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a defence of poesie and poems-第12章

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eth:  he citeth not authorities of other histories; but even for his entry calleth the sweet Muses to inspire into him a good invention; in troth; not labouring to tell you what is or is not; but what should or should not be。  And; therefore; though he recount things not true; yet because he telleth them not for true he lieth not; without we will say that Nathan lied in his speech; before alleged; to David; which; as a wicked man durst scarce say; so think I none so simple would say; that AEsop lied in the tales of his beasts; for who thinketh that AEsop wrote it for actually true; were well worthy to have his name chronicled among the beasts he writeth of。  What child is there that cometh to a play; and seeing Thebes written in great letters upon an old door; doth believe that it is Thebes?  If then a man can arrive to the child's age; to know that the poet's persons and doings are but pictures what should be; and not stories what have been; they will never give the lie to things not affirmatively; but allegorically and figuratively written; and therefore; as in history; looking for truth; they may go away full fraught with falsehood; so in poesy; looking but for fiction; they shall use the narration but as an imaginative ground…plot of a profitable invention。

But hereto is replied; that the poets give names to men they write of; which argueth a conceit of an actual truth; and so; not being true; proveth a falsehood。  And doth the lawyer lie then; when; under the names of John of the Stile; and John of the Nokes; he putteth his case?  But that is easily answered; their naming of men is but to make their picture the more lively; and not to build any history。  Painting men; they cannot leave men nameless; we see we cannot play at chess but that we must give names to our chess…men: and yet; methinks; he were a very partial champion of truth that would say we lied for giving a piece of wood the reverend title of a bishop。  The poet nameth Cyrus and AEneas no other way than to show what men of their fames; fortunes; and estates should do。

Their {67} third is; how much it abuseth men's wit; training it to a wanton sinfulness and lustful love。  For; indeed; that is the principal if not only abuse I can hear alleged。  They say the comedies rather teach; than reprehend; amorous conceits; they say the lyric is larded with passionate sonnets; the elegiac weeps the want of his mistress; and that even to the heroical Cupid hath ambitiously climbed。  Alas! Love; I would thou couldst as well defend thyself; as thou canst offend others!  I would those on whom thou dost attend; could either put thee away or yield good reason why they keep thee!  But grant love of beauty to be a beastly fault; although it be very hard; since only man; and no beast; hath that gift to discern beauty; grant that lovely name of love to deserve all hateful reproaches; although even some of my masters the philosophers spent a good deal of their lamp…oil in setting forth the excellency of it; grant; I say; what they will have granted; that not only love; but lust; but vanity; but; if they list; scurrility; possess many leaves of the poets' books; yet; think I; when this is granted; they will find their sentence may; with good manners; put the last words foremost; and not say that poetry abuseth man's wit; but that man's wit abuseth poetry。  For I will not deny but that man's wit may make poesy; which should be 'Greek text'; which some learned have defined; figuring forth good things; to be 'Greek text'; which doth contrariwise infect the fancy with unworthy objects; as the painter; who should give to the eye either some excellent perspective; or some fine picture fit for building or fortification; or containing in it some notable example; as Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac; Judith killing Holofernes; David fighting with Goliath; may leave those; and please an ill…pleased eye with wanton shows of better…hidden matters。

But; what! shall the abuse of a thing make the right use odious? Nay; truly; though I yield that poesy may not only be abused; but that being abused; by the reason of his sweet charming force; it can do more hurt than any other army of words; yet shall it be so far from concluding; that the abuse shall give reproach to the abused; that; contrariwise; it is a good reason; that whatsoever being abused; doth most harm; being rightly used (and upon the right use each thing receives his title) doth most good。  Do we not see skill of physic; the best rampire {68} to our often…assaulted bodies; being abused; teach poison; the most violent destroyer?  Doth not knowledge of law; whose end is to even and right all things; being abused; grow the crooked fosterer of horrible injuries?  Doth not (to go in the highest) God's word abused breed heresy; and His name abused become blasphemy?  Truly; a needle cannot do much hurt; and as truly (with leave of ladies be it spoken) it cannot do much good。 With a sword thou mayest kill thy father; and with a sword thou mayest defend thy prince and country; so that; as in their calling poets fathers of lies; they said nothing; so in this their argument of abuse; they prove the commendation。

They allege herewith; that before poets began to be in price; our nation had set their heart's delight upon action; and not imagination; rather doing things worthy to be written; than writing things fit to be done。  What that before time was; I think scarcely Sphynx can tell; since no memory is so ancient that gives not the precedence to poetry。  And certain it is; that; in our plainest homeliness; yet never was the Albion nation without poetry。  Marry; this argument; though it be levelled against poetry; yet it is indeed a chain…shot against all learning or bookishness; as they commonly term it。  Of such mind were certain Goths; of whom it is written; that having in the spoil of a famous city taken a fair library; one hangman; belike fit to execute the fruits of their wits; who had murdered a great number of bodies; would have set fire in it。  〃No;〃 said another; very gravely; 〃take heed what you do; for while they are busy about those toys; we shall with more leisure conquer their countries。〃  This; indeed; is the ordinary doctrine of ignorance; and many words sometimes I have heard spent in it; but because this reason is generally against all learning as well as poetry; or rather all learning but poetry; because it were too large a digression to handle it; or at least too superfluous; since it is manifest that all government of action is to be gotten by knowledge; and knowledge best by gathering many knowledges; which is reading;; I only say with Horace; to him that is of that opinion;

〃Jubeo stultum esse libenter〃 {69}

for as for poetry itself; it is the freest from this; objection; for poetry is the companion of camps。  I dare undertake; Orlando Furioso; or honest King Arthur; will never displease a soldier:  but the quiddity of 〃ens〃 and 〃prima materia〃 will hardly agree with a corslet。  And; therefore; as I said in the beginning; even Turks and Tartars are delighted with poets。  Homer; a Greek; flourished before Greece flourished; and if to a slight conjecture a conjecture may be opposed; truly it may seem; that as
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