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the surprising adventures of baron munchausen-第25章

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led us to fall near two miles perpendicular with as little inconveniency as if we had been let down with a rope: for no sooner did I perceive the eagles strike against a frozen cloud; which is very common near the poles; than (they being close together) I laid myself along the back of the foremost; and took hold of its wings to keep them extended; at the same time stretching out my legs behind to support the wings of the other。 This had the desired effect; and we descended very safe on a mountain of ice; which I supposed to be about three miles above the level of the sea。

I dismounted; unloaded the eagles; opened one of the bladders; and administered some of the liquor to each of them; without once considering that the horrors of destruction seemed to have conspired against me。 The roaring of waves; crashing of ice; and the howling of bears; conspired to form a scene the most awful and tremendous: but notwithstanding this; my concern for the recovery of the eagles was so great; that I was insensible of the danger to which I was exposed。 Having rendered them every assistance in my power; I stood over them in painful anxiety; fully sensible that it was only by means of them that I could possibly be delivered from these abodes of despair。

But suddenly a monstrous bear began to roar behind me; with a voice like thunder。 I turned round; and seeing the creature just ready to devour me; having the bladder of liquor in my hands; through fear I squeezed it so hard; that it burst; and the liquor flying in the eyes of the animal; totally deprived it of sight。 It instantly turned from me; ran away in a state of distraction; and soon fell over a precipice of ice into the sea; where I saw it no more。

The danger being over; I again turned my attention to the eagles; whom I found in a fair way of recovery; and suspecting that they were faint for want of victuals; I took one of the beef fruit; cut it into small slices; and presented them with it; which they devoured with avidity。

Having given them plenty to eat and drink; and disposed of the remainder of my provision; I took possession of my seat as before。 After composing myself; and adjusting everything in the best manner; I began to eat and drink very heartily; and through the effects of the mountain wine; as I called it; was very cheerful; and began to sing a few verses of a song which I had learned when I was a boy: but the noise soon alarmed the eagles; who had been asleep; through the quantity of liquor which they had drank; and they rose seemingly much terrified。 Happily for me; however; when I was feeding them I had accidentally turned their heads towards the south…east; which course they pursued with a rapid motion。 In a few hours I saw the Western Isles; and soon after had the inexpressible pleasure of seeing Old England。 I took no notice of the seas or islands over which I passed。

The eagles descended gradually as they drew near the shore; intending; as I supposed; to alight on one of the Welsh mountains; but when they came to the distance of about sixty yards two guns were fired at them; loaded with balls; one of which took place in a bladder of liquor that hung to my waist; the other entered the breast of the foremost eagle; who fell to the ground; while that which I rode; having received no injury; flew away with amazing swiftness。

This circumstance alarmed me exceedingly; and I began to think it was impossible for me to escape with my life; but recovering a little; I once more looked down upon the earth; when; to my inexpressible joy; I saw Margate at a little distance; and the eagle descending on the old tower whence it had carried me on the morning of the day before。 It no sooner came down than I threw myself off; happy to find that I was once more restored to the world。 The eagle flew away in a few minutes; and I sat down to compose my fluttering spirits; which I did in a few hours。

I soon paid a visit to my friends; and related these adventures。 Amazement stood in every countenance; their congratulations on my returning in safety were repeated with an unaffected degree of pleasure; and we passed the evening as we are doing now; every person present paying the highest compliments to my COURAGE and VERACITY。

                          THE SECOND VOLUME


                         TO THE SECOND VOLUME

Baron Munchausen has certainly been productive of much benefit to the literary world; the numbers of egregious travellers have been such; that they demanded a very Gulliver to surpass them。 If Baron de Tott dauntlessly discharged an enormous piece of artillery; the Baron Munchausen has done more; he has taken it and swam with it across the sea。 When travellers are solicitous to be the heroes of their own story; surely they must admit to superiority; and blush at seeing themselves out…done by the renowned Munchausen: I doubt whether any one hitherto; Pantagruel; Gargantua; Captain Lemuel; or De Tott; has been able to out…do our Baron in this species of excellence: and as at present our curiosity seems much directed to the interior of Africa; it must be edifying to have the real relation of Munchausen's adventures there before any further intelligence arrives; for he seems to adapt himself and his exploits to the spirit of the times; and recounts what he thinks should be most interesting to his auditors。

I do not say that the Baron; in the following stories; means a satire on any political matters whatever。 No; but if the reader understands them so; I cannot help it。

If the Baron meets with a parcel of negro ships carrying whites into slavery to work upon their plantations in a cold climate; should we therefore imagine that he intends a reflection on the present traffic in human flesh? And that; if the negroes should do so; it would be simple justice; as retaliation is the law of God! If we were to think this a reflection on any present commercial or political matter; we should be tempted to imagine; perhaps; some political ideas conveyed in every page; in every sentence of the whole。 Whether such things are or are not the intentions of the Baron the reader must judge。

We have had not only wonderful travellers in this vile world; but splenetic travellers; and of these not a few; and also conspicuous enough。 It is a pity; therefore; that the Baron has not endeavoured to surpass them also in this species of story…telling。 Who is it can read the travels of Smellfungus; as Sterne calls him; without admiration? To think that a person from the North of Scotland should travel through some of the finest countries in Europe; and find fault with everything he meetsnothing to please him! And therefore; methinks; the Tour to the Hebrides is more excusable; and also perhaps Mr。 Twiss's Tour in Ireland。 Dr。 Johnson; bred in the luxuriance of London; with more reason should become cross and splenetic in the bleak and dreary regions of the Hebrides。

The Baron; in the following work; seems to be sometimes philosophical; his account of the language of the interior of Africa; and its analogy with that of the inhabitants of the moon; show him to be profoundly versed in the etymological antiquities of nations; and t
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