight their weight to bear;
By the silk of his apparel and his quick and sprightly wit; By all attributes of beauty that are fallen to his share;
Lo; the musk exhales its fragrance from his breath; and eke the breeze From his scent the perfume borrows; that it scatters everywhere。
Yea; the sun in all his splendour cannot with his brightness vie And the crescent moon's a fragment that he from his nails doth pare。
Her verses pleased him and he swayed from side to side for drunkenness and fell apraising her and saying:
A luting maiden stole away Our wits for drunkenness one day。
〃Twas God the Lord that gifted us With speech;' her strings to us did say。
When she heard this; she looked at him with eyes of love and redoubled in passion and desire for him increased upon her; and indeed she marvelled at his beauty and grace and symmetry; so that she could not contain herself but took the lute again and sang the following:
He chides me; if I look on him; and with disdain Entreats me; though my life is his for weal and bane;
Yea; he repelleth me; yet what is in my heart He knows as if God's self to him had made it plain。
His likeness have I drawn midmost my palm and charged Mine eyes make moan for him and over him plain。
Mine eyes will look on none save him; nor will my heart Aid me his cruelty with patience to sustain。
Wherefore; O thou my heart; I'll tear thee from my breast; For that thou art of those that envy me the swain。
Whenas I say; 'O heart; be forted;' 'tis vain; To turn to any else than him it will not deign。
Noureddin wondered at the beauty of her song and the sweetness of her voice and the eloquence of her speech and his wit fled for stress of love and longing and distraction; so that he could not refrain from her a moment; but bent to her and strained her to his bosom; and sh