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the life of horatio lord nelson-第40章

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eceived as far as relates to us。 Down; down with the French! is my constant prayer。〃

Odes; sonnets; and congratulatory poems of every description were poured in upon Nelson on his arrival at Naples。 An Irish Franciscan; who was one of the poets; not being content with panegyric upon this occasion; ventured on a flight of prophecy; and predicted that Lord Nelson would take Rome with his ships。 His lordship reminded Father M'Cormick that ships could not ascend the Tiber; but the father; who had probably forgotten this circumstance; met the objection with a bold front; and declared he saw that it would come to pass notwithstanding。 Rejoicings of this kind were of short duration。 The King of Naples was with the army which had entered Rome; but the castle of St。 Angelo was held by the French; and 13;000 French were strongly posted in the Roman states at Castallana。 Mack had marched against them with 20;000 men。 Nelson saw that the event was doubtful; or rather that there could be very little hope of the result。 But the immediate fate of Naples; as he well knew; hung upon the issue。 〃If Mack is defeated;〃 said he; 〃in fourteen days this country is lost; for the emperor has not yet moved his army; and Naples has not the power of resisting the enemy。 It was not a case for choice; but of necessity; which induced the king to march out of his kingdom; and not wait till the French had collected a force sufficient to drive him out of it in a week。〃 He had no reliance upon the Neapolitan officers; who; as he described them; seemed frightened at a drawn sword or a loaded gun; and he was perfectly aware of the consequences which the sluggish movements and deceitful policy of the Austrians were likely to bring down upon themselves and all their continental allies。 〃A delayed war on the part of the emperor;〃 said he; writing to the British minister at Vienna; 〃will be destructive to this monarchy of Naples; and; of course; to the newly…acquired dominions of the Emperor in Italy。 Had the war commenced in September or October; all Italy would; at this moment; have been liberated。 This month is worse than the last; the next will render the contest doubtful; and; in six months; when the Neapolitan republic will be organised; armed; and with its numerous resources called forth; the emperor will not only be defeated in Italy; but will totter on his throne at Vienna。 DOWN; DOWN WITH THE FRENCH! ought to be written in the council…room of every country in the world; and may Almighty God give right thoughts to every sovereign; is my constant prayer!〃 His perfect foresight of the immediate event was clearly shown in this letter; when he desired the ambassador to assure the empress (who was a daughter of the house of Naples) that; notwithstanding the councils which had shaken the throne of her father and mother; he would remain there; ready to save their persons; and her brothers and sisters; and that he had also left ships at Leghorn to save the lives of the grand duke and her sister: 〃For all;〃 said he; 〃must be a republic; if the emperor does not act with expedition and vigour。〃

His fears were soon verified。 〃The Neapolitan officers;〃 said Nelson; 〃did not lose much honour; for; God knows; they had not much to lose; but they lost all they had。〃 General St。 Philip  commanded the right wing; of 19;000 men。 He fell in with 3000 of the enemy; and; as soon as he came near enough; deserted to them。 One of his men had virtue enough to level a musket at him; and shot him through the arm; but the wound was not sufficient to prevent him from joining with the French in pursuit of his own countrymen。 Cannon; tents; baggage; and military chest; were all forsaken by the runaways; though they lost only forty men; for the French having put them to flight and got possession of everything; did not pursue an army of more than three times their own number。 The main body of the Neapolitans; under Mack; did not behave better。 The king returned to Naples; where every day brought with it tidings of some new disgrace from the army and the discovery of some new treachery at home; till; four days after his return; the general sent him advice that there was no prospect of stopping the progress of the enemy; and that the royal family must look to their own personal safety。 The state of the public mind at Naples was such; at this time; that neither the British minister nor the British Admiral thought it prudent to appear at court。 Their motions were watched; and the revolutionists had even formed a plan for seizing and detaining them as hostages; to prevent an attack on the city after the French should have taken possession of it。 A letter which Nelson addressed at this time to the First Lord of the Admiralty; shows in what manner he contemplated the possible issue of the storm。 it was in these words:〃My dear lord; there is an old saying; that when things are at the worst they must mend: now the mind of man cannot fancy things worse than they are here。 But; thank God! my health is better; my mind never firmer; and my heart in the right trim to comfort; relieve; and protect those whom it is my duty to afford assistance to。 Pray; my lord; assure our gracious sovereign that while I live; I will support his glory; and that if I fall; it shall be in a manner worthy of your lordship's faithful and obliged Nelson。 I must not write more。 Every word may be a text for a long letter。〃

Meantime Lady Hamilton arranged every thing for the removal of the royal family。 This was conducted on her part with the greatest address; and without suspicion; because she had been in habits of constant correspondence with the queen。 It was known that the removal could not be effected without danger; for the mob; and especially the lazzaroni; were attached to the king; and as at this time they felt a natural presumption in their own numbers and strength; they insisted that he should not leave Naples。 Several persons fell victims to their fury; among others was a messenger from Vienna; whose body was dragged under the windows of the palace in the king's sight。 The king and queen spoke to the mob; and pacified them; but it would not have been safe; while they were in this agitated state; to have embarked the effects of the royal family openly。 Lady Hamilton; like a heroine of modern romance; explored with no little danger a subterraneous passage leading from the palace to the sea…side: through this passage the royal treasures; the choicest pieces of painting and sculpture; and other property to the amount of two millions and a half; were conveyed to the shore; and stowed safely on board the English ships。 On the night。 of the 21st; at half…past eight; Nelson landed; brought out the whole royal family; embarked them in three barges; and carried them safely; through a tremendous sea; to the VANGUARD。 Notice was then immediately given to the British merchants; that they would be received on board any ships in the squadron。 Their property had previously been embarked in transports。 Two days were passed in the bay; for the purpose of taking such persons on board as required an asylum; and; on the night of the 23rd; the fleet sailed。 The next day a more violent storm arose than Nelson had ever before encountered。 
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