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eyes as a token that she had obeyed。

But the old mother wept to think such innocent blood was to
be shed; and had a hind brought by night and cut out her tongue
and eyes; and kept them。  Then said she to the queen; 〃I cannot
have you killed as the king commands; but here you may stay
no longer。  Go forth into the wide world with your child; and
never come here again。〃  The poor woman tied her child on her back;
and went away with eyes full of tears。  She came into a great wild
forest; and then she fell on her knees and prayed to God; and the
angel of the Lord appeared to her and led her to a little house
on which was a sign with the words; here all dwell free。  A
snow…white maiden came out of the little house and said; welcome;
lady queen; and conducted her inside。  Then she unbound the
little boy from her back; and held him to her breast that he might
feed; and laid him in a beautifully…made little bed。  Then
said the poor woman; 〃From whence do you know that I was a queen?〃

The white maiden answered; 〃I am an angel sent by God; to watch
over you and your child。〃  The queen stayed seven years in the
little house; and was well cared for; and by God's grace; because
of her piety; her hands which had been cut off; grew once more。

At last the king came home again from his journey; and his first
wish was to see his wife and the child。  Then his aged mother
began to weep and said; 〃You wicked man; why did you write to me
that I was to take those two innocent lives;〃 and she showed him
the two letters which the evil one had forged; and then
continued; 〃I did as you bade me; and she showed the tokens; the
tongue and eyes。〃  Then the king began to weep for his poor wife
and his little son so much more bitterly than she was doing;
that the aged mother had compassion on him and said; 〃be at peace;
she still lives; I secretly caused a hind to be killed; and
took these tokens from it; but I bound the child to your wife's
back and bade her go forth into the wide world; and made her
promise never to come back here again; because you were so
angry with her。〃  Then spoke the king; 〃I will go as far as
the sky is blue; and will neither eat nor drink until I have
found again my dear wife and my child; if in the meantime they
have not been killed; or died of hunger。〃

Thereupon the king traveled about for seven long years; and
sought her in every cleft of the rocks and in every cave; but
he found her not; and thought she had died of want。  During the
whole time he neither ate nor drank; but God supported him。  At
length he came into a great forest; and found therein the little
house whose sign was; here all dwell free。  Then forth came
the white maiden; took him by the hand; led him in; and said;
〃Welcome; lord king;〃 and asked him from whence he came。  He
answered; 〃Soon shall I have traveled about for the space of
seven years; and I seek my wife and her child; but cannot find
them。〃  The angel offered him meat and drink; but he did not
take anything; and only wished to rest a little。  Then he lay
down to sleep; and laid a handkerchief over his face。

Thereupon the angel went into the chamber where the queen
sat with her son; whom she usually called Sorrowful; and
said to her; go out with your child; your husband has come。  So
she went to the place where he lay; and the handkerchief
fell from his face。  Then said she; 〃Sorrowful; pick up your
father's handkerchief; and cover his face again。〃  The child picked
it up; and put it over his face again。  The king in his sleep
heard what passed; and had pleasure in letting the handkerchief
fall once more。  But the child grew impatient; and said;
〃Dear mother; how can I cover my father's face when I have no
father in this world。  I have learnt to say the prayer … Our
Father; which art in heaven … you have told me that my father
was in heaven; and was the good God; and how can I know a wild
man like this。  He is not my father。〃  When the king heard that;
he got up; and asked who they were。  Then said
she; 〃I am your wife; and that is your son; Sorrowful〃。  And he
saw her living hands; and said; 〃My wife had silver hands。〃  She
answered; 〃The good God has caused my natural hands to grow again;〃
and the angel went into the inner room; and brought the silver
hands; and showed them to him。  Hereupon he knew for a certainty
that it was his dear wife and his dear child; and he kissed
them; and was glad; and said; 〃A heavy stone has fallen from off
my heart。〃  Then the angel of God ate with them once again; and
after that they went home to the king's aged mother。  There were
great rejoicings everywhere; and the king and queen were married
again; and lived contentedly to their happy end。
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