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the life of horatio lord nelson-第52章

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nds Copenhagen in full view; the best city of the north; and one of the finest capitals of Europe; visible; with its stately spires; far off。 Amid these magnificent objects there are some which possess a peculiar interest for the recollections which they call forth。 The isle of Huen; a lovely domain; about six miles in circumference; had been the munificent gift of Frederick the Second to Tycho Brahe。 It has higher shores than the near coast of Zealand; or than the Swedish coast in that part。 Here most of his discoveries were made; and here the ruins are to be seen of his observatory; and of the mansion where he was visited by princes; and where; with a princely spirit; he received and entertained all comers from all parts; and promoted science by his liberality as well as by his labours。 Elsinore is a name familiar to English ears; being inseparably associated with HAMLET; and one of the noblest works of human genius。 Cronenburgh had been the scene of deeper tragedy: here Queen Matilda was confined; the victim of a foul and murderous court intrigue。 Here; amid heart…breaking griefs; she found consolation in nursing her infant。 Here she took her everlasting leave of that infant; when; by the interference of England; her own deliverance was obtained; and as the ship bore her away from a country where the venial indiscretions of youth and unsuspicious gaiety had been so cruelly punished; upon these towers she fixed her eyes; and stood upon the deck; obstinately gazing toward them till the last speck had disappeared。

The Sound being the only frequented entrance to the Baltic; the great Mediterranean of the North; few parts of the sea display so frequent a navigation。 In the height of the season not fewer than a hundred vessels pass every four…and…twenty hours for many weeks in succession; but never had so busy or so splendid a scene been exhibited there as on this day; when the British fleet prepared to force that passage where; till now; all ships had vailed their topsails to the flag of Denmark。 The whole force consisted of fifty…one sail of various descriptions; of which sixteen were of the line。 The greater part of the bomb and gun vessels took their stations off Cronenburgh Castle; to cover the fleet; while others on the larboard were ready to engage the Swedish shore。 The Danes; having improved every moment which ill…timed negotiation and baffling weather gave them; had lined their shores with batteries; and as soon as the MONARCH; which was the leading ship; came abreast of them; a fire was opened from about a hundred pieces of cannon and mortars; our light vessels immediately; in return; opened their fire upon the castle。 Here was all the pompous circumstance and exciting reality of war; without its effects; for this ostentatious display was but a bloodless prelude to the wide and sweeping destruction which was soon to follow。 The enemy's shot fell near enough to splash the water on board our ships: not relying upon any forbearance of the Swedes; they meant to have kept the mid channel; but when they perceived that not a shot was fired from Helsinburg; and that no batteries were to be seen on the Swedish shore; they inclined to that side; so as completely to get out of reach of the Danish guns。 The uninterrupted blaze which was kept up from them till the fleet had passed; served only to exhilarate our sailors; and afford them matter for jest; as the shot fell in showers a full cable's length short of its destined aim。 A few rounds were re… turned from some of our leading ships; till they perceived its in… utility: this; however; occasioned the only bloodshed of the day; some of our men being killed and wounded by the bursting of a gun。 As soon as the main body had passed; the gun vessels followed; desisting from their bombardment; which had been as innocent as that of the enemy; and; about mid…day; the whole fleet anchored between the island of Huen and Copen… hagen。 Sir Hyde; with Nelson; Admiral Graves; some of the senior captains; and the commanding officers of the artillery and the troops; then proceeded in a lugger to reconnoitre the enemy's means of defence; a formidable line of ships; radeaus; pontoons; galleys; fire…ships and gun…boats; flanked and supported by extensive batteries; and occupying; from one extreme point to the other; an extent of nearly four miles。

A council of war was held In the afternoon。 It was apparent that the Danes could not be attacked without great difficulty and risk; and some of the members of the council spoke of the number of the Swedes and the Russians whom they should afterwards have to engage; as a consideration which ought to be borne in mind。 Nelson; who kept pacing the cabin; impatient as he ever was of anything which savoured of irresolution; repeatedly said; 〃The more numerous the better: I wish they were twice as many;the easier the victory; depend on it。〃 The plan upon which he had determined; if ever it should be his fortune to bring a Baltic fleet to action; was; to attack the head of their line and confuse their movements。 〃Close with a Frenchman;〃 he used to say; 〃but out manoeuvre a Russian。〃 He offered his services for the attack; requiring ten sail of the line and the whole of the smaller craft。 Sir Hyde gave him two more line…of…battle ships than he asked; and left everything to his judgment。

The enemy's force was not the only; nor the greatest; obstacle with which the British fleet had to contend: there was another to be overcome before they could come in contact with it。 The channel was little known and extremely intricate: all the buoys had been removed; and the Danes considered this difficulty as almost insuperable; thinking the channel impracticable for so large a fleet。 Nelson himself saw the soundings made and the buoys laid down; boating it upon this exhausting service; day and night; till it was effected。 When this was done he thanked God for having enabled him to get through this difficult part of his duty。 〃It had worn him down;〃 he said; 〃and was infinitely more grievous to him than any resistance which he could experience from the enemy。〃

At the first council of war; opinions inclined to an attack from the eastward; but the next day; the wind being southerly; after a second examination of the Danish position; it was determined to attack from the south; approaching in the manner which Nelson had suggested in his first thoughts。 On the morning of the 1st of April the whole fleet removed to an anchorage within two leagues of the town; and off the N。W。 end of the Middle Ground; a shoal lying exactly before the town; at about three quarters of a mile distance; and extending along its whole sea…front。 The King's Channel; where there is deep water; is between this shoal and the town; and here the Danes had arranged their line of defence; as near the shore as possible: nineteen ships and floating batteries; flanked; at the end nearest the town; by the Crown Batteries; which were two artificial islands; at the mouth of the harbourmost formidable works; the larger one having; by the Danish account; 66 guns; but; as Nelson believed; 88。 The fleet having anchored; Nelson; with Riou; in the AMAZON; made his last examination of the ground; and about one o'clock
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