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the life of horatio lord nelson-第39章

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ory; if it had not been sullied by all the ferocity of a barbarian。 Naples; seeing its destruction at hand; and thinking that the only means of averting it was by meeting the danger; after long vacillations; which were produced by the fears and treachery of its council; agreed at last to join this new coalition with a numerical force of 80;000 men。 Nelson told the king; in plain terms; that he had his choice; either to advance; trusting to God for his blessing on a just cause; and prepared to die sword in hand; or to remain quiet; and be kicked out of his kingdom; one of these things must happen。 The king made answer he would go on; and trust in God and Nelson; and Nelson; who would else have returned to Egypt; for the purpose of destroying the French shipping in Alexandria; gave up his intention at the desire of the Neapolitan court; and resolved to。 remain on that station; in the hope that he might be useful to the movements of the army。 He suspected also; with reason; that the continuance of his fleet was so earnestly requested; because the royal family thought their persons would be safer; in case of any mishap; under the British flag; than under their own。

His first object was the recovery of Maltaan island which the King of Naples pretended to claim。 The Maltese; whom the villanous knights of their order had betrayed to France; had taken up arms against their rapacious invaders; with a spirit and unanimity worthy of the highest praise。 They blockaded the French garrison by land; and a small squadron; under Captain Ball; began to blockade them by sea; on the 12th of October。 Twelve days afterwards Nelson arrived。 〃It is as I suspected;〃 he says: 〃the ministers at Naples know nothing of the situation of the island。 Not a house or bastion of the town is in possession of the islanders: and the Marquis de Niza tells us they want arms; victuals; and support。 He does not know that any Neapolitan officers are on the island; perhaps; although I have their names; none are arrived; and it is very certain; by the marquis's account; that no supplies have been sent by the governors of Syracuse and Messina。〃 The little island of Gozo; dependent upon Malta; which had also been seized and garrisoned by the French; capitulated soon after his arrival; and was taken possession of by the British; in the name of his Sicilian Majestya power who had no better claim to it than France。 Having seen this effected; and reinforced Captain Ball; he left that able officer to perform a most arduous and important part; and returned himself to co… operate with the intended movements of the Neapolitans。

General Mack was at the head of the Neapolitan troops。 All that is now doubtful concerning this man is; whether he was a coward or a traitor。 At that time he was assiduously extolled as a most consummate commander; to whom Europe might look for deliverance。 And when he was introduced by the king and queen to the British admiral; the queen said to him; 〃Be to us by land; general; what my hero Nelson has been by sea。〃 Mack; on his part; did not fail to praise the force which he was appointed to command。 〃It was;〃 he said;〃the finest army in Europe。〃 Nelson agreed with him that there could not be finer men; but when the general; at a review; so directed the operations of a mock fight; that by an unhappy blunder his own troops were surrounded; instead of those of the enemy; he turned to his friends and exclaimed with bitterness; that the fellow did not understand his business。 Another circumstance; not less characteristic; confirmed Nelson in his judgment。 〃General Mack:〃 said he; in one of his letters; 〃cannot move without five carriages! I have formed my opinion。 I heartily pray I may be mistaken。〃

While Mack; at the head of 32;000 men; marched into the Roman state; 5000 Neapolitans were embarked on board the British and Portuguese squadron; to take possession of Leghorn。 This was effected without opposition; and the Grand Duke of Tuscany; whose neutrality had been so outrageously violated by the French; was better satisfied with the measure than some of the Neapolitans themselves。 Nasseli; their general; refused to seize the French vessels at Leghorn; because he and the Duke di Sangro; who was ambassador at the Tuscan court; maintained that the king of Naples was not at war with France。 〃What!〃 said Nelson; 〃has not the king received; as a conquest made by him; the republican flag taken at Gozo? Is not his own flag flying there; and at Malta; not only by his permission; but by his order? Is not his flag shot at every day by the French; and their shot returned from batteries which bear that flag? Are not two frigates and a corvette placed under my orders ready to fight the French; meet them where they may? Has not the king sent publicly from Naples guns; mortars; &c。; with officers and artillery; against the French in Malta? If these acts are not tantamount to any written paper; I give up all knowledge of what is war。〃 This reasoning was of less avail than argument addressed to the general's fears。 Nelson told him that; if he permitted the many hundred French who were then in the mole to remain neutral; till they had a fair opportunity of being active; they had one sure resource; if all other schemes failed; which was to set one vessel on fire; the mole would be destroyed; probably the town also; and the port ruined for twenty years。 This representation made Naselli agree to the half measure of laying an embargo on the vessels; among them were a great number of French privateers; some of which were of such force as to threaten the greatest mischief to our commerce; and about seventy sail of vessels belonging to the Ligurian republic; as Genoa was now called; laden with corn; and ready to sail for Genoa and France; where their arrival would have expedited the entrance of more French troops into Italy。 〃The general;〃 said Nelson; 〃saw; I believe; the consequence of permitting these vessels to depart; in the same light as myself; but there is this difference between us: he prudently; and certainly safely; waits the orders of his court; taking no responsibility upon himself; I act from the circumstances of the moment; as I feel may be most advantageous for the cause which I serve; taking all responsibility on myself。〃 It was in vain to hope for anything vigorous or manly from such men as Nelson was compelled to act with。 The crews of the French ships and their allies were ordered to depart in two days。 Four days elapsed and nobody obeyed the order; nor; in spite of the representations of the British minister; Mr。 Wyndham; were any means taken to enforce it: the true Neapolitan shuffle; as Nelson called it; took place on all occasions。 After an absence of ten days he returned to Naples; and receiving intelligence there from Mr。 Wyndham that the privateers were at last to be disarmed; the corn landed; and the crews sent away; he expressed his satisfaction at the news in characteristic language; saying; 〃So far I am content。 The enemy will be distressed; and; thank God; I shall get no money。 The world; I know; think that money is our god; and now they will be undeceived as far as relates to us。 Down; down with the French! is my constant prayer。〃

Odes; sonnet
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