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in flanders fields and other poems-第9章

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and French Infantry next door by turns。  They march in and out。
The back of the hill is a network of wires; so that one has to go carefully。

                                        Tuesday; May 4th; 1915。

Despite intermittent shelling and some casualties the quietest day yet;
but we live in an uneasy atmosphere as German attacks are constantly
being projected; and our communications are interrupted and scrappy。
We get no news of any sort and have just to sit tight and hold on。
Evening closed in rainy and dark。  Our dugout is very slenderly
provided against it; and we get pretty wet and very dirty。
In the quieter morning hours we get a chance of a wash
and occasionally a shave。

                                        Wednesday; May 5th; 1915。

Heavily hammered in the morning from 7 to 9; but at 9 it let up;
the sun came out and things looked better。  Evidently our line
has again been thinned of artillery and the requisite minimum to hold is left。
There were German attacks to our right; just out of our area。
Later on we and they both fired heavily; the first battery getting it
especially hot。  The planes over us again and again; to coach the guns。
An attack expected at dusk; but it turned only to heavy night shelling;
so that with our fire; theirs; and the infantry cracking away constantly;
we got sleep in small quantity all night; bullets whizzing over us constantly。
Heavy rain from 5 to 8; and everything wet except the far…in corner
of the dugout; where we mass our things to keep them as dry as we may。

                                        Thursday; May 6th; 1915。

After the rain a bright morning; the leaves and blossoms are coming out。
We ascribe our quietude to a welcome flock of allied planes
which are over this morning。  The Germans attacked at eleven;
and again at six in the afternoon; each meaning a waking up of heavy artillery
on the whole front。  In the evening we had a little rain at intervals;
but it was light。

                                        Friday; May 7th; 1915。

A bright morning early; but clouded over later。  The Germans gave it to us
very heavily。  There was heavy fighting to the south…east of us。
Two attacks or threats; and we went in again。

                                        Saturday; May 8th; 1915。

For the last three days we have been under British divisional control;
and supporting our own men who have been put farther to the left;
till they are almost in front of us。  It is an added comfort。
We have four officers out with various infantry regiments
for observation and co…operation; they have to stick it in trenches;
as all the houses and barns are burned。  The whole front is constantly ablaze
with big gunfire; the racket never ceases。  We have now to do
most of the work for our left; as our line appears to be much thinner
than it was。  A German attack followed the shelling at 7;
we were fighting hard till 12; and less regularly all the afternoon。
We suffered much; and at one time were down to seven guns。
Of these two were smoking at every joint; and the levers were so hot
that the gunners used sacking for their hands。  The pace is now much hotter;
and the needs of the infantry for fire more insistent。
The guns are in bad shape by reason of dirt; injuries; and heat。
The wind fortunately blows from us; so there is no gas;
but the attacks are still very heavy。  Evening brought a little quiet;
but very disquieting news (which afterwards proved untrue);
and we had to face a possible retirement。  You may imagine our state of mind;
unable to get anything sure in the uncertainty; except that
we should stick out as long as the guns would fire; and we could fire them。
That sort of night brings a man down to his 〃bare skin〃; I promise you。
The night was very cold; and not a cheerful one。

                                        Sunday; May 9th; 1915。

At 4 we were ordered to get ready to move; and the Adjutant picked out
new retirement positions; but a little later better news came;
and the daylight and sun revived us a bit。  As I sat in my dugout
a little white and black dog with tan spots bolted in over the parapet;
during heavy firing; and going to the farthest corner began to dig furiously。
Having scraped out a pathetic little hole two inches deep;
she sat down and shook; looking most plaintively at me。  A few minutes later;
her owner came along; a French soldier。  Bissac was her name;
but she would not leave me at the time。  When I sat down a little later;
she stole out and shyly crawled in between me and the wall;
she stayed by me all day; and I hope got later on to safe quarters。

Firing kept up all day。  In thirty hours we had fired 3600 rounds;
and at times with seven; eight; or nine guns; our wire cut and repaired
eighteen times。  Orders came to move; and we got ready。  At dusk
we got the guns out by hand; and all batteries assembled at a given spot
in comparative safety。  We were much afraid they would open on us;
for at 10 o'clock they gave us 100 or 150 rounds; hitting the trench parapet
again and again。  However; we were up the road; the last wagon
half a mile away before they opened。  One burst near me;
and splattered some pieces around; but we got clear;
and by 12 were out of the usual fire zone。  Marched all night;
tired as could be; but happy to be clear。

I was glad to get on dear old Bonfire again。  We made about sixteen miles;
and got to our billets at dawn。  I had three or four hours' sleep;
and arose to a peaceful breakfast。  We shall go back to the line elsewhere
very soon; but it is a present relief; and the next place
is sure to be better; for it cannot be worse。  Much of this narrative
is bald and plain; but it tells our part in a really great battle。
I have only had hasty notes to go by; in conversation
there is much one could say that would be of greater interest。
Heard of the ‘Lusitania' disaster on our road out。  A terrible affair!

Here ends the account of his part in this memorable battle;
and here follow some general observations upon the experience:

                                        Northern France; May 10th; 1915。

We got here to refit and rest this morning at 4; having marched
last night at 10。  The general impression in my mind is of a nightmare。
We have been in the most bitter of fights。  For seventeen days
and seventeen nights none of us have had our clothes off;
nor our boots even; except occasionally。  In all that time
while I was awake; gunfire and rifle fire never ceased for sixty seconds;
and it was sticking to our utmost by a weak line all but ready to break;
knowing nothing of what was going on; and depressed by reports
of anxious infantry。  The men and the divisions are worthy of all praise
that can be given。  It did not end in four days when many of our infantry
were taken out。  It kept on at fever heat till yesterday。

This; of course; is the second battle of Ypres; or the battle of the Yser;
I do not know which。  At one time we were down to seven guns;
but those guns were smoking at every joint; the gunners using cloth
to handle the breech levers because of the heat。  We had three batteries
in actio
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