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the life of horatio lord nelson-第76章

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Nelson now desired to be turned upon his right side; and said; 〃I wish I had not left the deck; for I shall soon be gone。〃 Death was; indeed; rapidly approaching。 He said to the chaplain; 〃Doctor; I have NOT been a GREAT sinner;〃 and after a short pause; 〃Remember that I leave Lady Hamilton and my daughter Horatia as a legacy to my country。〃 His articulation now became difficult; but he was  distinctly heard to say; 〃Thank God I have done my duty。〃 These words he repeatedly pronounced; and they were the last words which he uttered。 He expired at thirty minutes after fourthree hours and a quarter after he had received his wound。

Within a quarter of an hour after Nelson was wounded; above fifty of the VICTORY's men fell by the enemy's musketry。 They; however; on their part; were not idle; and it was not long before there were only two Frenchmen left alive in the mizzen…top of the REDOUTABLE。 One of them was the man who had given the fatal wound: he did not live to boast of what he had done。 An old quarter…master had seen him fire; and easily recognised him; because he wore a glazed cocked hat and a white frock。 This quarter…master and two midshipmen; Mr。 Collingwood and Mr。 Pollard; were the only persons left in the VICTORY's poop; the two midshipmen kept firing at the top; and he supplied them with cartridges。 One of the Frenchmen; attempting to make his escape down the rigging; was shot by Mr。 Pollard; and fell on the poop。 But the old quarter… master; as he cried out; 〃That's he; that's he;〃 and pointed at the other who was coming forward to fire again; received a shot in his mouth; and fell dead。 Both the midshipmen then fired at the same time; and the fellow dropped in the top。 When they took possession of the prize; they went into the mizzen…top; and found him dead; with one ball through his head; and another through his breast。

The REDOUTABLE struck within twenty minutes after the fatal shot had been fired from her。 During that time she had been twice on fire in her fore…chains and in her forecastle。 The French; as they had done in other battles; made use in this; of fire…balls and other combustibles; implements of destruction which other nations; from a sense of honour and humanity; have laid aside; which add to the; sufferings of the wounded; without determining the issue of the  combat: which none but the cruel would employ; and which never can be successful against the brave。 Once they succeeded in setting fire; from the REDOUTABLE; to some ropes and canvas on the VICTORY's booms。 The cry ran through the ship; and reached the cockpit; but even this dreadful cry produced no confusion: the men displayed that perfect self…possession in danger by which English seamen are characterised; they extinguished the flames on board their own ship; and then hastened to extinguish them in the enemy; by throwing buckets of water from the gangway。 When the REDOUTABLE had struck; it was not practicable to board her from the VICTORY; for; though the two ships touched; the upper works of both fell in so much; that there was a great space between their gangways; and she could not be boarded from the lower or middle decks because her ports were down。 Some of our men went to Lieutenant Quilliam; and offered to swim under her bows; and get up there; but it was thought unfit to hazard brave lives in this manner。

What our men would have done from gallantry; some of the crew of the SANTISSIMA TRINIDAD did to save themselves。 Unable to stand the tremendous fire of the VICTORY; whose larboard guns played against this great four…decker; and not knowing how else to escape them; nor where else to betake themselves for protection; many of them leaped overboard and swam to the VICTORY; and were actually helped up her sides by the English during the action。 The Spaniards began the battle with less vivacity than their unworthy allies; but they continued it with greater firmness。 The ARGONAUTA and BAHAMA were defended till they had each lost about four hundred men; the SAN JUAN NEPOMUCENO lost three hundred and fifty。 Often as the superiority of British courage has been proved against France upon the seas; it was never more conspicuous than in this decisive conflict。 Five of our ships were engaged muzzle to muzzle with five of the French。 In all five the Frenchmen lowered their lower…deck ports; and deserted their guns; while our men continued deliberately to load and fire till they had made the victory secure。

Once; amidst his sufferings; Nelson had expressed a wish that he were dead; but immediately the spirit subdued the pains of death; and he wished to live a little longer; doubtless that he might hear the completion of the victory which he had seen so gloriously begun。 That consolation; that joy; that triumph; was afforded him。 He lived to know that the victory was decisive; and the last guns which were fired at the flying enemy were heard a minute or two before he expired。 The ships which were thus flying were four of the enemy's van; all French; under Rear…Admiral Dumanoir。 They had borne no part in the action; and now; when they were seeking safety in flight; they fired not only into the VICTORY and ROYAL SOVEREIGN as they passed; but poured their broadsides into the Spanish captured ships; and they were seen to back their topsails for the purpose of firing with more precision。 The indignation of the Spaniards at this detestable cruelty from their allies; for whom they had fought so bravely; and so profusely bled; may well be conceived。 It was such that when; two days after the action; seven of the ships which had escaped into Cadiz came out in hopes of re…taking some of the disabled prizes; the prisoners in the ARGONAUTA; in a body; offered their services to the British prize…master; to man the guns against any of the French ships; saying; that if a Spanish ship came alongside; they would quietly go below; but they requested that they might be allowed to fight the French in resentment for the murderous usage which they had suffered at their hands。 Such was their earnestness; and such the implicit confidence which could be placed in Spanish honour; that the offer was accepted and they were actually stationed at the lower…deck guns。 Dumanoir and his squadron were not more fortunate than the fleet from whose destruction they fled。 They fell in with Sir Richard Strachan; who was cruising for the Rochefort squadron; and were all taken。 In the better days of France; if such a crime could then have been committed; it would have received an exemplary punishment from the French government。 Under Buonaparte it was sure of impunity; and perhaps might be thought deserving of reward。 But if the Spanish court had been independent; it would have become us to have delivered Dumanoir and his captains up to Spain; that they might have been brought to trial; and hanged in sight of the remains of the Spanish fleet。

The total British loss in the battle of Trafalgar amounted to 1587。 Twenty of the enemy struck; but it was not possible to anchor the fleet; as Nelson had enjoined。 A gale came on from the S。W。; some of the prizes went down; some went on shore; one effected its escape into Cadiz; others were destroyed; four only were saved; and those by the 
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