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the life of horatio lord nelson-第44章

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 command of the fleet。 This; the apologists of Lord Nelson say; he failed in proving。 They forget that the possibility of proving it was not allowed him; for he was brought to trial within an hour after he was legally in arrest; and how; in that time; was he to collect his witnesses? He was found guilty; and sentenced to death; and Nelson gave orders that the sentence should be carried into effect that evening; at five o'clock; on board the Sicilian frigate; LA MINERVA; by hanging him at the fore…yard…arm till sunset; when the body was to be cut down and thrown into the sea。 Caraccioli requested Lieut。 Parkinson; under whose custody he was placed; to intercede with Lord Nelson for a second trialfor this; among other reasons; that Count Thurn; who presided at the court…martial; was notoriously his personal enemy。 Nelson made answer; that the prisoner had been fairly tried by the officers of his own country; and he could not interfere; forgetting that; if he felt himself justified in ordering the trial and the execution; no human being could ever have questioned the propriety of his interfering on the side of mercy。 Caraccioli then entreated that he might be shot。 〃I am an old man; sir;〃 said he: 〃I leave no family to lament me; and therefore cannot be supposed to be very anxious about prolonging my life; but the disgrace of being hanged is dreadful to me。〃 When this was repeated to Nelson; he only told the lieutenant; with much agitation; to go and attend his duty。 As a last hope; Caraccioli asked the lieutenant if he thought an application to Lady Hamilton would be beneficial? Parkinson went to seek her; she was not to be seen on this occasion; but she was present at the execution。 She had the most devoted attachment to the Neapolitan court; and the hatred which she felt against those whom she regarded as its enemies; made her at this time forget what was due to the character of her sex as well as of her country。 Here; also; a faithful historian is called upon to pronounce a severe and unqualified condemnation of Nelson's conduct。 Had he the authority of his Sicilian majesty for proceeding as he did? If so; why was not that authority produced? If not; why were the proceedings hurried on without it? Why was the trial precipitated; so that it was impossible for the prisoner; if he had been innocent; to provide the witnesses; who might have proved him so? Why was a second trial refused; when the known animosity of the president of the court against the prisoner was considered? Why was the execution hastened; so as to preclude any appeal for mercy; and render the prerogative of mercy useless? Doubtless; the British Admiral seemed to himself to be acting under a rigid sense of justice; but to all other persons it was obvious that he was influenced by an  infatuated attachmenta baneful passion; which destroyed his domestic happiness; and now; in a second instance; stained ineffaceably his public character。

The body was carried out to a considerable distance; and sunk in the bay; with three double…headed shot; weighing 250 lbs。; tied to its legs。 Between two or three weeks afterward; when the king was on board the FOUDROYANT; a Neapolitan fisherman came to the ship; and solemnly declared that Caraccioli had risen from the bottom of the sea; and was coming as fast as he could to Naples; swimming half out of the water。 Such an account was listened to like a tale of idle credulity。 The day being fair; Nelson; to please the king; stood out to sea; but the ship had not proceeded far before a body was distinctly seen; upright in the water; and approaching them。 It was soon recognised to be indeed the corpse of Caraccioli; which had risen and floated; while the great weights attached to the legs kept the body in a position like that of a living man。 A fact so  extraordinary astonished the king; and perhaps excited some feeling of superstitious fear; akin to regret。 He gave permission for the body to be taken on shore and receive Christian burial。 It produced no better effect。 Naples exhibited more dreadful scenes than it had witnessed in the days of Massaniello。 After the mob had had their fill of blood and plunder; the reins were given to justiceif that can be called justice which annuls its own stipulations; looks to the naked facts alone; disregarding all motives and all circumstances; and without considering character; or science; or sex; or youth; sacrifices its victims; not for the public weal; but for the gratification of greedy vengeance。

The castles of St。 Elmo; Gaieta; and Capua remained to be subdued。 On the land side there was no danger that the French in these garrisons should be relieved; for Suvarof was now beginning to drive the enemy before him; but Nelson thought his presence necessary in the bay of Naples: and when Lord Keith; having received intelligence that the French and Spanish fleets had formed a junction; and sailed for Carthagena; ordered him to repair to Minorca with the whole or the greater part of his force; he sent Admiral Duckworth with a small part only。 This was a dilemma which he had foreseen。 〃Should such an order come at this moment;〃 he said; in a letter previously written to the Admiralty; 〃it would be a case for some consideration; whether Minorca is to be risked; or the two kingdoms of Naples and Sicily; I rather think my decision would be to risk the former。〃 And after he had acted upon this opinion; he wrote in these terms to the Duke of Clarence; with whose high notions of obedience he was well acquainted: 〃I am well aware of the consequences of disobeying my orders; but as I have often before risked my life for the good cause; so I with cheerfulness did my commission; for although a military tribunal may think me criminal; the world will approve of my conduct; and I regard not my own safety when the honour of my king is at stake。〃

Nelson was right in his judgment: no attempt was made on Minorca: and the expulsion of the French from Naples may rather be said to have been effected than accelerated by the English and Portuguese of the allied fleet; acting upon shore; under Troubridge。 The French commandant at St。 Elmo; relying upon the strength of the place; and the nature of the force which attacked it; had insulted Captain Foote in the grossest terms; but CITOYEN Mejan was soon taught better manners; when Trou… bridge; in spite of every obstacle; opened five batteries upon the fort。 He was informed that none of his letters; with the insolent printed words at the top; LIBERTE EQALITE; GUERRE AUX TYRANS; &c。 would be received; but that if he wrote like a soldier and a gentleman he would be answered in the same style。 The Frenchman then began to flatter his antagonist upon the BIENFAISANCE and HUMANITE which; he said; were the least of the many virtues which distinguished Monsieur Troubridge。 Monsieur Troubridge's BIENFAISANCE was at this time thinking of mining the fort。 〃If we can accomplish that;〃 said he;〃I am a strong advocate to send them; hostages and all; to Old Nick; and surprise him with a group of nobility and republicans。 Meantime;〃 he added;〃it was some satisfaction to perceive that the shells fell well; and broke some of their shins。〃 Finally; to complete his character; Mejan offer
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