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the surprising adventures of baron munchausen-第36章

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y; and helmets old; and troops; all streamers; flags and banners glittering gay; red; gold; and purple; and in every hand a square of gingerbread; all gilded nice; was brandished awful。 At a word; ten thousand thousand Naples biscuits; crackers; buns; and flannel…cakes; and hats of gingerbread encountered in mid air in glorious exaltation; like some huge storm of mill…stones; or when it rains whole clouds of dogs and cats。

The frogs; astonished; thunderstruck; forgot their notes and music; that before had seemed so terrible; and drowned the cries of knight renown; and mute in wonder heard the words of Whittington; pronouncing solemn:〃Goblins; chimeras dire; or frogs; or whatsoe'er enchantment thus presents in antique shape; attend and hear the words of peace; and thou; good herald; read aloud the Riot Act!〃

He ceased; and dismal was the tone that softly breathed from all the frogs in chorus; who quick had petrified with fright; unless redoubted Gog and Magog; both with poles; high topped with airy bladders by a string dependent; had not stormed against his lordship。 Ever and anon the bladders; loud resounding on his chaps; proclaimed their fury against all potent law; coercive mayoralty; when he; submissive; thus in cunning guile addressed the knights assailant:〃Gog; Magog; renowned and famous! what; my sons; shall you assail your father; friend; and chief confessed? Shall you; thus armed with bladders vile; attack my title; eminence; and pomp sublime? Subside; vile discord; and again return to your true 'legiance。 Think; my friends; how oft your gorgeous pouch I've crammed; all calapash; green fat; and calapee。 Remember how you've feasted; stood inert for ages; until size immense you've gained。 And think; how different is the service of Munchausen; where you o'er seas; cold; briny; float along the tide; eternal toiling like to slaves of Algiers and Tripoli。 And ev'n on high; balloon like; through the heavens have journeyed late; upon a rainbow or some awful bridge stretched eminent; as if on earth he had not work sufficient to distress your potent servitudes; but he should also seek in heaven dire cause of labour! Recollect; my friends; even why or wherefore should you thus assail your lawful magistrate; or why desert his livery? or for what or wherefore serve this German Lord Munchausen; who for all your labour shall alone bestow some fudge and heroic blows in war? Then cease; and thus in amity return to friendship aldermanic; bungy; brown; and sober。〃

Ceased he then; right worshipful; when both the warring champions instant stemmed their battle; and in sign of peace and unity returning; 'neath their feet reclined their weapons。 Sudden at a signal either stamped his foot sinistrine; and the loud report of bursten bladder stunned each ear surrounding; like the roar of thunder from on high convulsing heaven and earth。

'Twas now upon the saddle once again the knight of Mancha rose; and in his hand far balancing his lance; full tilt against the troops of bulls opposing run。 And thou; shrill Crillitrilkril; than whom no cricket e'er on hob of rural cottage; or chimney black; more gladsome turned his merry note; e'en thou didst perish; shrieking gave the ghost in empty air; the sport of every wind; for e'en that heart so jocund and so gay was pierced; harsh spitted by the lance of Mancha; while undaunted thou didst sit between the horns that crowned Mowmowsky。 And now Whittington advanced; 'midst armour antique and the powers Magog and Gog; and with his rod enchanting touched the head of every frog; long mute and thunderstruck; at which; in universal chorus and salute; they sung blithe jocund; and amain advanced rebellious 'gainst my troop。

While Sphinx; though great; gigantic; seemed instinctive base and cowardly; and at the sight of storming gingerbread; and powers; Magog and Gog; and Quixote; all against her; started fierce; o'erturning boat; balloons; and all; loud roared the bulls; hideous; and the crash of wheels; and chaos of confusion drear; resounded far from earth to heaven。 And still more fierce in charge the great Lord Whittington; from poke of ermine his famed Grimalkin took。 She screamed; and harsh attacked my bulls confounded; lightning…like she darted; and from half the troop their eyes devouring tore。 Nor could the riders; crickets throned sublime; escape from rage; from fury less averse than cannons murder o'er the stormy sea。 The great Mowmowsky roared amain and plunged in anguish; shunning every dart of fire…eyed fierce Grimalkin。 Dire the rage of warfare and contending crickets; Quixote and great Magog; when Whittington advancing〃Good; my friends and warriors; headlong on the foe bear down impetuous。〃 He spoke; and waving high the mighty rod; tipped wonderful each bull; at which more fierce the creatures bellowed; while enchantment drear devoured their vitals。 And all had gone to wreck in more than mortal strife; unless; like Neptune orient from the stormy deep; I rose; e'en towering o'er the ruins of my fighting troops。 Serene and calm I stood; and gazed around undaunted; nor did aught oppose against my foes impetuous。 But sudden from chariot purses plentiful of fudge poured forth; and scattered it amain o'er all the crowd contending。 As when old Catherine or the careful Joan doth scatter to the chickens bits of bread and crumbs fragmented; while rejoiced they gobble fast the proffered scraps in general plenty and fraternal peace; and 〃hush;〃 she cries; 〃hush! hush!〃

                             CHAPTER XXX

  /The Baron arrives in Englandthe Colossus of Rhodes comes to   congratulate himGreat rejoicings on the Baron's return; and a   tremendous concertThe Baron's discourse with Fragrantia; and her   opinion of the Tour to the Hebrides。/

Having arrived in England once more; the greatest rejoicings were made for my return; the whole city seemed one general blaze of illumination; and the Colossus of Rhodes; hearing of my astonishing feats; came on purpose to England to congratulate me on such unparalleled achievements。 But above all other rejoicings on my return; the musical oratorio and song of triumph were magnificent in the extreme。 Gog and Magog were ordered to take the maiden tower of Windsor; and make a tambourine or great drum of it。 For this purpose they extended an elephant's hide; tanned and prepared for the design; across the summit of the tower; from parapet to parapet; so that in proportion this extended elephant's hide was to the whole of the castle what the parchment is to a drum; in such a manner that the whole became one great instrument of war。

To correspond with this; Colossus took Guildhall and Westminster Abbey; and turning the foundations towards the heavens; so that the roofs of the edifices were upon the ground; he strung them across with brass and steel wire from side to side; and thus; when strung; they had the appearance of most noble dulcimers。 He then took the great dome of St。 Paul's; raising it off the earth with as much facility as you would a decanter of claret。 And when once risen up it had the appearance of a quart bottle。 Colossus instantly; with his teeth; cracked off the superior part of the cupola; and then applying his lips to the instrument; beg
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