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the life of horatio lord nelson-第16章

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ttack it by land。 This promise he was unable to perform; and Commodore Linzee; who; in reliance upon it; was sent upon this service; was repulsed with some loss。 Lord Hood; who had now been compelled to evacuate Toulon; suspected Paoli of intentionally deceiving him。 This was an injurious suspicion。 Shortly afterwards he dispatched Lieutenant…Colonel (afterward Sir John) Moore and Major Koehler to confer with him upon a plan of operations。 Sir Gilbert Elliot accompanied them; and it was agreed that; in consideration of the succours; both military and naval; which his Britannic Majesty should afford for the purpose of expelling the French; the island of Corsica should be delivered into the immediate possession of his Majesty; and bind itself to acquiesce in any settlement he might approve of concern… ing its government; and its future relation with Great Britain。 While this negotiation was going on; Nelson cruised off the island with a small squadron; to prevent the enemy from throwing in supplies。 Close to St。 Fiorenzo the French had a storehouse of flour near their only mill: he watched an opportunity; and landed 120 men; who threw the flour into the sea; burnt the mill; and re…embarked before 1000 men; who were sent against him; could occasion them the loss of a single man。 While be exerted himself thus; keeping out all supplies; intercepting despatches; attacking their outposts and forts; and cutting out vessels from the bay;a species of warfare which depresses the spirit of an enemy even more than it injures them; because of the sense of individual superiority which it indicates in the assailantstroops were landed; and St。 Fiorenzo was besieged。 The French finding themselves unable to maintain their post sunk one of their frigates; burnt another; and retreated to Bastia。 Lord Hood submitted to General Dundas; who commanded the land forces; a plan for the reduction of this place: the general declined co…operating; thinking the attempt impracticable with… out a reinforcement of 2000 men; which he expected from Gibraltar。 Upon this Lord Hood determined to reduce it with the naval force under his command; and leaving part of his fleet off Toulon; he came with the rest to Bastia。

He showed a proper sense of respect for Nelson's services; and of confidence in his talents; by taking care not to bring with him any older captain。 A few days before their arrival; Nelson had had what he called a brush with the enemy。 〃If I had had with me 500 troops;〃 he said; 〃to a certainty I should have stormed the town; and I believe it might have been carried。 Armies go so slow that seamen think they never mean to get forward; but I daresay they act on a surer principle; although we seldom fail。〃 During this partial action our army appeared upon the heights; and having  reconnoitered the place; returned to St。 Fiorenzo。 〃What the general could have seen to make a retreat neces… sary;〃 said Nelson; 〃I cannot comprehend。 A thousand men would certainly take Bastia: with five hundred and the AGAMEMNON I would attempt it。 My seamen are now what British seamen ought to bealmost invincible。 They really mind shot no more than peas。〃 General Dundas had not the same confidence。 〃After mature consideration;〃 he said in a letter to Lord Hood;〃and a personal inspection for several days of all circumstances; local as well as others; I consider the siege of Bastia; with our present means and force; to be a most visionary and rash attempt; such as no officer would be justified in undertaking。〃 Lord Hood replied that nothing would be more gratifying to his feelings than to have the whole responsibility upon himself; and that he was ready and willing to undertake the reduction of the place at his own risk with the force and means at present there。 General D'Aubant; who succeeded at this time to the command of the army; coincided in opinion with his predecessor; and did not think it right to furnish his lordship with a single soldier; cannon; or any stores。 Lord Hood could only obtain a few artillerymen; and ordering on board that part of the troops who; having been embarked as marines; 〃were borne on the ships〃 books as part of their respective complements; he began the siege with 1183 soldiers; artillerymen; and marines; and 250 sailors。 〃We are but few;〃 said Nelson;〃but of the right sort; our general at St。 Fiorenzo not giving us one of the five regiments he has there lying idle。〃

These men were landed on the 4th of April; under Lieutenant…Colonel Villettes and Nelson; who had now acquired from the army the title of brigadier。 Guns were dragged by the sailors up heights where it appeared almost impossible to convey thema work of the greatest difficulty; and which Nelson said could never; in his opinion; have been accomplished by any but British seamen。 The soldiers; though less dexterous in such service; because not accustomed; like sailors; to habitual dexterity。 behaved with equal spirit。 〃Their zeal;〃 said the brigadier; 〃is almost unexampled。 There is not a man but considers himself as personally interested in the event; and deserted by the general。 It has; I am persuaded; made them equal to double their numbers。〃 This is one proof; of many; that for our soldiers to equal our seamen; it is only necessary for them to be equally well commanded。 They have the same heart and soul; as well as the same flesh and blood。 Too much may; indeed; be exacted from them in a retreat; but set their face toward a foe; and there is nothing within the reach of human achievement which they cannot perform。 The French had improved the leisure which our military commander had allowed them; and before Lord Hood commenced his operations; he had the mortification of seeing that the enemy were every day erecting new works; strengthening old ones; and rendering the attempt more difficult。 La Combe St。 Michel; the commissioner from the national convention; who was in the city; replied in these terms to the summons of the British admiral〃I have hot shot for your ships; and bayonets for your troops。 When two…thirds of our men are killed; I will then trust to the generosity of the English。〃 The siege; however; was not sustained with the firmness which such a reply seemed to augur。 On the 19th of May a treaty of capitulation was begun; that same evening the troops from St。 Fiorenzo made their appearance on the hills; and; on the following morning; General d'Aubant arrived with the whole army to take possession of Bastia。

The event of the siege had justified the confidence of the sailors; but they themselves excused the opinion of the generals when they saw what they had done。 〃I am all astonishment;〃 said Nelson; 〃when I reflect on what we have achieved; 1000 regulars; 1500 national guards; and a large party of Corsican troops; 4000 in all; laying down their arms to 1200 soldiers; marines; and seamen! I always was of opinion; have ever acted up to it; and never had any reason to repent it; that one Englishman was equal to three  Frenchmen。 Had this been an English town; I am sure it would not have been taken by them。〃 When it had been resolved to attack the place; the enemy were supposed to be far inferior in number; and it was not till the whole had been arranged; and the siege publ
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