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in flanders fields and other poems-第11章

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we drew a perfect hornet's nest about our heads。  While attending to
a casualty; a shell broke through both sides of the trench; front and back;
about twelve feet away。  The zigzag of the trench was between it and us;
and we escaped。  From my bunk the moon looks down at me;
and the wind whistles along the trench like a corridor。  As the trenches
run in all directions they catch the wind however it blows;
so one is always sure of a good draught。  We have not had our clothes off
since last Saturday; and there is no near prospect of getting them off。

                                        Friday; May 28th; 1915。

Warmer this morning and sunny; a quiet morning; as far as we were concerned。
One battery fired twenty rounds and the rest 〃sat tight〃。
Newspapers which arrive show that up to May 7th; the Canadian public
has made no guess at the extent of the battle of Ypres。  The Canadian papers
seem to have lost interest in it after the first four days;
this regardless of the fact that the artillery; numerically a quarter
of the division; was in all the time。  One correspondent writes
from the Canadian rest camp; and never mentions Ypres。  Others say
they hear heavy bombarding which appears to come from Armentieres。

A few strokes will complete the picture:

                                        Wednesday; April 29th*; 1915。

This morning is the sixth day of this fight; it has been constant;
except that we got good chance to sleep for the last two nights。
Our men have fought beyond praise。  Canadian soldiers have set
a standard for themselves which will keep posterity busy to surpass。
And the War Office published that the 4。1 guns captured were Canadian。
They were not:  the division has not lost a gun so far by capture。
We will make a good job of it  if we can。

* 'sic'  This should read April 28th。   A。 L。; 1995。

                                        May 1st; 1915。

This is the ninth day that we have stuck to the ridge;
and the batteries have fought with a steadiness which is beyond all praise。
If I could say what our casualties in men; guns; and horses were;
you would see at a glance it has been a hot corner; but we have given
better than we got; for the German casualties from this front
have been largely from artillery; except for the French attack of yesterday
and the day before; when they advanced appreciably on our left。
The front; however; just here remains where it was;
and the artillery fire is very heavy  I think as heavy here
as on any part of the line; with the exception of certain cross…roads
which are the particular object of fire。  The first four days
the anxiety was wearing; for we did not know at what minute
the German army corps would come for us。  We lie out in support
of the French troops entirely; and are working with them。
Since that time evidently great reinforcements have come in;
and now we have a most formidable force of artillery to turn on them。

Fortunately the weather has been good; the days are hot and summerlike。
Yesterday in the press of bad smells I got a whiff of a hedgerow in bloom。
The birds perch on the trees over our heads and twitter away
as if there was nothing to worry about。  Bonfire is still well。
I do hope he gets through all right。

                                        Flanders; March 30th; 1915。

The Brigade is actually in twelve different places。  The ammunition column
and the horse and wagon lines are back; and my corporal visits them every day。
I attend the gun lines; any casualty is reported by telephone; and I go to it。
The wounded and sick stay where they are till dark; when the field ambulances
go over certain grounds and collect。  A good deal of suffering is entailed
by the delay till night; but it is useless for vehicles to go on the roads
within 1500 yards of the trenches。  They are willing enough to go。
Most of the trench injuries are of the head; and therefore there is
a high proportion of killed in the daily warfare as opposed to an attack。
Our Canadian plots fill up rapidly。

And here is one last note to his mother:

On the eve of the battle of Ypres I was indebted to you for a letter
which said 〃take good care of my son Jack; but I would not
have you unmindful that; sometimes; when we save we lose。〃
I have that last happy phrase to thank。  Often when I had to go out
over the areas that were being shelled; it came into my mind。
I would shoulder the box; and 〃go to it〃。

At this time the Canadian division was moving south to take its share
in the events that happened in the La Bassee sector。  Here is the record:

                                        Tuesday; June 1st; 1915。
          1…1/2 miles northeast of Festubert; near La Bassee。

Last night a 15 pr。 and a 4…inch howitzer fired at intervals of five minutes
from 8 till 4; most of them within 500 or 600 yards 
a very tiresome procedure; much of it is on registered roads。
In the morning I walked out to Le Touret to the wagon lines; got Bonfire;
and rode to the headquarters at Vendin…lez…Bethune; a little village
a mile past Bethune。  Left the horse at the lines and walked back again。
An unfortunate shell in the 1st killed a sergeant and wounded two men;
thanks to the strong emplacements the rest of the crew escaped。
In the evening went around the batteries and said good…bye。  We stood by
while they laid away the sergeant who was killed。  Kind hands have made
two pathetic little wreaths of roses; the grave under an apple…tree;
and the moon rising over the horizon; a siege…lamp held for the book。
Of the last 41 days the guns have been in action 33。  Captain Lockhart;
late with Fort Garry Horse; arrived to relieve me。  I handed over;
came up to the horse lines; and slept in a covered wagon in a courtyard。
We were all sorry to part  the four of us have been very intimate
and had agreed perfectly  and friendships under these circumstances
are apt to be the real thing。  I am sorry to leave them in such a hot corner;
but cannot choose and must obey orders。  It is a great relief from strain;
I must admit; to be out; but I could wish that they all were。

This phase of the war lasted two months precisely; and to John McCrae
it must have seemed a lifetime since he went into this memorable action。
The events preceding the second battle of Ypres received scant mention
in his letters; but one remains; which brings into relief
one of the many moves of that tumultuous time。

                                        April 1st; 1915。

We moved out in the late afternoon; getting on the road a little after dark。
Such a move is not unattended by danger; for to bring horses and limbers
down the roads in the shell zone in daylight renders them liable
to observation; aerial or otherwise。  More than that; the roads are now
beginning to be dusty; and at all times there is the noise which carries far。
The roads are nearly all registered in their battery books;
so if they suspect a move; it is the natural thing to loose off a few rounds。
However; our anxiety was not borne out; and we got out of the danger zone
by 8。30  a not too long march in the dark; and then for
the last of th
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