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at the sign of the cat and racket-第3章

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knew nothing more terrible than the wordless assiduity with which the
master scrutinized their faces and their movements on Monday in search
of evidence or traces of their pranks。 But at this moment the old
clothier paid no heed to his apprentices; he was absorbed in trying to
divine the motive of the anxious looks which the young man in silk
stockings and a cloak cast alternately at his signboard and into the
depths of his shop。 The daylight was now brighter; and enabled the
stranger to discern the cashier's corner enclosed by a railing and
screened by old green silk curtains; where were kept the immense
ledgers; the silent oracles of the house。 The too inquisitive gazer
seemed to covet this little nook; and to be taking the plan of a
dining…room at one side; lighted by a skylight; whence the family at
meals could easily see the smallest incident that might occur at the
shop…door。 So much affection for his dwelling seemed suspicious to a
trader who had lived long enough to remember the law of maximum
prices; Monsieur Guillaume naturally thought that this sinister
personage had an eye to the till of the Cat and Racket。 After quietly
observing the mute duel which was going on between his master and the
stranger; the eldest of the apprentices; having seen that the young
man was stealthily watching the windows of the third floor; ventured
to place himself on the stone flag where Monsieur Guillaume was
standing。 He took two steps out into the street; raised his head; and
fancied that he caught sight of Mademoiselle Augustine Guillaume in
hasty retreat。 The draper; annoyed by his assistant's perspicacity;
shot a side glance at him; but the draper and his amorous apprentice
were suddenly relieved from the fears which the young man's presence
had excited in their minds。 He hailed a hackney cab on its way to a
neighboring stand; and jumped into it with an air of affected
indifference。 This departure was a balm to the hearts of the other two
lads; who had been somewhat uneasy as to meeting the victim of their
practical joke。

〃Well; gentlemen; what ails you that you are standing there with your
arms folded?〃 said Monsieur Guillaume to his three neophytes。 〃In
former days; bless you; when I was in Master Chevrel's service; I
should have overhauled more than two pieces of cloth by this time。〃

〃Then it was daylight earlier;〃 said the second assistant; whose duty
this was。

The old shopkeeper could not help smiling。 Though two of these young
fellows; who were confided to his care by their fathers; rich
manufacturers at Louviers and at Sedan; had only to ask and to have a
hundred thousand francs the day when they were old enough to settle in
life; Guillaume regarded it as his duty to keep them under the rod of
an old…world despotism; unknown nowadays in the showy modern shops;
where the apprentices expect to be rich men at thirty。 He made them
work like Negroes。 These three assistants were equal to a business
which would harry ten such clerks as those whose sybaritical tastes
now swell the columns of the budget。 Not a sound disturbed the peace
of this solemn house; where the hinges were always oiled; and where
the meanest article of furniture showed the respectable cleanliness
which reveals strict order and economy。 The most waggish of the three
youths often amused himself by writing the date of its first
appearance on the Gruyere cheese which was left to their tender
mercies at breakfast; and which it was their pleasure to leave
untouched。 This bit of mischief; and a few others of the same stamp;
would sometimes bring a smile on the face of the younger of
Guillaume's daughters; the pretty maiden who has just now appeared to
the bewitched man in the street。

Though each of these apprentices; even the eldest; paid a round sum
for his board; not one of them would have been bold enough to remain
at the master's table when dessert was served。 When Madame Guillaume
talked of dressing the salad; the hapless youths trembled as they
thought of the thrift with which her prudent hand dispensed the oil。
They could never think of spending a night away from the house without
having given; long before; a plausible reason for such an
irregularity。 Every Sunday; each in his turn; two of them accompanied
the Guillaume family to Mass at Saint…Leu; and to vespers。
Mesdemoiselles Virginie and Augustine; simply attired in cotton print;
each took the arm of an apprentice and walked in front; under the
piercing eye of their mother; who closed the little family procession
with her husband; accustomed by her to carry two large prayer…books;
bound in black morocco。 The second apprentice received no salary。 As
for the eldest; whose twelve years of perseverance and discretion had
initiated him into the secrets of the house; he was paid eight hundred
francs a year as the reward of his labors。 On certain family festivals
he received as a gratuity some little gift; to which Madame
Guillaume's dry and wrinkled hand alone gave valuenetted purses;
which she took care to stuff with cotton wool; to show off the fancy
stitches; braces of the strongest make; or heavy silk stockings。
Sometimes; but rarely; this prime minister was admitted to share the
pleasures of the family when they went into the country; or when;
after waiting for months; they made up their mind to exert the right
acquired by taking a box at the theatre to command a piece which Paris
had already forgotten。

As to the other assistants; the barrier of respect which formerly
divided a master draper from his apprentices was that they would have
been more likely to steal a piece of cloth than to infringe this
time…honored etiquette。 Such reserve may now appear ridiculous; but
these old houses were a school of honesty and sound morals。 The
masters adopted their apprentices。 The young man's linen was cared
for; mended; and often replaced by the mistress of the house。 If an
apprentice fell ill; he was the object of truly maternal attention。 In
a case of danger the master lavished his money in calling in the most
celebrated physicians; for he was not answerable to their parents
merely for the good conduct and training of the lads。 If one of them;
whose character was unimpeachable; suffered misfortune; these old
tradesmen knew how to value the intelligence he had displayed; and
they did not hesitate to entrust the happiness of their daughters to
men whom they had long trusted with their fortunes。 Guillaume was one
of these men of the old school; and if he had their ridiculous side;
he had all their good qualities; and Joseph Lebas; the chief
assistant; an orphan without any fortune; was in his mind destined to
be the husband of Virginie; his elder daughter。 But Joseph did not
share the symmetrical ideas of his master; who would not for an empire
have given his second daughter in marriage before the elder。 The
unhappy assistant felt that his heart was wholly given to Mademoiselle
Augustine; the younger。 In order to justify this passion; which had
grown up in secret; it is necessary to inquire a little further into
the springs of the absolute government which ruled the old cloth…
merchant's household。

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