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the life of horatio lord nelson-第24章

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he only surviving officer; had hardly been conveyed on board the MINERVE; when another enemy's frigate came up; compelled her to cast off the prize; and brought her a second time into action。 After half an hour's trial of strength; this new antagonist wore and hauled off; but a Spanish squadron of two ships of the line and two frigates came in sight。 The BLANCHE; from which the CERES had got off; was far to windward; and the MINERVE escaped only by the anxiety of the enemy to recover their own ship。 As soon as Nelson reached Porto Ferrajo he sent his prisoner in a flag of truce to Carthagena; having returned him his sword; this he did in honour of the gallantry which D。 Jacobo had displayed; and not without some feeling of respect for his ancestry。 〃I felt it;〃 said he; 〃consonant to the dignity of my country and I always act as I feel right; without regard to custom; he was reputed the best officer in Spain; and his men were worthy of such a commander。〃 By the same flag of truce he sent back all the Spanish prisoners at Porto Ferrajo; in exchange for whom he received his own men who had been taken in the prize。

General de Burgh; who commanded at the Isle of Elba; did not think himself authorised to abandon the place till he had received specific instructions from England to that effect; professing that he was unable to decide between the contradictory orders of government; or to guess at what their present intentions might be; but he said; his only motive for urging delay in this measure arose from a desire that his own conduct might be properly sanctioned; not from any opinion that Porto Ferrajo ought to be retained。 But Naples having made peace; Sir John Jervis considered his business with Italy as concluded; and the protection of Portugal was the point to which he was now instructed to attend。 Nelson; therefore; whose orders were perfectly clear and explicit; withdrew the whole naval establishment from that station; leaving the transports victualled; and so arranged that all the troops and stores could be embarked in three days。 He was now about to leave the Mediterranean。 Mr。 Drake; who had been our minister at Genoa; expressed to him; on this occasion; the very high opinion which the allies entertained of his conspicuous merit; adding; that it was impossible for any one; who had the honour of co…operating with him; not to admire the activity; talents; and zeal which he had so eminently and constantly displayed。 In fact; during this long course of services in the Mediterranean; the whole of his conduct had exhibited the same zeal; the same indefatigable energy; the same intuitive judgment; the same prompt and unerring decision which characterised his after…career of glory。 His name was as yet hardly known to the English public; but it was feared and respected throughout Italy。 A letter came to him; directed 〃Horatio Nelson; Genoa;〃 and the writer; when he was asked how he could direct it so vaguely; replied; 〃Sir; there is but one Horatio Nelson in the world。〃 At Genoa; in particular; where he had so long been stationed; and where the nature of his duty first led him to continual disputes with the government; and afterwards compelled him to stop the trade of the port; he was equally respected by the doge and by the people; for; while he maintained the rights and interests of Great Britain with becoming firmness; he tempered the exercise of power with courtesy and humanity wherever duty would permit。 〃Had all my actions;〃 said he; writing at this time to his wife; 〃been gazetted; not one fortnight would have passed; during the whole war; without a letter from me。 One day or other I will have a long GAZETTE to myself。 I feel that such an opportunity will be given me。 I cannot; if I am in the field of glory; be kept out of sight; wherever there is anything to be done; there Providence is sure to direct my steps。〃

These hopes and anticipations were soon to be fulfilled。 Nelson's mind had long been irritated and depressed by the fear that a general action would take place before he could join the fleet。 At length he sailed from Porto Ferrajo with a convoy for Gibraltar; and having reached that place; proceeded to the westward in search of the admiral。 Off the mouth of the Straits he fell in with the Spanish fleet; and on the 13th of February reaching the station off Cape St。 Vincent; communicated this intelligence to Sir John Jervis。 He was now directed to shift his broad pendant on board the CAPTAIN; seventy…four; Captain R。W。 Miller; and before sunset the signal was made to prepare for action; and to keep; during the night; in close order。 At daybreak the enemy were in sight。 The British force consisted of two ships of one hundred guns; two of  ninety…eight; two of ninety; eight of seventy… four; and one sixty…four;…fifteen of the line in all; with four frigates; a sloop; and a cutter。 The Spaniards had one four…decker; of one hundred and thirty…six guns; six three…deckers; of one  hundred and twelve; two eighty…four; eighteen seventy…fourin all; twenty…seven ships of the line; with ten frigates and a brig。 Their admiral; D。 Joseph de Cordova; had learnt from an American on the 5th; that the English had only nine ships; which was indeed the case when his informer had seen them; for a reinforcement of five ships from England; under Admiral Parker; had not then joined; and the CULLODEN had parted company。 Upon this information the Spanish commander; instead of going into Cadiz; as was his intention when he sailed from Carthagena; deter… mined to seek an enemy so inferior in force; and relying; with fatal confidence; upon the American account; he suffered his ships to remain too far dispersed; and in some disorder。 When the morning of the 14th broke; and discovered the English fleet; a fog for some time concealed their number。 That fleet had heard their signal…guns during the night; the weather being fine though thick and hazy; soon after daylight they were seen very much scattered; while the British ships were in a compact little body。 The look…out ship of the Spaniards; fancying that her signal was disregarded because so little notice seemed to be taken of it; made another signal; that the English force consisted of forty sail of the line。 The captain afterwards said he did this to rouse the admiral; it had the effect of perplexing him and alarming the whole fleet。 The absurdity of such an act shows what was the state of the Spanish navy under that miserable government by which Spain was so long oppressed and degraded; and finally betrayed。 In reality; the general incapacity of the naval officers was so well known; that in a pas… quinade; which about this time appeared at Madrid; wherein the different orders of the state were advertised for sale; the greater part of the sea…officers; with all their equipments; were offered as a gift; and it was added; that any person who would please to take them; should receive a handsome gratuity。 When the probability that Spain would take part in the war; as an ally of France; was first contemplated; Nelson said that their fleet; if it were no better than when it acted in alliance with us; would 〃soon be done for。〃

Before the enemy could form a regular order of battle; Sir J。 Jervis; 
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