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had nothing left but his mill and a large apple…tree behind
it。  Once when he had gone into the forest to fetch wood; an
old man stepped up to him whom he had never seen before; and
said; why do you plague yourself with cutting wood; I will
make you rich; if you will promise me what is standing behind
your mill。  What can that be but my apple…tree; thought the
miller; and said; yes; and gave a written promise to the
stranger。  He; however; laughed mockingly and said; when three
years have passed; I will come and carry away what belongs to me;
and then he went。  When the miller got home; his wife came to
meet him and said; tell me; miller; from whence comes this
sudden wealth into our house。  All at once every box and chest
was filled; no one brought it in; and I know not how it
happened。  He answered; it comes from a stranger who met me in
the forest; and promised me great treasure。  I' in return;
have promised him what stands behind the mill … we can very
well give him the big apple…tree for it。  Ah; husband; said the
terrified wife; that must have been the devil。  He did not mean the
apple…tree; but our daughter; who was standing behind the mill
sweeping the yard。

The miller's daughter was a beautiful; pious girl; and lived
through the three years in the fear of God and without sin。  When
therefore the time was over; and the day came when the evil one
was to fetch her; she washed herself clean; and made a circle
round herself with chalk。  The devil appeared quite early; but
he could not come near to her。  Angrily; he said to the miller;
take all water away from her; that she may no longer be able to
wash herself; for otherwise I have no power over her。  The
miller was afraid; and did so。  The next morning the devil came
again; but she had wept on her hands; and they were quite
clean。  Again he could not get near her; and furiously said to
the miller; cut her hands off; or else I have no power over
her。  The miller was shocked and answered; how could I cut off my
own child's hands。  Then the evil one threatened him and said;
if you do not do it you are mine; and I will take you yourself。

The father became alarmed; and promised to obey him。  So he
went to the girl and said; my child; if I do not cut off both
your hands; the devil will carry me away; and in my terror
I have promised to do it。  Help me in my need; and forgive me
the harm I do you。  She replied; dear father; do with me what
you will; I am your child。  Thereupon she laid down both her
hands; and let them be cut off。  The devil came for the third
time; but she had wept so long and so much on the stumps; that
after all they were quite clean。  Then he had to give in; and
had lost all right over her。

The miller said to her; I have by means of you received such
great wealth that I will keep you most handsomely as long as
you live。  But she replied; here I cannot stay; I will go forth;
compassionate people will give me as much as I require。

Thereupon she caused her maimed arms to be bound to her back;
and by sunrise she set out on her way; and walked the whole day
until night fell。  Then she came to a royal garden; and by
the shimmering of the moon she saw that trees covered with
beautiful fruits grew in
it; but she could not enter; for it was surrounded by water。
And as she had walked the whole day and not eaten one mouthful;
and hunger tormented her; she thought; ah; if I were but inside;
that I might eat of the fruit; else must I die of hunger。  Then
she knelt down; called on God the Lord; and prayed。  And
suddenly an angel came towards her; who made a dam in the water;
so that the moat became dry and she could walk through it。  And
now she went into the garden and the angel went with her。  She
saw a tree covered with beautiful pears; but they were all
counted。  Then she went to them; and to still her hunger; ate
one with her mouth from the tree; but no more。  The gardener
was watching; but as the angel was standing by; he was afraid
and thought the maiden was a spirit; and was silent; neither
did he dare to cry out; or to speak to the spirit。  When she had
eaten the pear; she was satisfied; and went and concealed herself
among the bushes。  The king to whom the garden belonged; came
down to it next morning; and counted; and saw that one of the
pears was missing; and asked the gardener what had become of it;
as it was not lying beneath the tree; but was gone。  Then
answered the gardener; last night; a spirit came in; who had no
hands; and ate off one of the pears with its mouth。  The king
said; how did the spirit get over the water; and where did it go
after it had eaten the pear。  The gardener answered; someone
came in a snow…white garment from heaven who made a dam; and
kept back the water; that the spirit might walk through the moat。
And as it must have been an angel; I was afraid; and asked
no questions; and did not cry out。  When the spirit had eaten
the pear; it went back again。  The king said; if it be as you
say; I will watch with you to…night。

When it grew dark the king came into the garden and brought
a priest with him; who was to speak to the spirit。  All three
seated themselves beneath the tree and watched。  At midnight the
maiden came creeping out of the thicket; went to the tree; and
again ate one pear off it with her mouth; and beside her stood
the angel in white garments。  Then the priest went out to them
and said; 〃Do you come from heaven or from earth?  Are you a
spirit; or a human
being?〃  She replied; 〃I am no spirit; but an unhappy mortal
deserted by all but God。〃  The king said; 〃If you are forsaken
by all the world; yet will I not forsake you。〃  He took her with
him into his royal palace; and as she was so beautiful and good;
he loved her with all his heart; had silver hands made for her;
and took her to wife。

After a year the king had to go on a journey; so he commended
his young queen to the care of his mother and said; if she
is brought to child…bed take care of her; nurse her well;
and tell me of it at once in a letter。  Then she gave birth to
a fine boy。  So the old mother made haste to write and announce
the joyful news to him。  But the messenger rested by a brook
on the way; and as he was fatigued by the great distance; he
fell asleep。  Then came the devil; who was always seeking to
injure the good queen; and exchanged the letter for another; in
which was written that the queen had brought a monster into
the world。  When the king read the letter he was shocked and
much troubled; but he wrote in answer that they were to take
great care of the queen and nurse her well until his arrival。

The messenger went back with the letter; but rested at the
same place and again fell asleep。  Then came the devil
once more; and put a different letter in his pocket; in which
it was written that they were to put the queen and her child to
death。  The old mother was terribly shocked when she received
the letter; and could not believe it。  She wrote back again to
the king; but received no other answer; because each time the
devil substituted a false letter; and in the last letter it was
also written that she was to preserve the queen's tongue and
eyes as a token that she had obeyed。

But the old mother wept to think such innocent blood was to
be shed; and 
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