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and a great thickness of air; in aid。 Yet here; she had seen them。 

They  were   really   ill…used。—The   House   was   large   and   handsome; 

two    Servants      appeared;     to  admit    them;     and   everything      had   a 

suitable air of Property and Order。—Lady D。 valued herself upon 

her  liberal   Establishment; and   had   great   enjoyment   in   the   order 

and the Importance of her style of living。—They were shewn into 

the    usual   sitting   room;    well…proportioned        and   well…furnished;— 

tho’   it   was   Furniture   rather   originally   good   and   extremely   well 

kept;     than   new     or   shewey—and         as   Lady    D。   was    not   there; 

Charlotte had leisure to look about; and to be told by Mrs。 P。 that 

the   whole…length   Portrait   of   a   stately   Gentleman;   which   placed 

over the Mantlepeice; caught the eye immediately; was the picture 

Classics in Literature: Jane Austen                                          ElecBook 

… Page 80…

                               Jane Austen: Sanditon                                   80 

of   Sir   H。   Denham—and            that   one   among      many      Miniatures      in 

another      part    of  the   room;     little  conspicuous;       represented       Mr。 

Hollis。—Poor Mr。 Hollis!—It was impossible not to feel him hardly 

used;   to   be   obliged   to   stand   back   in   his   own   House   and   see   the 

best place by the fire constantly occupied by Sir H。 D。 

Classics in Literature: Jane Austen                                             ElecBook 

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