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the life of horatio lord nelson-第7章

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 act of unusual generosity; and now that the fame of Nelson has given interest to everything connected with his name; it is regarded as a relic。 The ALBEMARLE had a narrow escape upon this cruise。 Four French sail of the line and a frigate; which had come out of Boston harbour; gave chase to her; and Nelson; perceiving that they beat him in sailing; boldly ran among the numerous shoals of St。 George's Bank; confiding in his own skill in pilotage。 Captain Salter; in the STA。 MARGARETTA; had escaped the French fleet by a similar manoeuvre not long before。 The frigate alone continued warily to pursue him; but as soon as he perceived that this enemy was unsupported; he shortened sail and hove to; upon which the Frenchman thought it advisable to give over the pursuit; and sail in quest of his consorts。

At Quebec Nelson became acquainted with Alexander Davison; by whose interference he was prevented from making what would have been called an imprudent marriage。 The ALBEMARLE was about to leave the station; her captain had taken leave of his friends; and was gone down the river to the place of anchorage; when the next morning; as Davison was walking on the beach; to his surprise he saw Nelson coming back in his boat。 Upon inquiring the cause of this reappearance; Nelson took his arm to walk towards the town; and told him that he found it utterly impossible to leave Quebec without again seeing the woman whose society had contributed so much to his happiness there; and offering her his hand。 〃If you do;〃 said his friend; 〃your ruin must inevitably follow。〃 〃Then let it follow;〃 cried Nelson; 〃for I am resolved to do it〃 〃And I;〃 replied Davison; 〃am resolved you shall not。〃 Nelson; however; upon this occasion; was less resolute than his friend; and suffered himself to be led back to the boat。

The ALBEMARLE was under orders to convoy a fleet of transports to New York。 〃A very pretty job〃 said her captain; 〃at this late season of the year〃 (October was far advanced); 〃for our sails are at this moment frozen to the yards。〃 On his arrival at Sandy Hook; he waited on the commander…in…chief; Admiral Digby; who told him he was come on a fine station for making prize…money。 〃Yes; sir;〃 Nelson made answer; 〃but the West Indies is the station for honour。〃 Lord Hood; with a detachment of Rodney's victorious fleet; was at that time at Sandy Hook: he had been intimate with Captain Suckling; and Nelson; who was desirous of nothing but honour; requested him to ask for the ALBEMARLE; that he might go to that station where it was most likely to be obtained。 Admiral Digby reluctantly parted with him。 His professional merit was already well known; and Lord Hood; on introducing him to Prince William Henry; as the Duke of Clarence was then called; told the prince; if he wished to ask any questions respecting naval tactics; Captain Nelson could give him as much information as any officer in the fleet。 The Dukewho; to his own honour; became from that time the firm friend of Nelsondescribes him as appearing the merest boy of a captain he had ever seen; dressed in a full laced uniform; an old…fashioned waistcoat with long flaps; and his lank unpowdered hair tied in a stiff Hessian tail of extraordinary length; making altogether so remarkable a figure; that; says the duke; 〃I had never seen anything like it before; nor could I imagine who he was; nor what he came about。 But his address and conversation  were irresistibly pleasing; and when he spoke on professional subjects; it was with an enthusiasm that showed he was no common being。〃

It was expected that the French would attempt some of the passages between the Bahamas; and Lord Hood; thinking of this; said to Nelson; 〃I suppose; sir; from the length of time you were cruising among the Bahama Keys; you must be a good pilot there。〃 He replied; with that constant readiness to render justice to every man which was so conspicuous in all his conduct through life; that he was well acquainted with them himself; but that in that respect his second lieutenant was far his superior。 The French got into Puerto Cabello; on the coast of Venezuela。 Nelson was cruising between that port and La Guapra; under French colours; for the purpose of obtaining information; when a king's launch; belonging to the Spaniards; passed near; and being hailed in French; came alongside without suspicion; and answered all questions that were asked concerning the number and force of the enemy's ships。 The crew; however; were not a little surprised when they were taken on board and found themselves prisoners。 One of the party went by the name of the Count de Deux…Ponts。 He was; however; a prince of the German empire; and brother to the heir of the Electorate of Bavaria: his companions were French officers of distinction; and men of science; who had been collecting specimens in the various branches of natural history。 Nelson; having entertained them with the best his table could afford; told them they were at liberty to depart with their boat; and all that it contained: he only required them to promise that they would consider themselves as prisoners if the commander…in…chief should refuse to acquiesce in their being thus liberated: a circumstance which was not likely to happen。 Tidings soon arrived that the preliminaries of peace had been signed; and the ALBEMARLE returned to England and was paid off。 Nelson's first business; after he got to London; even before he went to see his relations; was to attempt to get the wages due to his men for the various ships in which they had served during the war。 〃The disgust of seamen to the navy;〃 he said; 〃was all owing to the infernal plan of turning them over from ship to ship; so that men could not be attached to their officers; nor the officers care the least about the men。〃 Yet he himself was so beloved by his men that his whole ship's company offered; if he could get a ship; to enter for her immediately。 He was now; for the first time; presented at court。  After going through this ceremony; he dined with his friend Davison at Lincoln's Inn。 As soon as he entered the chambers; he threw off what he called his iron…bound coat; and; putting himself at ease in a dressing gown; passed the remainder of the day in talking over all that had befallen them since they parted on the shore of the River St。 Lawrence。


1784 … 1793

Nelson goes to France Reappointed to the BOREAS at the Leeward Islands in the BOREASHis firm conduct concerning the American Interlopers and the ContractorsMarries and returns to EnglandIs on the point of quitting the Service in DisgustManner of Life while unemployed Appointed to the AGAMEMNON on the breaking out of the War of the French Revolution。


〃I HAVE closed the war;〃 said Nelson in one of his letters; 〃without a fortune; but there is not a speck in my character。 True honour; I hope; predominates in my mind far above riches。〃 He did not apply for a ship; because he was not wealthy enough to live on board in the manner which was then become customary。 Finding it; therefore; prudent to economise on his half…pay during the peace; he went to France; in company with Captain Macnamara of the navy; and took lodgings at St。 Omer's。 The death of his favo
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