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the surprising adventures of baron munchausen-第2章

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stage of his career met Baron Munchausen in Pyrmont and taken down the stories from his own lips。 Percy in his anecdotes attributes the Travels to a certain Mr。 M。 (Munchausen also began with an M。) who was imprisoned at Paris during the Reign of Terror。 Southey in his 〃Omniana〃 conjectured; from the coincidences between two of the tales and two in a Portuguese periodical published in 1730; that the English fictions must have been derived from the Portuguese。 William West the bookseller and numerous followers have stated that Munchausen owed its first origin to Bruce's Travels; and was written for the purpose of burlesquing that unfairly treated work。 Pierer boldly stated that it was a successful anonymous satire upon the English government of the day; while Meusel with equal temerity affirmed in his 〃Lexikon〃 that the book was a translation of the 〃well…known Munchausen lies〃 executed from a (non…existent) German original by Rudolph Erich Raspe。 A writer in the /Gentleman's Magazine/ for 1856 calls the book the joint production of Bürger and Raspe。

Of all the conjectures; of which these are but a selection; the most accurate from a German point of view is that the book was the work of Bürger; who was the first to dress the Travels in a German garb; and was for a long time almost universally credited with the sole proprietorship。 Bürger himself appears neither to have claimed nor disclaimed the distinction。 There is; however; no doubt whatever that the book first appeared in English in 1785; and that Bürger's German version did not see the light until 1786。 The first German edition (though in reality printed at G?ttingen) bore the imprint London; and was stated to be derived from an English source; but this was; reasonably enough; held to be merely a measure of precaution in case the actual Baron Munchausen (who was a well…known personage in G?ttingen) should be stupid enough to feel aggrieved at being made the butt of a gross caricature。 In this way the discrepancy of dates mentioned above might easily have been obscured; and Bürger might still have been credited with a work which has proved a better protection against oblivion than 〃Lenore;〃 had it not been for the officious sensitiveness of his self…appointed biographer; Karl von Reinhard。 Reinhard; in an answer to an attack made upon his hero for bringing out Munchausen as a pot…boiler in German and English simultaneously; definitely stated in the /Berlin Gesellschafters/ of November 1824; that the real author of the original work was that disreputable genius; Rudolph Erich Raspe; and that the German work was merely a free translation made by Bürger from the fifth edition of the English work。 Bürger; he stated; was well aware of; but was too high… minded to disclose the real authorship。

Taking Reinhard's solemn asseveration in conjunction with the ascertained facts of Raspe's career; his undoubted acquaintance with the Baron Munchausen of real life and the first appearance of the work in 1785; when Raspe was certainly in England; there seems to be little difficulty in accepting his authorship as a positive fact。 There is no difficulty whatever; in crediting Raspe with a sufficient mastery of English idiom to have written the book without assistance; for as early as January 1780 (since which date Raspe had resided uninterruptedly in this country) Walpole wrote to his friend Mason that 〃Raspe writes English much above ill and speaks it as readily as French;〃 and shortly afterwards he remarked that he wrote English 〃surprisingly well。〃 In the next year; 1781; Raspe's absolute command of the two languages encouraged him to publish two moderately good prose…translations; one of Lessing's 〃Nathan the Wise;〃 and the other of Zachariae's Mock…heroic; 〃Tabby in Elysium。〃 The erratic character of the punctuation may be said; with perfect impartiality; to be the only distinguishing feature of the style of the original edition of 〃Munchausen。〃

Curious as is this long history of literary misappropriation; the chequered career of the rightful author; Rudolph Erich Raspe; offers a chapter in biography which has quite as many points of singularity。

Born in Hanover in 1737; Raspe studied at the Universities of G?ttingen and Leipsic。 He is stated also to have rendered some assistance to a young nobleman in sowing his wild oats; a sequel to his university course which may possibly help to explain his subsequent aberrations。 The connection cannot have lasted long; as in 1762; having already obtained reputation as a student of natural history and antiquities; he obtained a post as one of the clerks in the University Library at Hanover。

No later than the following year contributions written in elegant Latin are to be found attached to his name in the Leipsic /Nova Acta Eruditorum/。 In 1764 he alluded gracefully to the connection between Hanover and England in a piece upon the birthday of Queen Charlotte; and having been promoted secretary of the University Library at G?ttingen; the young savant commenced a translation of Leibniz's philosophical works which was issued in Latin and French after the original MSS。 in the Royal Library at Hanover; with a preface by Raspe's old college friend K?stner (G?ttingen; 1765)。 At once a courtier; an antiquary; and a philosopher; Raspe next sought to display his vocation for polite letters; by publishing an ambitious allegorical poem of the age of chivalry; entitled 〃Hermin and Gunilde;〃 which was not only exceedingly well reviewed; but received the honour of a parody entitled 〃Harlequin and Columbine。〃 He also wrote translations of several of the poems of Ossian; and a disquisition upon their genuineness; and then with better inspiration he wrote a considerable treatise on 〃Percy's Reliques of Ancient Poetry;〃 with metrical translations; being thus the first to call the attention of Germany to these admirable poems; which were afterwards so successfully ransacked by Bürger; Herder; and other early German romanticists。

In 1767 Raspe was again advanced by being appointed Professor at the Collegium Carolinum in Cassel; and keeper of the landgrave of Hesse's rich and curious collection of antique gems and medals。 He was shortly afterwards appointed Librarian in the same city; and in 1771 he married。 He continued writing on natural history; mineralogy; and arch?ology; and in 1769 a paper in the 59th volume of the Philosophical Transactions; on the bones and teeth of elephants and other animals found in North America and various boreal regions of the world; procured his election as an honorary member of the Royal Society of London。 His conclusion in this paper that large elephants or mammoths must have previously existed in boreal regions has; of course; been abundantly justified by later investigations。 When it is added that Raspe during this part of his life also wrote papers on lithography and upon musical instruments; and translated Algarotti's Treatise on 〃Architecture; Painting; and Opera Music;〃 enough will have been said to make manifest his very remarkable and somewhat prolix versatility。 In 1773 he made a tour in Westphalia in quest of MSS。; and on his return; by way of completing his education; he turned journalist; and commenced a
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