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at the sign of the cat and racket-第13章

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festivity which to her was a blank; the poor little thing could no
longer understand the admiration she excited; or the envy of which she
was the object。 Her face assumed a different expression。 Melancholy;
tinged her features with the sweetness of resignation and the pallor
of scorned love。 Ere long she too was courted by the most fascinating
men; but she remained lonely and virtuous。 Some contemptuous words
which escaped her husband filled her with incredible despair。 A
sinister flash showed her the breaches which; as a result of her
sordid education; hindered the perfect union of her soul with
Theodore's; she loved him well enough to absolve him and condemn
herself。 She shed tears of blood; and perceived; too late; that there
are /mesalliances/ of the spirit as well as of rank and habits。 As she
recalled the early raptures of their union; she understood the full
extent of that lost happiness; and accepted the conclusion that so
rich a harvest of love was in itself a whole life; which only sorrow
could pay for。 At the same time; she loved too truly to lose all hope。
At one…and…twenty she dared undertake to educate herself; and make her
imagination; at least; worthy of that she admired。 〃If I am not a
poet;〃 thought she; 〃at any rate; I will understand poetry。〃

Then; with all the strength of will; all the energy which every woman
can display when she loves; Madame de Sommervieux tried to alter her
character; her manners; and her habits; but by dint of devouring books
and learning undauntedly; she only succeeded in becoming less
ignorant。 Lightness of wit and the graces of conversation are a gift
of nature; or the fruit of education begun in the cradle。 She could
appreciate music and enjoy it; but she could not sing with taste。 She
understood literature and the beauties of poetry; but it was too late
to cultivate her refractory memory。 She listened with pleasure to
social conversation; but she could contribute nothing brilliant。 Her
religious notions and home…grown prejudices were antagonistic to the
complete emancipation of her intelligence。 Finally; a foregone
conclusion against her had stolen into Theodore's mind; and this she
could not conquer。 The artist would laugh; at those who flattered him
about his wife; and his irony had some foundation; he so overawed the
pathetic young creature that; in his presence; or alone with him; she
trembled。 Hampered by her too eager desire to please; her wits and her
knowledge vanished in one absorbing feeling。 Even her fidelity vexed
the unfaithful husband; who seemed to bid her do wrong by stigmatizing
her virtue as insensibility。 Augustine tried in vain to abdicate her
reason; to yield to her husband's caprices and whims; to devote
herself to the selfishness of his vanity。 Her sacrifices bore no
fruit。 Perhaps they had both let the moment slip when souls may meet
in comprehension。 One day the young wife's too sensitive heart
received one of those blows which so strain the bonds of feeling that
they seem to be broken。 She withdrew into solitude。 But before long a
fatal idea suggested to her to seek counsel and comfort in the bosom
of her family。

So one morning she made her way towards the grotesque facade of the
humble; silent home where she had spent her childhood。 She sighed as
she looked up at the sash…window; whence one day she had sent her
first kiss to him who now shed as much sorrow as glory on her life。
Nothing was changed in the cavern; where the drapery business had;
however; started on a new life。 Augustine's sister filled her mother's
old place at the desk。 The unhappy young woman met her brother…in…law
with his pen behind his ear; he hardly listened to her; he was so full
of business。 The formidable symptoms of stock…taking were visible all
round him; he begged her to excuse him。 She was received coldly enough
by her sister; who owed her a grudge。 In fact; Augustine; in her
finery; and stepping out of a handsome carriage; had never been to see
her but when passing by。 The wife of the prudent Lebas; imagining that
want of money was the prime cause of this early call; tried to keep up
a tone of reserve which more than once made Augustine smile。 The
painter's wife perceived that; apart from the cap and lappets; her
mother had found in Virginie a successor who could uphold the ancient
honor of the Cat and Racket。 At breakfast she observed certain changes
in the management of the house which did honor to Lebas' good sense;
the assistants did not rise before dessert; they were allowed to talk;
and the abundant meal spoke of ease without luxury。 The fashionable
woman found some tickets for a box at the Francais; where she
remembered having seen her sister from time to time。 Madame Lebas had
a cashmere shawl over her shoulders; of which the value bore witness
to her husband's generosity to her。 In short; the couple were keeping
pace with the times。 During the two…thirds of the day she spent there;
Augustine was touched to the heart by the equable happiness; devoid;
to be sure; of all emotion; but equally free from storms; enjoyed by
this well…matched couple。 They had accepted life as a commercial
enterprise; in which; above all; they must do credit to the business。
Not finding any great love in her husband; Virginie had set to work to
create it。 Having by degrees learned to esteem and care for his wife;
the time that his happiness had taken to germinate was to Joseph Lebas
a guarantee of its durability。 Hence; when Augustine plaintively set
forth her painful position; she had to face the deluge of commonplace
morality which the traditions of the Rue Saint…Denis furnished to her

〃The mischief is done; wife;〃 said Joseph Lebas; 〃we must try to give
our sister good advice。〃 Then the clever tradesman ponderously
analyzed the resources which law and custom might offer Augustine as a
means of escape at this crisis; he ticketed every argument; so to
speak; and arranged them in their degrees of weight under various
categories; as though they were articles of merchandise of different
qualities; then he put them in the scale; weighed them; and ended by
showing the necessity for his sister…in…law's taking violent steps
which could not satisfy the love she still had for her husband; and;
indeed; the feeling had revived in all its strength when she heard
Joseph Lebas speak of legal proceedings。 Augustine thanked them; and
returned home even more undecided than she had been before consulting
them。 She now ventured to go to the house in the Rue du Colombier;
intending to confide her troubles to her father and mother; for she
was like a sick man who; in his desperate plight; tries every
prescription; and even puts faith in old wives' remedies。

The old people received their daughter with an effusiveness that
touched her deeply。 Her visit brought them some little change; and
that to them was worth a fortune。 For the last four years they had
gone their way like navigators without a goal or a compass。 Sitting by
the chimney corner; they would talk over their disasters under the old
law of /maximum/; of their great investments in cloth; of the way they
had weathered bankruptcies; and; a
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