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the life of horatio lord nelson-第2章

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and he remembered through life his first days of wretchedness in the service。

The RAISONNABLE having been commissioned on account of the dispute respecting the Falkland Islands; was paid off as soon as the difference with the court of Spain was accommodated; and Captain Suckling was removed to the TRIUMPH; seventy…four; then stationed as a guard…ship in the Thames。 This was considered as too inactive a life for a boy; and Nelson was therefore sent a voyage to the West Indies in a merchant… ship; commanded by Mr。 John Rathbone; an excellent seaman; who had served as master's mate under Captain Suckling in the Dreadnought。 He returned a practical seaman; but with a hatred of the king's service; and a saying then common among the sailors〃Aft the most honour; forward the better man。〃 Rathbone had probably been disappointed and disgusted in the navy; and; with no unfriendly intentions; warned Nelson against a profession which he himself had found hopeless。 His uncle received him on board the TRIUMPH on his return; and discovering his dislike to the navy; took the best means of reconciling him to it。 He held it out as a reward that; if he attended well to his navigation; he should go in the cutter and decked long…boat; which was attached to the commanding…officer's ship at Chatham。 Thus he became a good pilot for vessels of that description from Chatham to the Tower; and down the Swin Channel to the North Foreland; and acquired a confidence among rocks and sands of which he often felt the value。

Nelson had not been many months on board the TRIUMPH; when his love of enterprise was excited by hearing that two ships were fitting out for a voyage of discovery towards the North Pole。 In consequence of the difficulties which were expected on such a service; these vessels were to take out effective men instead of the usual number of boys。 This; however; did not deter him from soliciting to be received; and; by his uncle's interest; he was admitted as coxswain under Captain Lutwidge; second in command。 The voyage was undertaken in compliance with an application from the Royal Society。 The Hon。 Captain Constantine John Phipps; eldest son of Lord Mulgrave; volunteered his services。 The RACEHORSE and CARCASS bombs were selected as the strongest ships; and; therefore; best adapted for such a voyage; and they were taken into dock and strengthened; to render them as secure as possible against the ice。 Two masters of Greenlandmen were employed as pilots for each ship。 No expedition was ever more carefully fitted out; and the First Lord of the Admiralty; Lord Sandwich; with a laudable solicitude; went on board himself; before their departure; to see that everything had been completed to the wish of the officers。 The ships were provided with a simple and excellent apparatus for distilling fresh from salt water; the invention of Dr。 Irving; who accompanied the expedition。 It consisted merely in fitting a tube to the ship's kettle; and applying a wet mop to the surface as the vapour was passing。 By these means; from thirty…four to forty gallons were produced every day。

They sailed from the Nore on the 4th of June。 On the 6th of July they were in latitude 79d 56m 39s; longitude 9d 43m 30s E。 The next day; about the place where most of the old discoverers had been stopped; the RACEHORSE was beset with ice; but they hove her through with ice… anchors。 Captain Phipps continued ranging along the ice; northward and westward; till the 24th; he then tried to the eastward。 On the 30th he was in latitude 80d 13m; longitude 18d 48m E。 among the islands and in the ice; with no appearance of an opening for the ships。 The weather was exceedingly fine; mild; and unusually clear。 Here they were becalmed in a large bay; with three apparent openings between the islands which formed it; but everywhere; as far as they could see; surrounded with ice。 There was not a breath of air; the water was perfectly smooth; the ice covered with snow; low and even; except a few broken pieces near the edge; and the pools of water in the middle of the ice…fields just crusted over with young ice。 On the next day the ice closed upon them; and no opening was to be seen anywhere; except a hole; or lake as it might be called; of about a mile and a half in circumference; where the ships lay fast to the ice with their ice…anchors。 From these ice…fields they filled their casks with water; which was very pure and soft。 The men were playing on the ice all day; but the Greenland pilots; who were further than they had ever been before; and considered that the season was far advancing; were alarmed at being thus beset。

The next day there was not the smallest opening; the ships were within less than two lengths of each other; separated by ice; and neither having room to turn。 The ice; which the day before had been flat and almost level with the water's edge; was now in many places forced higher than the mainyard by the pieces squeezing together。 A day of thick fog followed: it was succeeded by clear weather; but the passage by which the ships had entered from the westward was closed; and no open water was in sight; either in that or any other quarter。 By the pilots' advice the men were set to cut a passage; and warp through the small openings to the westward。 They sawed through pieces of ice twelve feet thick; and this labour continued the whole day; during which their utmost efforts did not move the ships above three hundred yards; while they were driven; together with the ice; far to the N。E。 and E。 by the current。 Sometimes a field of several acres square would be lifted up between two larger islands; and incorporated with them; and thus these larger pieces continued to grow by aggregation。 Another day passed; and there seemed no probability of getting the ships out without a strong E。 or N。E。 wind。 The season was far advanced; and every hour lessened the chance of extricating themselves。 Young as he was; Nelson was appointed to command one of the boats which were sent out to explore a passage into the open water。 It was the means of saving a boat belonging to the RACEHORSE from a singular but imminent danger。 Some of the officers had fired at and wounded a walrus。 As no other animal has so human…like an expression in its countenance; so also is there none that seems to possess more of the passions of humanity。 The wounded animal dived immediately; and brought up a number of its companions; and they all joined in an attack upon the boat。 They wrested an oar from one of the men; and it was with the utmost difficulty that the crew could prevent them from staving or upsetting her; till the CARCASS's boat came up; and the walruses; finding their enemies thus reinforced; dispersed。 Young Nelson exposed himself in a more daring manner。 One night; during the mid…watch; he stole from the ship with one of his comrades; taking advantage of a rising fog; and set off over the ice in pursuit of a bear。 It was not long before they were missed。 The fog thickened; and Captain Lutwidge and his officers became exceedingly alarmed for their safety。 Between three and four in the morning the weather cleared; and the two adventurers were seen; at a considerable distance from the ship; attacking a huge bear。 The
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