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the life of horatio lord nelson-第35章

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u a coffin made from the main mast of L'ORIENT; that when you have finished your military career in this world you may be buried in one of your trophies。 But that that period may be far distant is the earnest wish of your sincere friend; Benjamin Hallowell。〃An offering so strange; and yet so suited to the occasion; was received by Nelson in the spirit with which it was sent。 As if he felt it good for him; now that he was at the summit of his wishes; to have death before his eyes; he ordered the coffin to be placed upright in his cabin。 Such a piece of furniture; however; was more suitable to his own feelings than to those of his guests and attendants; and an old favourite servant entreated him so earnestly to let it be removed; that at length he consented to have the coffin carried below; but he gave strict orders that it should be safely stowed; and reserved for the purpose for which its brave and worthy donor had designed it。

The victory was complete; but Nelson could not pursue it as he would have done for want of means。 Had he been provided with small craft; nothing could have prevented the destruction of the store…ships  and transports in the port of Alexandria: four bomb…vessels would at that time have burned the whole in a few hours。 〃Were I to die this moment。〃 said he in his despatches to the Admiralty; 〃WANT OF FRIGATES would be found stamped on my heart! No words of mine can express what I have suffered; and am suffering; for want of them。〃 He had also to bear up against great bodily suffering: the blow had so shaken his head; that from its constant and violent aching; and the perpetual sickness which accompanied the pain; he could scarcely persuade himself that the skull was not fractured。 Had it not been for Troubridge; Ball; Hood; and Hallowell; he  declared that he should have sunk under the fatigue of refitting the squadron。 〃All;〃 he said; 〃had done well; but these officers were his supporters。〃 But; amidst his sufferings and exertions; Nelson could yet think of all the consequences of his victory; and that no  advantage from it might be lost; he despatched an officer overland to India; with letters to the governor of Bombay; informing him of the arrival of the French in Egypt; the total destruction of their fleet; and the consequent preservation of India from any attempt against it on the part of this formidable armament。 〃He knew that Bombay;〃 he said; 〃was their first object; if they could get there; but he trusted that Almighty God would overthrow in Egypt these pests of the human race。 Buonaparte had never yet had to contend with an English officer; and he would endeavour to make him respect us。〃 This despatch he sent upon his own responsibility; with letters of credit upon the East India Company; addressed to the British consuls; vice…consuls; and merchants on his route; Nelson saying; 〃that if he had done wrong; he hoped the bills would be paid; and he would repay the Company; for; as an Englishman; he should be proud that it had been in his power to put our settlements on their guard。〃 The information which by this means reached India was of great importance。 Orders had just been received for defensive preparations; upon a scale  proportionate to the apprehended danger; and the extraordinary expenses which would otherwise have been incurred were thus prevented。

Nelson was now at the summit of glory; congratulations; rewards; and honours were showered upon him by all the states; and princes; and powers to whom his victory gave a respite。 The first communication  of this nature which he received was from the Turkish sultan; who; as soon as the invasion of Egypt was known; had called upon 〃all true believers to take arms against those swinish infidels the French; that they might deliver these blessed habitations from their accursed hands;〃 and who had ordered his 〃pashas to turn night into day in their efforts to take vengeance。〃 The present of 〃his  imperial majesty; the powerful; formidable; and most magnificent Grand Seignior;〃 was a pelisse of sables; with broad sleeves; valued at 5000 dols。; and a diamond aigrette; valued at 18;000 dols。; the most honourable badge among the Turks; and in this instance more especially honourable; because it was taken from one of the royal turbans。 〃If it were worth a million;〃 said Nelson to his wife; 〃my pleasure would be to see it in your possession。〃 The sultan also sent; in a spirit worthy of imitation; a purse of 2000 sequins; to be distributed among the wounded。 The mother of the sultan sent him a box; set with diamonds; valued at L1000。 The Czar Paul; in whom the better part of his strangely compounded nature at this time predominated; presented him with his portrait; set in diamonds; in a gold box; accompanied with a letter of congratulation; written by his own hand。 The king of Sardinia also wrote to him; and sent a gold box set with diamonds。 Honours in profusion were awaiting him at Naples。 In his own country the king granted these honourable augmentations to his armorial ensign: a chief undulated; ARGENT: thereon waves of the sea; from which a palm tree issuant; between a disabled ship on the dexter; and a ruinous battery on the sinister all proper; and for his crest; on a naval crown; OR; the chelengk; or plume; presented to him by the Turk; with the motto; PALMAM QUI MERUIT FERAT。 And to his supporters; being a sailor on the dexter; and a lion on the sinister; were given these honourable augmentations: a palm branch in the sailor's hand; and another in the paw of the lion; both proper; with a tri…coloured flag and staff in the lion's mouth。 He was created Baron Nelson of the Nile; and of Burnham Thorpe; with a pension of L2000 for his own life; and those of his two immediate successors。 When the grant was moved in the House of Commons; General Walpole expressed an opinion that a higher degree of rank ought to be conferred。 Mr。 Pitt made answer; that he thought it needless to enter into that question。 〃Admiral Nelson's fame;〃 he said;〃would be co…equal with the British name; and it would be remembered that he had obtained the greatest naval victory on record; when no man would think of asking whether he had been created a baron; a viscount; or an earl。〃 It was strange that; in the very act of conferring a title; the minister should have excused himself for not having conferred a higher one; by representing all titles; on such an occasion; as nugatory and superfluous。 True; indeed; whatever title had been bestowed; whether viscount; earl; marquis; duke; or prince; if our laws had so permitted; he who  received it would have been Nelson still。 That name he had ennobled beyond all addition of nobility; it was the name by which England loved him; France feared him; Italy; Egypt; and Turkey celebrated him; and by which he will continue to be known while the present kingdoms and languages of the world endure; and as long as their history after them shall be held in remembrance。 It depended upon the degree of rank what should be the fashion of his coronet; in what page of the red book his name was to be inserted; and what  precedency should be allowed his lady in the drawing…room and at the ball。 That Nelson's honours were affected thus far; and no further; mi
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