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the life of horatio lord nelson-第26章

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o place where it could give him or his family more pleasure to have it kept than in the capital city of the county where he was born。 The freedom of that city was voted him on this occasion。 But of all the numerous congratulations which he received; none could have affected him with deeper delight than that which came from his venerable father。 〃I thank my God;〃 said this excellent man; 〃with all the power of a grateful soul; for the mercies he has most graciously bestowed on me in preserving you。 Not only my few acquaintance here; but the people in general; met me at every corner with such handsome words; that I was obliged to retire from the public eye。 The height of glory to which your professional judgment; united with a proper degree of bravery; guarded by Providence; has raised you; few sons; my dear child; attain to; and fewer fathers live to see。 Tears of joy have involuntarily trickled down my furrowed cheeks: who could stand the force of such general congratulation? The name and services of Nelson have sounded through this city of Bathfrom the common ballad… singer to the public theatre。〃 The good old man concluded by telling him that the field of glory; in which he had so long been conspicuous; was still open; and by giving him his blessing。

Sir Horatio; who had now hoisted his flag as rear…admiral of the blue; was sent to bring away the troops from Porto Ferrajo; having performed this; he shifted his flag to the THESEUS。 That ship; had taken part in the mutiny in England; and being just arrived from home; some danger was apprehended from the temper of the men。 This was one reason why Nelson was removed to her。 He had not been on board many weeks before a paper; signed in the name of all the ship's company; was dropped on the quarter…deck; containing these words: 〃Success attend Admiral Nelson! God bless Captain Miller! We thank them for the officers they have placed over us。 We are happy and comfortable; and will shed every drop of blood in our veins to support them; and the name of the THESEUS shall be immortalised as high as her captain's。〃 Wherever Nelson commanded; the men soon became attached to him; in ten days' time he would have restored the most mutinous ship in the navy to order。 Whenever an officer fails to win the affections of those who are under his command; he may be assured that the fault is chiefly in himself。

While Sir Horatio was in the THESEUS; he was employed in the command of the inner squadron at the blockade of Cadiz。 During this service; the most perilous action occurred in which he was ever engaged。 Making a night attack upon the Spanish gun…boats; his barge was attacked by an armed launch; under their commander; D。 Miguel Tregoyen; carrying 26 men。 Nelson had with him only his ten bargemen; Captain Freemantle; and his coxswain; John Sykes; an old and faithful follower; who twice saved the life of his admiral by parrying the blows that were aimed at him; and at last actually  interposed his own head to receive the blow of a Spanish sabre; which he could not by any other means avert; thus dearly was Nelson beloved。 This was a desperate servicehand to hand with swords; and Nelson always considered that his personal courage was more conspicuous on this occasion than on any other during his whole life。 Notwithstanding  the great disproportion of numbers; 18 of the enemy were killed; all the rest wounded; and their launch taken。 Nelson would have asked for a lieutenancy for Sykes; if he had served long enough; his manner and conduct; he observed; were so entirely above his situation; that Nature certainly intended him for a gentleman; but though he recovered from the dangerous wound which he received in this act of heroic attachment; he did not live to profit by the  gratitude and friendship of his commander。

Twelve days after this rencontre; Nelson sailed at the head of an expedition against Teneriffe。 A report had prevailed a few months before; that the viceroy of Mexico; With the treasure ships; had put into that island。 This had led Nelson to meditate the plan of an attack upon it; which he communicated to Earl St。 Vincent。 He was perfectly aware of the difficulties of the attempt。 〃I do not;〃 said he; 〃reckon myself equal to Blake; but; if I recollect right; he was more obliged to the wind coming off the land than to any exertions of his own。 The approach by sea to the anchoring…place is under very high land; passing three valleys; therefore the wind is either in from the sea; or squally with calms from the mountains:〃 and he perceived that if the Spanish ships were won; the object would still be frustrated if the wind did not come off shore。 The land force; he thought; would render success certain; and there were the troops from Elba; with all necessary stores and artillery; already embarked。 〃But here;〃 said he; 〃soldiers must be consulted; and I know; from experience; they have not the same boldness in undertaking a political measure that we have: we look to the benefit of our country; and risk our own fame every day to serve her; a soldier obeys his orders; and no more。〃 Nelson's experience at Corsica justified him in this harsh opinion: he did not live to see the glorious days of the British army under Wellington。 The army from Elba; consisting of 3700 men; would do the business; he said; in three days; probably in much less time; and he would undertake; with a very small squadron; to perform the naval part; for though the shore was not easy of access; the transports might run in and land the troops in one day。

The report concerning the viceroy was unfounded: but a homeward… bound Manilla ship put into Santa Cruz at this time; and the expedition was determined upon。 It was not fitted out upon the scale which Nelson had proposed。 Four ships of the line; three frigates; and the FOX cutter; formed the squadron; and he was allowed to choose such ships and officers as he thought proper。 No troops were embarked; the seamen and marines of the squadron being thought sufficient。 His orders were; to make a vigorous attack; but on no account to land in person; unless his presence should be absolutely necessary。 The plan was; that the boats should land in the night; between the fort on the N。E。 side of Santa Cruz bay and the town; make themselves masters of that fort; and then send a summons to the governor。 By midnight; the three frigates; having the force on board which was intended for this debarkation; approached within three miles of the place; but owing to a strong gale of wind in the offing; and a strong current against them in…shore; they were not able to get within a mile of the landing…place before daybreak; and then they were seen; and their intention discovered。 Troubridge and Bowen; with Captain Oldfield; of the marines; went upon this to consult with the admiral what was to be done; and it was resolved that they should attempt to get possession of the heights above the fort。 The frigates accordingly landed their men; and Nelson stood in with the line…of…battle ships; meaning to batter the fort for the purpose of distracting the attention of the garrison。 A calm and contrary current hindered him from getting within a league of the shore; and the heights were by this time so s
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