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the surprising adventures of baron munchausen-第41章

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Saying these words; I drove my chariot with all my might in my former track; that vestige mentioned by the Baron de Tott; and when I was advanced considerably; I felt my chariot sinking under me。 I attempted to drive on; but the ground; or rather immense vault; giving way; my chariot and all went down precipitately。 Stunned by the fall; it was some moments before I could recollect myself; when at length; to my amazement; I perceived myself fallen into the Alexandrine Library; overwhelmed in an ocean of books; thousands of volumes came tumbling on my head amidst the ruins of that part of the vault through which my chariot had descended; and for a time buried my bulls and all beneath a heap of learning。 However; I contrived to extricate myself; and advanced with awful admiration through the vast avenues of the library。 I perceived on every side innumerable volumes and repositories of ancient learning; and all the science of the Antediluvian world。 Here I met with Hermes Trismegistus; and a parcel of old philosophers debating upon the politics and learning of their days。 I gave them inexpressible delight in telling them; in a few words; all the discoveries of Newton; and the history of the world since their time。 These gentry; on the contrary; told me a thousand stories of antiquity that some of our antiquarians would give their very eyes to hear。

In short; I ordered the library to be preserved; and I intend making a present of it; as soon as it arrives in England; to the Royal Society; together with Hermes Trismegistus; and half a dozen old philosophers。 I have got a beautiful cage made; in which I keep these extraordinary creatures; and feed them with bread and honey; as they seem to believe in a kind of doctrine of transmigration; and will not touch flesh。 Hermes Trismegistus especially is a most antique looking being; with a beard half a yard long; covered with a robe of golden embroidery; and prates like a parrot。 He will cut a very brilliant figure in the Museum。

Having made a track with my chariot from sea to sea; I ordered my Turks and Russians to begin; and in a few hours we had the pleasure of seeing a fleet of British East Indiamen in full sail through the canal。 The officers of this fleet were very polite; and paid me every applause and congratulation my exploits could merit。 They told me of their affairs in India; and the ferocity of that dreadful warrior; Tippoo Sahib; on which I resolved to go to India and encounter the tyrant。 I travelled down the Red Sea to Madras; and at the head of a few Sepoys and Europeans pursued the flying army of Tippoo to the gates of Seringapatam。 I challenged him to mortal combat; and; mounted on my steed; rode up to the walls of the fortress amidst a storm of shells and cannon…balls。 As fast as the bombs and cannon…balls came upon me; I caught them in my hands like so many pebbles; and throwing them against the fortress; demolished the strongest ramparts of the place。 I took my mark so direct; that whenever I aimed a cannon…ball or a shell at any person on the ramparts I was sure to hit him: and one time perceiving a tremendous piece of artillery pointed against me; and knowing the ball must be so great it would certainly stun me; I took a small cannon…ball; and just as I perceived the engineer going to order them to fire; and opening his mouth to give the word of command; I took aim and drove my ball precisely down his throat。

Tippoo; fearing that all would be lost; that a general and successful storm would ensue if I continued to batter the place; came forth upon his elephant to fight me; I saluted him; and insisted he should fire first。

Tippoo; though a barbarian; was not deficient in politeness; and declined the compliment; upon which I took off my hat; and bowing; told him it was an advantage Munchausen should never be said to accept from so gallant a warrior: on which Tippoo instantly discharged his carbine; the ball from which; hitting my horse's ear; made him plunge with rage and indignation。 In return I discharged my pistol at Tippoo; and shot off his turban。 He had a small field…piece mounted with him on his elephant; which he then discharged at me; and the grape…shot coming in a shower; rattled in the laurels that covered and shaded me all over; and remained pendant like berries on the branches。 I then; advancing; took the proboscis of his elephant; and turning it against the rider; struck him repeatedly with the extremity of it on either side of the head; until I at length dismounted him。 Nothing could equal the rage of the barbarian finding himself thrown from his elephant。 He rose in a fit of despair; and rushed against my steed and myself: but I scorned to fight him at so great a disadvantage on his side; and directly dismounted to fight him hand to hand。 Never did I fight with any man who bore himself more nobly than this adversary; he parried my blows; and dealt home his own in return with astonishing precision。 The first blow of his sabre I received upon the bridge of my nose; and but for the bony firmness of that part of my face; it would have descended to my mouth。 I still bear the mark upon my nose。

He next made a furious blow at my head; but I; parrying; deadened the force of his sabre; so that I received but one scar on my forehead; and at the same instant; by a blow of my sword; cut off his arm; and his hand and sabre fell to the earth; he tottered for some paces; and dropped at the foot of his elephant。 That sagacious animal; seeing the danger of his master; endeavoured to protect him by flourishing his proboscis round the head of the Sultan。

Fearless I advanced against the elephant; desirous to take alive the haughty Tippoo Sahib; but he drew a pistol from his belt; and discharged it full in my face as I rushed upon him; which did me no further harm than wound my cheek…bone; which disfigures me somewhat under my left eye。 I could not withstand the rage and impulse of that moment; and with one blow of my sword separated his head from his body。

I returned overland from India to Europe with admirable velocity; so that the account of Tippoo's defeat by me has not as yet arrived by the ordinary passage; nor can you expect to hear of it for a considerable time。 I simply relate the encounter as it happened between the Sultan and me; and if there be any one who doubts the truth of what I say; he is an infidel; and I will fight him at any time and place; and with any weapon he pleases。

Hearing so many persons talk about raising the 〃Royal George;〃 I began to take pity on that fine old ruin of British plank; and determined to have her up。 I was sensible of the failure of the various means hitherto employed for the purpose; and therefore inclined to try a method different from any before attempted。 I got an immense balloon; made of the toughest sail…cloth; and having descended in my diving… bell; and properly secured the hull with enormous cables; I ascended to the surface; and fastened my cables to the balloon。 Prodigious multitudes were assembled to behold the elevation of the 〃Royal George;〃 and as soon as I began to fill my balloon with inflammable air the vessel evidently began to move: but when my balloon was completely filled; she carried up 
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