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the history-第96章

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d that they were not strong enough by themselves to contend with the army of Darius in open fight。 They; therefore; sent envoys to the neighbouring nations; whose kings had already met; and were in consultation upon the advance of so vast a host。 Now they who had come together were the kings of the Tauri; the Agathyrsi; the Neuri; the Androphagi; the Melanchaeni; the Geloni; the Budini; and the Sauromatae。     The Tauri have the following customs。 They offer in sacrifice to the Virgin all shipwrecked persons; and all Greeks compelled to put into their ports by stress of weather。 The mode of sacrifice is this。 After the preparatory ceremonies; they strike the victim on the head with a club。 Then; according to some accounts; they hurl the trunk from the precipice whereon the temple stands; and nail the head to a cross。 Others grant that the head is treated in this way; but deny that the body is thrown down the cliff… on the contrary; they say; it is buried。 The goddess to whom these sacrifices are offered the Tauri themselves declare to be Iphigenia the daughter of Agamemnon。 When they take prisoners in war they treat them in the following way。 The man who has taken a captive cuts off his head; and carrying it to his home; fixes it upon a tall pole; which he elevates above his house; most commonly over the chimney。 The reason that the heads are set up so high; is (it is said) in order that the whole house may be under their protection。 These people live entirely by war and plundering。     The Agathyrsi are a race of men very luxurious; and very fond of wearing gold on their persons。 They have wives in common; that so they may be all brothers; and; as members of one family; may neither envy nor hate one another。 In other respects their customs approach nearly to those of the Thracians。     The Neurian customs are like the Scythian。 One generation before the attack of Darius they were driven from their land by a huge multitude of serpents which invaded them。 Of these some were produced in their own country; while others; and those by far the greater number; came in from the deserts on the north。 Suffering grievously beneath this scourge; they quitted their homes; and took refuge with the Budini。 It seems that these people are conjurers: for both the Scythians and the Greeks who dwell in Scythia say that every Neurian once a year becomes a wolf for a few days; at the end of which time he is restored to his proper shape。 Not that I believe this; but they constantly affirm it to be true; and are even ready to back their assertion with an oath。     The manners of the Androphagi are more savage than those of any other race。 They neither observe justice; nor are governed; by any laws。 They are nomads; and their dress is Scythian; but the language which they speak is peculiar to themselves。 Unlike any other nation in these parts; they are cannibals。     The Melanchaeni wear; all of them; black cloaks; and from this derive the name which they bear。 Their customs are Scythic。     The Budini are a large and powerful nation: they have all deep blue eyes; and bright red hair。 There is a city in their territory; called Gelonus; which is surrounded with a lofty wall; thirty furlongs each way; built entirely of wood。 All the houses in the place and all the temples are of the same material。 Here are temples built in honour of the Grecian gods; and adorned after the Greek fashion with images; altars; and shrines; all in wood。 There is even a festival; held every third year in honour of Bacchus; at which the natives fall into the Bacchic fury。 For the fact is that the Geloni were anciently Greeks; who; being driven out of the factories along the coast; fled to the Budini and took up their abode with them。 They still speak a language half Greek; half Scythian。     The Budini; however; do not speak the same language as the Geloni; nor is their mode of life the same。 They are the aboriginal people of the country; and are nomads; unlike any of the neighbouring races; they eat lice。 The Geloni on the contrary; are tillers of the soil; eat bread; have gardens; and both in shape and complexion are quite different from the Budini。 The Greeks notwithstanding call these latter Geloni; but it is a mistake to give them the name。 Their country is thickly planted with trees of all manner of kinds。 In the very woodiest part is a broad deep lake; surrounded by marshy ground with reeds growing on it。 Here otters are caught; and beavers; with another sort of animal which has a square face。 With the skins of this last the natives border their capotes: and they also get from them a remedy; which is of virtue in diseases of the womb。     It is reported of the Sauromatae; that when the Greeks fought with the Amazons; whom the Scythians call Oior…pata or 〃man…slayers;〃 as it may be rendered; Oior being Scythic for 〃man;〃 and pata for 〃to slay〃… It is reported; I say; that the Greeks after gaining the battle of the Thermodon; put to sea; taking with them on board three of their vessels all the Amazons whom they had made prisoners; and that these women upon the voyage rose up against the crews; and massacred them to a man。 As however they were quite strange to ships; and did not know how to use either rudder; sails; or oars; they were carried; after the death of the men; where the winds and the waves listed。 At last they reached the shores of the Palus Maeotis and came to a place called Cremni or 〃the Cliffs;〃 which is in the country of the free Scythians。 Here they went ashore; and proceeded by land towards the inhabited regions; the first herd of horses which they fell in with they seized; and mounting upon their backs; fell to plundering the Scythian territory。     The Scyths could not tell what to make of the attack upon them… the dress; the language; the nation itself; were alike unknown whence the enemy had come even; was a marvel。 Imagining; however; that they were all men of about the same age; they went out against them; and fought a battle。 Some of the bodies of the slain fell into their hands; whereby they discovered the truth。 Hereupon they deliberated; and made a resolve to kill no more of them; but to send against them a detachment of their youngest men; as near as they could guess equal to the women in number; with orders to encamp in their neighbourhood; and do as they saw them do… when the Amazons advanced against them; they were to retire; and avoid a fight… when they halted; the young men were to approach and pitch their camp near the camp of the enemy。 All this they did on account of their strong desire to obtain children from so notable a race。     So the youths departed; and obeyed the orders which had been given them。 The Amazons soon found out that they had not come to do them any harm; and so they on their part ceased to offer the Scythians any molestation。 And now day after day the camps approached nearer to one another; both parties led the same life; neither having anything but their arms and horses; so that they were forced to support themselves by hunting and pillage。     At last an incident brought two of them together… the man easily gained the good graces of the woman; who bade him by signs (for they did not understand each other's language) to
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