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the life of horatio lord nelson-第58章

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leasure at seeing the proofs and trophies of his victory destroyed; did not forget to represent to the Admiralty the case of those who were thus deprived of their prize…money。 〃Whether;〃 said he to Earl St。 Vincent; 〃Sir Hyde Parker may mention the subject to you; I know not; for he is rich; and does not want it: nor is it; you will believe me; any desire to get a few hundred pounds that actuates me to address this letter to you; but justice to the brave officers and men who fought on that day。 It is true our opponents were in hulks and floats; only adapted for the position they were in; but that made our battle so much the harder; and victory so much the more difficult to obtain。 Believe me; I have weighed all circumstances; and; in my conscience; I think that the king should send a gracious message to the House of Commons for a gift to this fleet; for what must be the natural feelings of the officers and men belonging to it; to see their rich commander…in…chief burn all the fruits of their victory; which; if fitted up and sent to England (as many of them might have been by dismantling part of our fleet); would have sold for a good round sum。〃

On the 9th; Nelson landed again; to conclude the terms of the armistice。 During its continuance the armed ships and vessels of Denmark were to remain in their actual situation; as to armament; equipment; and hostile position; and the treaty of armed neutrality; as far as related to the co…operation of Denmark; was suspended。 The prisoners were to be sent on shore; an acknowledgment being given for them; and for the wounded also; that: they might be carried to Great Britain's credit in the account of war; in case hostilities should be renewed。 The British fleet was allowed to provide itself with all things requisite for the health and comfort of its men。 A difficulty arose respecting the duration of the armistice。 The Danish commissioners fairly stated their fears of Russia; and Nelson; with that frankness which sound policy and the sense of power seem often to require as well as justify in diplomacy; told them his reason for demanding a long term was; that he might have time to act against the Russian fleet; and then return to Copenhagen。 Neither party would yield upon this point; and one of the Danes hinted at the renewal of hostilities。 〃Renew hostilities!〃 cried Nelson to one of his friendsfor he understood French enough to comprehend what was said; though not to answer it in the same language 〃tell him we are ready at a moment! ready to bombard this very night!〃 The conference; however; proceeded amicably on both sides; and as the commissioners could not agree on this head; they broke up; leaving Nelson to settle it with the prince。 A levee was held forthwith in one of the state…rooms; a scene well suited for such a consultation; for all these rooms had been stripped of their furniture; in fear of a bombardment。 To a bombardment  also Nelson was looking at this time: fatigue and anxiety; and vexation at the dilatory measures of the commander…in…chief; combined to make him irritable; and as he was on his way to the prince's dining…room; he whispered to the officer on whose arm he was leaning; 〃Though I have only one eye; I can see that all this will burn well。〃 After dinner he was closeted with the prince; and they agreed that the armistice should continue fourteen weeks; and that; at its termination; fourteen days' notice should be given before the  recommencement of hostilities。

An official account of the battle was published by Olfert Fischer; the Danish commander…in…chief in which it was asserted that our force was greatly superior; nevertheless; that two of our ships of the line had struck; that the others were so weakened; and especially Lord Nelson's own ship; as to fire only single shots for an hour before the end of the action; and that this hero himself; in the middle and very heat of the conflict; sent a flag of truce on shore; to propose a cessation of hostilities。 For the truth of this account the Dane appealed to the prince; and all those who; like him; had been eyewitnesses of the scene。 Nelson was exceedingly indignant at such a statement; and addressed a letter in confutation of it to the Adjutant… General Lindholm; thinking this incumbent on him for the information of the prince; since His Royal Highness had been appealed to as a witness: 〃Otherwise;〃 said he; 〃had Commodore Fischer confined himself to his own veracity; I should have treated his official letter with the contempt it deserved; and allowed the world to appreciate the merits of the two commanding officers。〃 After pointing out and detecting some of the misstatements in the account; he proceeds: 〃As to his nonsense about victory; His Royal Highness will not much credit him。 I sunk; burnt; captured; or drove into the harbour; the whole line of defence to the southward of the Crown Islands。 He says he is told that two British ships struck。 Why did he not take possession of them? I took possession of his as fast as they struck。 The reason is clear; that he did not believe it: he must have known the falsity of the report。 He states that the ship in which I had the honour to hoist my flag fired latterly only single guns。 It is true; for steady and cool were my brave fellows; and did not wish to throw away a single shot。 He seems to exult that I sent on shore a flag of truce。 You know; and His Royal Highness knows; that the guns fired from the shore could only fire through the Danish ships which had surrendered; and that; if I fired at the shore; it could only be in the same manner。 God forbid that I should destroy an unresisting Dane! When they become my prisoners; I become their protector。〃

This letter was written in terms of great asperity to the Danish commander。 Lindholm replied in a manner every way honourable to himself。 He vindicated the commodore in some points; and excused him in others; reminding Nelson that every commander…in…chief was liable to receive incorrect reports。 With a natural desire to represent the action in the most favourable light to Denmark; he took into the comparative strength of the two parties the ships which were aground; and which could not get into action; and omitted the Trekroner and the batteries upon Amak Island。 He disclaimed all idea of claiming as a victory; 〃what; to every intent and purpose;〃 said he; 〃was a defeatbut not an inglorious one。 As to your lordship's motive for sending a flag of truce; it never can be misconstrued and your subsequent conduct has sufficiently shown that humanity is always the companion of true valour。 You have done more: you have shown yourself a friend to the re…establishment of peace and good harmony between this country and Great Britain。 It is; therefore; with the  sincerest esteem I shall always feel myself attached to your lordship。〃 Thus handsomely winding up his reply; he soothed and contented Nelson; who drawing up a memorandum of the comparative force of the two parties for his own satisfaction; assured Lindholm that; if the commodore's statement had been in the same manly and honourable strain; he would have been the last man to have noticed any little inaccuracies which might get into a commander…in…chiefs public letter。

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