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in flanders fields and other poems-第7章

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the larger percussion and air; and the heaviest percussion only。

My work began almost from the start  steady but never overwhelming;
except perhaps once for a few minutes。  A little cottage behind our ridge
served as a cook…house; but was so heavily hit the second day
that we had to be chary of it。  During bursts of fire I usually took
the back slope of the sharply crested ridge for what shelter it offered。
At 3 our 1st and 4th arrived; and went into action at once
a few hundred yards in our rear。  Wires were at once put out;
to be cut by shells hundreds and hundreds of times; but always repaired
by our indefatigable linemen。  So the day wore on; in the night the shelling
still kept up:  three different German attacks were made and repulsed。
If we suffered by being close up; the Germans suffered from us;
for already tales of good shooting came down to us。  I got some sleep
despite the constant firing; for we had none last night。

                                        Saturday; April 24th; 1915。

Behold us now anything less than two miles north of Ypres
on the west side of the canal; this runs north; each bank flanked
with high elms; with bare trunks of the familiar Netherlands type。
A few yards to the West a main road runs; likewise bordered;
the Censor will allow me to say that on the high bank between these
we had our headquarters; the ridge is perhaps fifteen to twenty feet high;
and slopes forward fifty yards to the water; the back is more steep;
and slopes quickly to a little subsidiary water way; deep but dirty。
Where the guns were I shall not say; but they were not far;
and the German aeroplanes that viewed us daily with all but impunity
knew very well。  A road crossed over the canal; and interrupted the ridge;
across the road from us was our billet  the place we cooked in; at least;
and where we usually took our meals。  Looking to the south between the trees;
we could see the ruins of the city:  to the front on the sky line;
with rolling ground in the front; pitted by French trenches; the German lines;
to the left front; several farms and a windmill; and farther left;
again near the canal; thicker trees and more farms。  The farms and windmills
were soon burnt。  Several farms we used for observing posts were also
quickly burnt during the next three or four days。  All along behind us
at varying distances French and British guns; the flashes at night
lit up the sky。

These high trees were at once a protection and a danger。
Shells that struck them were usually destructive。  When we came in
the foliage was still very thin。  Along the road; which was constantly shelled
〃on spec〃 by the Germans; one saw all the sights of war:
wounded men limping or carried; ambulances; trains of supply; troops;
army mules; and tragedies。  I saw one bicycle orderly:  a shell exploded
and he seemed to pedal on for eight or ten revolutions and then collapsed
in a heap  dead。  Straggling soldiers would be killed or wounded;
horses also; until it got to be a nightmare。  I used to shudder every time
I saw wagons or troops on that road。  My dugout looked out on it。
I got a square hole; 8 by 8; dug in the side of the hill (west);
roofed over with remnants to keep out the rain; and a little sandbag parapet
on the back to prevent pieces of 〃back…kick shells〃 from coming in;
or prematures from our own or the French guns for that matter。
Some straw on the floor completed it。  The ground was treacherous
and a slip the first night nearly buried 。  So we had to be content
with walls straight up and down; and trust to the height of the bank
for safety。  All places along the bank were more or less alike;
all squirrel holes。

This morning we supported a heavy French attack at 4。30;
there had been three German attacks in the night; and everyone was tired。
We got heavily shelled。  In all eight or ten of our trees were cut by shells
 cut right off; the upper part of the tree subsiding heavily
and straight down; as a usual thing。  One would think a piece a foot long
was just instantly cut out; and these trees were about 18 inches in diameter。
The gas fumes came very heavily:  some blew down from the infantry trenches;
some came from the shells:  one's eyes smarted; and breathing
was very laboured。  Up to noon to…day we fired 2500 rounds。  Last night
Col。 Morrison and I slept at a French Colonel's headquarters near by;
and in the night our room was filled up with wounded。  I woke up
and shared my bed with a chap with 〃a wounded leg and a chill〃。
Probably thirty wounded were brought into the one little room。

Col。 ; R。A。; kept us in communication with the French General
in whose command we were。  I bunked down in the trench on the top
of the ridge:  the sky was red with the glare of the city still burning;
and we could hear the almost constant procession of large shells sailing over
from our left front into the city:  the crashes of their explosion
shook the ground where we were。  After a terribly hard day;
professionally and otherwise; I slept well; but it rained
and the trench was awfully muddy and wet。

                                        Sunday; April 25th; 1915。

The weather brightened up; and we got at it again。  This day we had
several heavy attacks; prefaced by heavy artillery fire; these bursts of fire
would result in our getting 100 to 150 rounds right on us or nearby:
the heavier our fire (which was on the trenches entirely) the heavier theirs。

Our food supply came up at dusk in wagons; and the water was any we could get;
but of course treated with chloride of lime。  The ammunition had to be
brought down the roads at the gallop; and the more firing the more wagons。
The men would quickly carry the rounds to the guns; as the wagons had to halt
behind our hill。  The good old horses would swing around at the gallop;
pull up in an instant; and stand puffing and blowing; but with their heads up;
as if to say; 〃Wasn't that well done?〃  It makes you want to kiss
their dear old noses; and assure them of a peaceful pasture once more。
To…day we got our dressing station dugout complete; and slept there at night。

Three farms in succession burned on our front  colour in the otherwise dark。
The flashes of shells over the front and rear in all directions。
The city still burning and the procession still going on。
I dressed a number of French wounded; one Turco prayed to Allah and Mohammed
all the time I was dressing his wound。  On the front field one can see
the dead lying here and there; and in places where an assault has been
they lie very thick on the front slopes of the German trenches。
Our telephone wagon team hit by a shell; two horses killed
and another wounded。  I did what I could for the wounded one;
and he subsequently got well。  This night; beginning after dark;
we got a terrible shelling; which kept up till 2 or 3 in the morning。
Finally I got to sleep; though it was still going on。  We must have got
a couple of hundred rounds; in single or pairs。  Every one burst over us;
would light up the dugout; and every hit in front would shake the ground
and bring down small bits of earth on us; or else the earth thrown
into the air by the explosio
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