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the surprising adventures of baron munchausen-第23章

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e my ramrod out of my gun; shot it straight through a leash; as regularly as if the cook had spitted them。 I had forgot to put in any shot; and the rod had been made so hot with the powder; that the birds were completely roasted by the time I reached home。

Since my arrival in England I have accomplished what I had very much at heart; viz。; providing for the inhabitant of the Cheese Island; whom I had brought with me。 My old friend; Sir William Chambers; who is entirely indebted to me for all his ideas of Chinese gardening; by a description of which he has gained such high reputation; I say; gentlemen; in a discourse which I had with this gentlemen; he seemed much distressed for a contrivance to light the lamps at the new buildings; Somerset House; the common mode with ladders; he observed; was both dirty and inconvenient。 My native of the Cheese Island popped into my head; he was only nine feet high when I first brought him from his own country; but was now increased to ten and a half: I introduced him to Sir William; and he is appointed to that honourable office。 He is also to carry; under a large cloak; a utensil in each coat pocket; instead of those four which Sir William has /very properly/ fixed for private purposes in so conspicuous a situation; the great quadrangle。

He has also obtained from Mr。 PITT the situation of messenger to his Majesty's lords of the bed…chamber; whose principal employment will /now/ be; divulging the secrets of the Royal household to their /worthy/ Patron。


  /Extraordinary flight on the back of an eagle; over France to   Gibraltar; South and North America; the Polar Regions; and back to   England; within six…and…thirty hours。/

About the beginning of his present Majesty's reign I had some business with a distant relation who then lived on the Isle of Thanet; it was a family dispute; and not likely to be finished soon。 I made it a practice during my residence there; the weather being fine; to walk out every morning。 After a few of these excursions I observed an object upon a great eminence about three miles distant: I extended my walk to it; and found the ruins of an ancient temple: I approached it with admiration and astonishment; the traces of grandeur and magnificence which yet remained were evident proofs of its former splendour: here I could not help lamenting the ravages and devastations of time; of which that once noble structure exhibited such a melancholy proof。 I walked round it several times; meditating on the fleeting and transitory nature of all terrestrial things; on the eastern end were the remains of a lofty tower; near forty feet high; overgrown with ivy; the top apparently flat; I surveyed it on every side very minutely; thinking that if I could gain its summit I should enjoy the most delightful prospect of the circumjacent country。 Animated with this hope; I resolved; if possible; to gain the summit; which I at length effected by means of the ivy; though not without great difficulty and danger; the top I found covered with this evergreen; except a large chasm in the middle。 After I had surveyed with pleasing wonder the beauties of art and nature that conspired to enrich the scene; curiosity prompted me to sound the opening in the middle; in order to ascertain its depth; as I entertained a suspicion that it might probably communicate with some unexplored subterranean cavern in the hill; but having no line I was at a loss how to proceed。 After revolving the matter in my thoughts for some time; I resolved to drop a stone down and listen to the echo: having found one that answered my purpose I placed myself over the hole; with one foot on each side; and stooping down to listen; I dropped the stone; which I had no sooner done than I heard a rustling below; and suddenly a monstrous eagle put up its head right opposite my face; and rising up with irresistible force; carried me away seated on its shoulders: I instantly grasped it round the neck; which was large enough to fill my arms; and its wings; when extended; were ten yards from one extremity to the other。 As it rose with a regular ascent; my seat was perfectly easy; and I enjoyed the prospect below with inexpressible pleasure。 It hovered over Margate for some time; was seen by several people; and many shots were fired at it; one ball hit the heel of my shoe; but did me no injury。 It then directed its course to Dover cliff; where it alighted; and I thought of dismounting; but was prevented by a sudden discharge of musketry from a party of marines that were exercising on the beach; the balls flew about my head; and rattled on the feathers of the eagle like hail…stones; yet I could not perceive it had received any injury。 It instantly reascended and flew over the sea towards Calais; but so very high that the Channel seemed to be no broader than the Thames at London Bridge。 In a quarter of an hour I found myself over a thick wood in France; where the eagle descended very rapidly; which caused me to slip down to the back part of its head; but alighting on a large tree; and raising its head; I recovered my seat as before; but saw no possibility of disengaging myself without the danger of being killed by the fall; so I determined to sit fast; thinking it would carry me to the Alps; or some other high mountain; where I could dismount without any danger。 After resting a few minutes it took wing; flew several times round the wood; and screamed loud enough to be heard across the English Channel。 In a few minutes one of the same species arose out of the wood; and flew directly towards us; it surveyed me with evident marks of displeasure; and came very near me。 After flying several times round; they both directed their course to the south…west。 I soon observed that the one I rode upon could not keep pace with the other; but inclined towards the earth; on account of my weight; its companion perceiving this; turned round and placed itself in such a position that the other could rest its head on its rump; in this manner they proceeded till noon; when I saw the rock of Gibraltar very distinctly。 The day being clear; notwithstanding my degree of elevation; the earth's surface appeared just like a map; where land; sea; lakes; rivers; mountains; and the like were perfectly distinguishable; and having some knowledge of geography; I was at no loss to determine what part of the globe I was in。

Whilst I was contemplating this wonderful prospect a dreadful howling suddenly began all around me; and in a moment I was invested by thousands of small; black; deformed; frightful looking creatures; who pressed me on all sides in such a manner that I could neither move hand or foot: but I had not been in their possession more than ten minutes when I heard the most delightful music that can possibly be imagined; which was suddenly changed into a noise the most awful and tremendous; to which the report of cannon; or the loudest claps of thunder could bear no more proportion than the gentle zephyrs of the evening to the most dreadful hurricane; but the shortness of its duration prevented all those fatal effects which a prolongation of it would certainly have been attended with。

The music commenced; and I s
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