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the life of horatio lord nelson-第56章

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ed at the massacrefor such he called it; and with a presence of mind peculiar to himself; and never more signally displayed than now; he retired into the stern gallery; and wrote thus to the Crown Prince: 〃Vice…Admiral Lord Nelson has been commanded to spare Denmark when she no longer resists。 The line of defence which covered her shores has struck to the British flag; but if the firing is continued on the part of Denmark; he must set on fire all the prizes that he has taken; without having the power of saving the men who have so nobly defended them。 The brave Danes are the brothers; and should never be the enemies; of the English。〃 A wafer was given him; but he ordered a candle to be brought from the cockpit; and sealed the letter with wax; affixing a larger seal than he ordinarily used。 〃This;〃 said he; 〃is no time to appear hurried and informal。〃 Captain Sir Frederick Thesiger; who acted as his aide…de…camp; carried this letter with a flag of truce。 Meantime the fire of the ships ahead; and the approach of the RAMILLIES and DEFENCE from Sir Hyde's division; which had now worked near enough to alarm the enemy; though not to injure them; silenced the remainder of the Danish line to the eastward of the Trekroner。 That battery; however; continued its fire。 This formidable work; owing to the want of the ships which had been destined to attack it; and the inadequate force of Riou's little squadron; was comparatively uninjured。 Towards the close of the action it had been manned with nearly fifteen hundred men; and the intention of storming it; for which every preparation had been made; was abandoned as impracticable。

During Thesiger's absence; Nelson sent for Freemantle; from the GANGES; and consulted with him and Foley whether it was advisable to advance; with those ships which had sustained least damage; against the yet uninjured part of the Danish line。 They were decidedly of opinion that the best thing which could be done was; while the wind continued fair; to remove the fleet out of the intricate channel from which it had to retreat。 In somewhat more than half an hour after Thesiger had been despatched; the Danish adjutant…general; Lindholm came; bearing a flag of truce; upon which the Trekroner ceased to fire; and the action closed; after four hours' continuance。 He brought an inquiry from the prince;What was the object of Nelson's note? The British admiral wrote in reply:〃Lord Nelson's object in sending the flag of truce was human… ity; he therefore consents that hostilities shall cease; and that the wounded Danes may be taken on shore。 And Lord Nelson will take his prisoners out of the vessels; and burn or carry off his prizes as he shall think fit。 Lord Nelson; with humble duty to his royal highness the prince; will consider this the greatest victory he has ever gained; if it may be the cause of a happy reconciliation and union between his own most gracious sovereign and his majesty the King of Denmark。〃 Sir Frederick Thesiger was despatched a second time with the reply; and the Danish adjutant…general was referred to the commander…in…chief for a conference upon this overture。 Lindholm assenting to this; proceeded to the LONDON; which was riding at anchor full four miles off and Nelson; losing not one of the critical moments which he had thus gained; made signal for his leading ships to weigh in succession; they had the shoal to clear; they were much crippled; and their course was immediately under the guns of the Trekroner。

The MONARCH led the way。 This ship had received six…and…twenty shot between wind and water。 She had not a shroud standing;  there was a double…headed shot in the heart of her foremast; and the slightest wind would have sent every mast over her side。 The imminent danger from which Nelson had extricated himself soon became apparent: the MONARCH touched immediately upon a shoal; over which she was pushed by the GANGES taking her amidships; the GLATTON went clear; but the other two; the DEFIANCE and the ELEPHANT; grounded about a mile from the Trekroner; and there remained fixed for many hours; in spite of all the exertions of their wearied crews。 The DESIREE frigate also; at the other end of the line; having gone toward the close of the action to assist the BELLONA; became fast on the same shoal。 Nelson left the ELEPHANT soon after she took the ground; to follow Lindholm。 The heat of the action was over; and that kind of feeling which the surrounding scene of havoc was so well fitted to produce; pressed heavily upon his exhausted spirits。 The sky had suddenly become overcast; white flags were waving from the mast…heads of so many shattered ships; the slaughter had ceased; but the grief was to come; for the account of the dead was not yet made up; and no man could tell for what friends he might have to mourn。 The very silence which follows the cessation of such a battle becomes a weight upon the heart at first; rather than a relief; and though the work of mutual destruction was at an end; the DANBROG was at this time drifting about in flames; presently she blew up; while our boats; which had put off in all directions to assist her; were endeavouring to pick up her devoted crew; few of whom could be saved。 The fate of these men; after the gallantry which they had displayed; particularly affected Nelson; for there was nothing in this action of that indignation against the enemy; and that impression of retributive justice; which at the Nile had given a sterner temper to his mind; and a sense of austere delight in beholding the vengeance of which he was the appointed minister。 The Danes were an honourable foe; they were of English mould as well as English blood; and now that the battle had ceased; he regarded them rather as brethren than as enemies。 There was another reflection also which mingled with these melancholy thoughts; and predisposed him to receive them。 He was not here master of his own movements; as at Egypt; he had won the day by disobeying his orders; and in so far as he had been successful; had convicted the commander…in…chief of an error in judgment。 〃Well;〃 said he; as he left the ELEPHANT; 〃I have fought contrary to orders; and I shall perhaps be hanged。 Never mind: let them!〃

This was the language of a man who; while he is giving utterance to uneasy thought; clothes it half in jest; because he half repents that it has been disclosed。 His services had been too eminent on that day; his judgment too conspicuous; his success too signal; for any commander; however jealous of his own authority; or envious of another's merits; to express anything but satisfaction and gratitude: which Sir Hyde heartily felt; and sincerely expressed。 It was speedily agreed that there should be a suspension of hostilities for four…and…twenty hours; that all the prizes should be surrendered; and the wounded Danes carried on shore。 There was a pressing necessity for this; for the Danes; either from too much confidence in the strength of their position and the difficulty of the channel; or supposing that the wounded might be carried on shore during the action; which was found totally impracticable; or perhaps from the confusion which the attack excited; had provided no surgeons; so that; when our men boarded the ca
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