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the life of horatio lord nelson-第38章

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he meeting as 〃terribly affecting。〃 These friends had scarcely recovered from their tears; when the king; who went out to meet him three leagues in the royal barge; came on board and took him by the hand; calling him his deliverer and preserver。 From all the boats around he was saluted with the same appellations: the multitude who surrounded him when he landed repeated the same enthusiastic cries; and the lazzaroni displayed their joy by holding up birds in cages; and giving them their liberty as he passed。

His birth…day; which occurred a week after his arrival; was celebrated with one of the most splendid fetes ever beheld at Naples。 But; notwithstanding the splendour with which he was encircled; and the flattering honours with which all ranks welcomed him; Nelson was fully sensible of the depravity; as well as weakness; of those by whom he was surrounded。 〃What precious moments〃 said he; 〃the courts of Naples and Vienna are losing! Three months would liberate Italy! but this court is so enervated that the happy moment will be lost。 I am very unwell; and their miserable conduct is not likely to cool my irritable temper。 It is a country of fiddlers and poets; whores and scoundrels。〃 This sense of their ruinous weakness he always retained; nor was he ever blind to the mingled folly and treachery of the Neapolitan ministers; and the complication in iniquities under which the country groaned; but he insensibly; under the influence of Lady Hamilton; formed an affection for the court; to whose misgovernment the miserable condition of the country was so greatly to be imputed。 By the kindness of her nature; as well as by her attractions; she had won his heart。 Earl St。 Vincent; writing to her at this time; says; 〃Pray do not let your fascinating Neapolitan dames approach too near our invaluable friend Nelson; for he is made of flesh and blood; and cannot resist their temptations。〃 But this was addressed to the very person from whom he was in danger。

The state of Naples may be described in few words。 The king was one of the Spanish Bourbons。 As the Caesars have shown us to what wickedness the moral nature of princes may be perverted; so in this family; the degradation to which their intellectual nature can be reduced has been not less conspicuously evinced。 Ferdinand; like the rest of his race; was passionately fond of field sports; and cared for nothing else。 His queen had all the vices of the house of Austria; with little to mitigate; and nothing to ennoble themprovided she could have her pleasures; and the king his sports; they cared not in what manner the revenue was raised or administered。 Of course a system of favouritism existed at court; and the vilest and most impudent corruption prevailed in every department of state; and in every branch of administration; from the highest to the lowest。 It is only the institutions of Christianity; and the vicinity of better…regulated states; which prevent kingdoms; under such circumstances of misrule; from sinking into a barbarism like that of Turkey。 A sense of better things was kept alive in some of the Neapolitans by literature; and by their intercourse with happier countries。 These persons naturally looked to France; at the commencement of the Revolution; and during all the horrors of that Revolution still cherished a hope that; by the aid of France; they might be enabled to establish a new order of things in Naples。 They were grievously mistaken in supposing that the principles of liberty would ever be supported by France; but they were not mistaken in believing that no government could be worse than their own; and therefore they considered any change as desirable。 In this opinion men of the most different characters agreed。 Many of the nobles; who were not in favour; wished for a revolution; that they might obtain the ascendancy to which they thought themselves entitled; men of desperate fortunes desired it; in the hope of enriching themselves; knaves and intriguers sold themselves to the French to promote it; and a few enlightened men; and true lovers of their country; joined in the same cause; from the purest and noblest motives。 All these were confounded under the common name of Jacobins; and the Jacobins of the continental kingdoms were regarded by the English with more hatred than they deserved。 They were classed with Phillippe Egalite; Marat; and Hebert; whereas they deserved rather to be ranked; if not with Locke; and Sydney; and Russell; at least with Argyle and Monmouth; and those who; having the same object as the prime movers of our own Revolution; failed in their premature but not unworthy attempt。

No circumstances could be more unfavourable to the best interests of Europe; than those which placed England in strict alliance with the superannuated and abominable governments of the continent。 The subjects of those governments who wished for freedom thus became enemies to England; and dupes and agents of France。 They looked to their own grinding grievances; and did not see the danger with which the liberties of the world were threatened。 England; on the other hand; saw the danger in its true magnitude; but was blind to these grievances; and found herself compelled to support systems which had formerly been equally the object of her abhorrence and her contempt。 This was the state of Nelson's mind; he knew that there could be no peace for Europe till the pride of France was humbled; and her strength broken; and he regarded all those who were the friends of France as traitors to the common cause; as well as to their own individual sovereigns。 There are situations in which the most opposite and hostile parties may mean equally well; and yet act equally wrong。 The court of Naples; unconscious of committing any crime by continuing the system of misrule to which they had succeeded; conceived that; in maintaining things as they were; they were maintaining their own rights; and preserving the people from such horrors as had been perpetrated in France。 The Neapolitan revolutionists thought that without a total change of system; any relief from the present evils was impossible; and they believed themselves justified in bringing about that change by any means。 Both parties knew that it was the fixed intention of the French to revolutionise Naples。 The revolutionists supposed that it was for the purpose of establishing a free government; the court; and all disinterested persons; were perfectly aware that the enemy had no other object than conquest and plunder。

The battle of the Nile shook the power of France。 Her most successful general; and her finest army; were blocked up in Egypt hopeless; as it appeared; of return; and the government was in the hands of men without talents; without character; and divided among themselves。 Austria; whom Buonaparte had terrified into a peace; at a time when constancy on her part would probably have led to his destruction; took advantage of the crisis to renew the war。 Russia also was preparing to enter the field with unbroken forces; led by a general; whose extraordinary military genius would have entitled him to a high and honourable rank in history; if it had not been sullied by all the ferocity of a barbarian。 Naples; seeing its destruction a
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