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in flanders fields and other poems-第10章

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but those guns were smoking at every joint; the gunners using cloth
to handle the breech levers because of the heat。  We had three batteries
in action with four guns added from the other units。  Our casualties
were half the number of men in the firing line。  The horse lines
and the wagon lines farther back suffered less; but the Brigade list
has gone far higher than any artillery normal。  I know one brigade R。A。
that was in the Mons retreat and had about the same。  I have done
what fell to hand。  My clothes; boots; kit; and dugout at various times
were sadly bloody。  Two of our batteries are reduced to two officers each。
We have had constant accurate shell…fire; but we have given back no less。
And behind it all was the constant background of the sights of the dead;
the wounded; the maimed; and a terrible anxiety lest the line should give way。

During all this time; we have been behind French troops;
and only helping our own people by oblique fire when necessary。
Our horses have suffered heavily too。  Bonfire had a light wound
from a piece of shell; it is healing and the dear old fellow is very fit。
Had my first ride for seventeen days last night。  We never saw horses
but with the wagons bringing up the ammunition。  When fire was hottest
they had to come two miles on a road terribly swept;
and they did it magnificently。  But how tired we are!
Weary in body and wearier in mind。  None of our men went off their heads
but men in units nearby did  and no wonder。

                                        France; May 12th; 1915。

I am glad you had your mind at rest by the rumour that we were in reserve。
What newspaper work!  The poor old artillery never gets any mention;
and the whole show is the infantry。  It may interest you to note on your map
a spot on the west bank of the canal; a mile and a half north of Ypres;
as the scene of our labours。  There can be no harm in saying so;
now that we are out of it。  The unit was the most advanced
of all the Allies' guns by a good deal except one French battery
which stayed in a position yet more advanced for two days;
and then had to be taken out。  I think it may be said that we saw the show
from the soup to the coffee。

                                        France; May 17th; 1915。

The farther we get away from Ypres the more we learn of the enormous power
the Germans put in to push us over。  Lord only knows how many men they had;
and how many they lost。  I wish I could embody on paper
some of the varied sensations of that seventeen days。  All the gunners
down this way passed us all sorts of ‘kudos' over it。  Our guns 
those behind us; from which we had to dodge occasional prematures 
have a peculiar bang…sound added to the sharp crack of discharge。
The French 75 has a sharp wood…block…chop sound; and the shell goes over
with a peculiar whine  not unlike a cat; but beginning with n 
thus;  n…eouw。  The big fellows; 3000 yards or more behind;
sounded exactly like our own; but the flash came three or four seconds
before the sound。  Of the German shells  the field guns come
with a great velocity  no warning  just whizz…bang; white smoke;
nearly always air bursts。  The next size; probably 5 inch howitzers;
have a perceptible time of approach; an increasing whine;
and a great burst on the percussion  dirt in all directions。
And even if a shell hit on the front of the canal bank;
and one were on the back of the bank; five; eight; or ten seconds later
one would hear a belated WHIRR; and curved pieces of shell would light 
probably parabolic curves or boomerangs。  These shells have a great back kick;
from the field gun shrapnel we got nothing BEHIND the shell 
all the pieces go forward。  From the howitzers; the danger is almost as great
behind as in front if they burst on percussion。  Then the large shrapnel
 air…burst  have a double explosion; as if a giant shook a wet sail
for two flaps; first a dark green burst of smoke; then a lighter yellow burst
goes out from the centre; forwards。  I do not understand the why of it。

Then the 10…inch shells:  a deliberate whirring course 
a deafening explosion  black smoke; and earth 70 or 80 feet in the air。
These always burst on percussion。  The constant noise of our own guns
is really worse on the nerves than the shell; there is the deafening noise;
and the constant whirr of shells going overhead。  The earth shakes
with every nearby gun and every close shell。  I think I may safely enclose
a cross section of our position。  The left is the front:  a slope down
of 20 feet in 100 yards to the canal; a high row of trees on each bank;
then a short 40 yards slope up to the summit of the trench;
where the brain of the outfit was; then a telephone wired slope;
and on the sharp slope; the dugouts; including my own。
The nondescript affair on the low slope is the gun position;
behind it the men's shelter pits。  Behind my dugout was a rapid small stream;
on its far bank a row of pollard willows; then 30 yards of field;
then a road with two parallel rows of high trees。  Behind this again;
several hundred yards of fields to cross before the main gun positions
are reached。

More often fire came from three quarters left; and because our ridge died away
there was a low spot over which they could come pretty dangerously。
The road thirty yards behind us was a nightmare to me。
I saw all the tragedies of war enacted there。  A wagon; or a bunch of horses;
or a stray man; or a couple of men; would get there just in time for a shell。
One would see the absolute knock…out; and the obviously lightly wounded
crawling off on hands and knees; or worse yet; at night;
one would hear the tragedy  〃that horse scream〃  or the man's moan。
All our own wagons had to come there (one every half hour in smart action);
be emptied; and the ammunition carried over by hand。  Do you wonder
that the road got on our nerves?  On this road; too; was the house
where we took our meals。  It was hit several times; windows all blown in
by nearby shells; but one end remained for us。

Seventeen days of Hades!  At the end of the first day if anyone had told us
we had to spend seventeen days there; we would have folded our hands
and said it could not be done。  On the fifteenth day we got orders to go out;
but that was countermanded in two hours。  To the last we could scarcely
believe we were actually to get out。  The real audacity of the position
was its safety; the Germans knew to a foot where we were。
I think I told you of some of the 〃you must stick it out〃 messages we got
from our 'French' General;  they put it up to us。  It is a wonder to me
that we slept when; and how; we did。  If we had not slept and eaten
as well as possible we could not have lasted。  And while we were doing this;
the London office of a Canadian newspaper cabled home 〃Canadian Artillery
in reserve。〃  Such is fame!

                                        Thursday; May 27th; 1915。

Day cloudy and chilly。  We wore our greatcoats most of the afternoon;
and looked for bits of sunlight to get warm。  About two o'clock
the heavy guns gave us a regular 〃black…smithing〃。  Every time we fired
we drew a perfect hornet's nest about our h
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