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ordinary sluggard and the psychopathic man。  Thus; when a

superior intellect and a psychopathic temperament coalesceas in

the endless permutations and combinations of human faculty; they

are bound to coalesce often enoughin the same individual; we

have the best possible condition for the kind of effective genius

that gets into the  biographical dictionaries。  Such men do

not remain mere critics and understanders with their intellect。 

Their ideas possess them; they inflict them; for better or worse;

upon their companions or their age。  It is they who get counted

when Messrs。 Lombroso; Nisbet; and others invoke statistics to

defend their paradox。

'7'  Superior intellect; as Professor Bain has admirably shown;

seems to consist in nothing so much as in a large development of

the faculty of association by similarity。

To pass now to religious phenomena; take the melancholy which; as

we shall see; constitutes an essential moment in every complete

religious evolution。  Take the happiness which achieved religious

belief confers。  Take the trancelike states of insight into truth

which all religious mystics report。'8'  These are each and all of

them special cases of kinds of human experience of much wider

scope。  Religious melancholy; whatever peculiarities it may have

qua religious; is at any rate melancholy。  Religious happiness is

happiness。 Religious trance is trance。  And the moment we

renounce the absurd notion that a thing is exploded away as soon

as it is classed with others; or its origin is shown; the moment

we agree to stand by experimental results and inner quality; in

judging of valueswho does not see that we are likely to

ascertain the distinctive significance of religious melancholy

and happiness; or of religious trances; far better by comparing

them as conscientiously as we can with other varieties of

melancholy; happiness; and trance; than by refusing to consider

their place in any more general series; and treating them as if

they were outside of nature's order altogether?

I hope that the course of these lectures will confirm us in this

supposition。  As regards the psychopathic origin of so many

religious phenomena; that would not be in the least surprising or

disconcerting; even were such phenomena certified from on high to

be the most precious of human experiences。  No one organism can

possibly yield to its owner the whole body of truth。  Few of us

are not in some way infirm; or even diseased; and our very

infirmities help us unexpectedly。  In the psychopathic

temperament we have the emotionality which is the sine qua non of

moral perception; we have the intensity and tendency to emphasis

which are the essence of practical moral vigor; and we have the

love of metaphysics and mysticism which carry one's interests

beyond the surface of the sensible world。 What; then; is more

natural than that this temperament should introduce one to

regions of religious truth; to corners of the universe; which

your robust Philistine type of nervous system; forever offering

its biceps to be felt; thumping its breast; and thanking Heaven

that it hasn't a single morbid fiber in its composition; would be

sure to hide forever from its self…satisfied possessors?

'8'  I may refer to a criticism of the insanity theory of genius

in the Psychological Review; ii。 287 (1895)。

If there were such a thing as inspiration from a higher realm; it

might well be that the neurotic temperament would furnish the

chief condition of the requisite receptivity。 And having said

thus much; I think that I may let the matter of religion and

neuroticism drop。

The mass of collateral phenomena; morbid or healthy; with which

the various religious phenomena must be compared in order to

understand them better; forms what in the slang of pedagogics is

termed 〃the apperceiving mass〃 by which we comprehend them。  The

only novelty that I can imagine this course of lectures to

possess lies in the breadth of the apperceiving mass。  I may

succeed in discussing religious experiences in a wider context

than has been usual in university courses。

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