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the surprising adventures of baron munchausen-第9章

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e of teals。 Presence of mind is the soul of manly exercises。 If soldiers and sailors owe to it many of their lucky escapes; hunters and sportsmen are not less beholden to it for many of their successes。 In a noble forest in Russia I met a fine black fox; whose valuable skin it would have been a pity to tear by ball or shot。 Reynard stood close to a tree。 In a twinkling I took out my ball; and placed a good spike…nail in its room; fired; and hit him so cleverly that I nailed his brush fast to the tree。 I now went up to him; took out my hanger; gave him a cross…cut over the face; laid hold of my whip; and fairly flogged him out of his fine skin。

Chance and good luck often correct our mistakes; of this I had a singular instance soon after; when; in the depth of a forest; I saw a wild pig and sow running close behind each other。 My ball had missed them; yet the foremost pig only ran away; and the sow stood motionless; as fixed to the ground。 On examining into the matter; I found the latter one to be an old sow; blind with age; which had taken hold of her pig's tail; in order to be led along by filial duty。 My ball; having passed between the two; had cut his leading…string; which the old sow continued to hold in her mouth; and as her former guide did not draw her on any longer; she had stopped of course; I therefore laid hold of the remaining end of the pig's tail; and led the old beast home without any further trouble on my part; and without any reluctance or apprehension on the part of the helpless old animal。

Terrible as these wild sows are; yet more fierce and dangerous are the boars; one of which I had once the misfortune to meet in a forest; unprepared for attack or defence。 I retired behind an oak…tree just when the furious animal levelled a side…blow at me; with such force; that his tusks pierced through the tree; by which means he could neither repeat the blow nor retire。 Ho; ho! thought I; I shall soon have you now! and immediately I laid hold of a stone; wherewith I hammered and bent his tusks in such a manner; that he could not retreat by any means; and must wait my return from the next village; whither I went for ropes and a cart; to secure him properly; and to carry him off safe and alive; in which I perfectly succeeded。

                              CHAPTER IV

  /Reflections on Saint Hubert's stagShoots a stag with cherry…   stones; the wonderful effects of itKills a bear by extraordinary   dexterity; his danger pathetically describedAttacked by a wolf;   which he turns inside outIs assailed by a mad dog; from which he   escapesThe Baron's cloak seized with madness; by which his whole   wardrobe is thrown into confusion。/

You have heard; I dare say; of the hunter and sportsman's saint and protector; St。 Hubert; and of the noble stag; which appeared to him in the forest; with the holy cross between his antlers。 I have paid my homage to that saint every year in good fellowship; and seen this stag a thousand times; either painted in churches; or embroidered in the stars of his knights; so that; upon the honour and conscience of a good sportsman; I hardly know whether there may not have been formerly; or whether there are not such crossed stags even at this present day。 But let me rather tell what I have seen myself。 Having one day spent all my shot; I found myself unexpectedly in presence of a stately stag; looking at me as unconcernedly as if he had known of my empty pouches。 I charged immediately with powder; and upon it a good handful of cherry…stones; for I had sucked the fruit as far as the hurry would permit。 Thus I let fly at him; and hit him just on the middle of the forehead; between his antlers; it stunned himhe staggeredyet he made off。 A year or two after; being with a party in the same forest; I beheld a noble stag with a fine full grown cherry… tree above ten feet high between his antlers。 I immediately recollected my former adventure; looked upon him as my property; and brought him to the ground by one shot; which at once gave me the haunch and cherry…sauce; for the tree was covered with the richest fruit; the like I had never tasted before。 Who knows but some passionate holy sportsman; or sporting abbot or bishop; may have shot; planted; and fixed the cross between the antlers of St。 Hubert's stag; in a manner similar to this? They always have been; and still are; famous for plantations of crosses and antlers; and in a case of distress or dilemma; which too often happens to keen sportsmen; one is apt to grasp at anything for safety; and to try any expedient rather than miss the favourable opportunity。 I have many times found myself in that trying situation。

What do you say of this; for example? Daylight and powder were spent one day in a Polish forest。 When I was going home a terrible bear made up to me in great speed; with open mouth; ready to fall upon me; all my pockets were searched in an instant for powder and ball; but in

vain; I found nothing but two spare flints: one I flung with all my might into the monster's open jaws; down his throat。 It gave him pain and made him turn about; so that I could level the second at his back… door; which; indeed; I did with wonderful success; for it flew in; met the first flint in the stomach; struck fire; and blew up the bear with a terrible explosion。 Though I came safe off that time; yet I should not wish to try it again; or venture against bears with no other ammunition。

There is a kind of fatality in it。 The fiercest and most dangerous animals generally came upon me when defenceless; as if they had a notion or an instinctive intimation of it。 Thus a frightful wolf rushed upon me so suddenly; and so close; that I could do nothing but follow mechanical instinct; and thrust my fist into his open mouth。 For safety's sake I pushed on and on; till my arm was fairly in up to the shoulder。 How should I disengage myself? I was not much pleased with my awkward situationwith a wolf face to face; our ogling was not of the most pleasant kind。 If I withdrew my arm; then the animal would fly the more furiously upon me; that I saw in his flaming eyes。 In short; I laid hold of his tail; turned him inside out like a glove; and flung him to the ground; where I left him。

The same expedient would not have answered against a mad dog; which soon after came running against me in a narrow street at St。 Petersburg。 Run who can; I thought; and to do this the better; I threw off my fur cloak; and was safe within doors in an instant。 I sent my servant for the cloak; and he put it in the wardrobe with my other clothes。 The day after I was amazed and frightened by Jack's bawling; 〃For God's sake; sir; your fur cloak is mad!〃 I hastened up to him; and found almost all my clothes tossed about and torn to pieces。 The fellow was perfectly right in his apprehensions about the fur cloak's madness。 I saw him myself just then falling upon a fine full…dress suit; which he shook and tossed in an unmerciful manner。

                              CHAPTER V

  /The effects of great activity and presence of mindA favourite   hound described; which pups while pursuing a hare; the hare also   litters while pursued by the houndPresented with a famous horse   by Count Przo
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