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at the sign of the cat and racket-第8章

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with affection at the double desk; where his wife's seat; opposite his
own; was fitted into a little niche in the wall。 He contemplated the
numbered boxes; the files; the implements; the cash boxobjects all
of immemorial origin; and fancied himself in the room with the shade
of Master Chevrel。 He even pulled out the high stool on which he had
once sat in the presence of his departed master。 This stool; covered
with black leather; the horse…hair showing at every corneras it had
long done; without; however; coming outhe placed with a shaking hand
on the very spot where his predecessor had put it; and then; with an
emotion difficult to describe; he pulled a bell; which rang at the
head of Joseph Lebas' bed。 When this decisive blow had been struck;
the old man; for whom; no doubt; these reminiscences were too much;
took up three or four bills of exchange; and looked at them without
seeing them。

Suddenly Joseph Lebas stood before him。

〃Sit down there;〃 said Guillaume; pointing to the stool。

As the old master draper had never yet bid his assistant be seated in
his presence; Joseph Lebas was startled。

〃What do you think of these notes?〃 asked Guillaume。

〃They will never be paid。〃


〃Well; I heard the day before yesterday Etienne and Co。 had made their
payments in gold。〃

〃Oh; oh!〃 said the draper。 〃Well; one must be very ill to show one's
bile。 Let us speak of something else。Joseph; the stock…taking is

〃Yes; monsieur; and the dividend is one of the best you have ever

〃Do not use new…fangled words。 Say the profits; Joseph。 Do you know;
my boy; that this result is partly owing to you? And I do not intend
to pay you a salary any longer。 Madame Guillaume has suggested to me
to take you into partnership。'Guillaume and Lebas;' will not that
make a good business name? We might add; 'and Co。' to round off the
firm's signature。〃

Tears rose to the eyes of Joseph Lebas; who tried to hide them。

〃Oh; Monsieur Guillaume; how have I deserved such kindness? I only do
my duty。 It was so much already that you should take an interest in a
poor orph〃

He was brushing the cuff of his left sleeve with his right hand; and
dared not look at the old man; who smiled as he thought that this
modest young fellow no doubt needed; as he had needed once on a time;
some encouragement to complete his explanation。

〃To be sure;〃 said Virginie's father; 〃you do not altogether deserve
this favor; Joseph。 You have not so much confidence in me as I have in
you。〃 (The young man looked up quickly。) 〃You know all the secrets of
the cash…box。 For the last two years I have told you almost all my
concerns。 I have sent you to travel in our goods。 In short; I have
nothing on my conscience as regards you。 But youyou have a soft
place; and you have never breathed a word of it。〃 Joseph Lebas
blushed。 〃Ah; ha!〃 cried Guillaume; 〃so you thought you could deceive
an old fox like me? When you knew that I had scented the Lecocq

〃What; monsieur?〃 replied Joseph Lebas; looking at his master as
keenly as his master looked at him; 〃you knew that I was in love?〃

〃I know everything; you rascal;〃 said the worthy and cunning old
merchant; pulling the assistant's ear。 〃And I forgive youI did the
same myself。〃

〃And you will give her to me?〃

〃Yeswith fifty thousand crowns; and I will leave you as much by
will; and we will start on our new career under the name of a new
firm。 We will do good business yet; my boy!〃 added the old man;
getting up and flourishing his arms。 〃I tell you; son…in…law; there is
nothing like trade。 Those who ask what pleasure is to be found in it
are simpletons。 To be on the scent of a good bargain; to hold your own
on 'Change; to watch as anxiously as at the gaming…table whether
Etienne and Co。 will fail or no; to see a regiment of Guards march
past all dressed in your cloth; to trip your neighbor uphonestly of
course!to make the goods cheaper than others can; then to carry out
an undertaking which you have planned; which begins; grows; totters;
and succeeds! to know the workings of every house of business as well
as a minister of police; so as never to make a mistake; to hold up
your head in the midst of wrecks; to have friends by correspondence in
every manufacturing town; is not that a perpetual game; Joseph? That
is life; that is! I shall die in that harness; like old Chevrel; but
taking it easy now; all the same。〃

In the heat of his eager rhetoric; old Guillaume had scarcely looked
at his assistant; who was weeping copiously。 〃Why; Joseph; my poor
boy; what is the matter?〃

〃Oh; I love her so! Monsieur Guillaume; that my heart fails me; I

〃Well; well; boy;〃 said the old man; touched; 〃you are happier than
you know; by God! For she loves you。 I know it。〃

And he blinked his little green eyes as he looked at the young man。

〃Mademoiselle Augustine! Mademoiselle Augustine!〃 exclaimed Joseph
Lebas in his rapture。

He was about to rush out of the room when he felt himself clutched by
a hand of iron; and his astonished master spun him round in front of
him once more。

〃What has Augustine to do with this matter?〃 he asked; in a voice
which instantly froze the luckless Joseph。

〃Is it not she thatthatI love?〃 stammered the assistant。

Much put out by his own want of perspicacity; Guillaume sat down
again; and rested his long head in his hands to consider the
perplexing situation in which he found himself。 Joseph Lebas;
shamefaced and in despair; remained standing。

〃Joseph;〃 the draper said with frigid dignity; 〃I was speaking of
Virginie。 Love cannot be made to order; I know。 I know; too; that you
can be trusted。 We will forget all this。 I will not let Augustine
marry before Virginie。Your interest will be ten per cent。〃

The young man; to whom love gave I know not what power of courage and
eloquence; clasped his hand; and spoke in his turnspoke for a
quarter of an hour; with so much warmth and feeling; that he altered
the situation。 If the question had been a matter of business the old
tradesman would have had fixed principles to guide his decision; but;
tossed a thousand miles from commerce; on the ocean of sentiment;
without a compass; he floated; as he told himself; undecided in the
face of such an unexpected event。 Carried away by his fatherly
kindness; he began to beat about the bush。

〃Deuce take it; Joseph; you must know that there are ten years between
my two children。 Mademoiselle Chevrel was no beauty; still she has had
nothing to complain of in me。 Do as I did。 Come; come; don't cry。 Can
you be so silly? What is to be done? It can be managed perhaps。 There
is always some way out of a scrape。 And we men are not always devoted
Celadons to our wivesyou understand? Madame Guillaume is very pious。
。 。 。 Come。 By Gad; boy; give your arm to Augustine this morning as we
go to Mass。〃

These were the phrases spoken at random by the old draper; and their
conclusion made the lover happy。 He was already thinking of a friend
of his as a match for Mademoiselle Virginie; as he went out of the
smoky office; pressing his future father…in…law's hand; after saying
with a knowing look 
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