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their very faces wore the self…same look?  These were not two

souls; it was a composite soul。  It did not matter to which of the

two you spoke; you would have said the same words to either。  It

was quite indifferent which replied; each would have said the same。

Half a century's REFLECTING had told upon them; they were changed

into the same image。  It is the Law of Influence that WE BECOME

LIKE THOSE WHOM WE HABITUALLY REFLECT: these had become like because

they habitually reflected。  Through all the range of literature;

of history; and biography this law presides。  Men are all mosaics

of other men。  There was a savor of David about Jonathan; and a

savor of Jonathan about David。  Metempsychosis is a fact。  George

Eliot's message to the world was that men and women make men and

women。  The Family; the cradle of mankind; has no meaning apart

from this。  Society itself is nothing but a rallying point for these

omnipotent forces to do their work。  On the doctrine of Influence;

in short; the whole vast pyramid of humanity is built。

But it was reserved for Paul to make the supreme application of

the Law of Influence。  It was a tremendous inference to make; but

he never hesitated。  He himself was a changed man; he knew exactly

what had done it;

It was Christ。

On the Damascus road they met; and from that hour his life was

absorbed in His。  The effect could not but followon words; on

deeds; on career; on creed。  The 〃impressed forces〃 did their vital

work。  He became like Him Whom he habitually loved。  〃So we all;〃

he writes; 〃reflecting as a mirror the glory of Christ; are changed

into the same image。〃

Nothing could be more simple; more intelligible; more natural; more

supernatural。  It is an analogy from an every…day fact。  Since we

are what we are by the impacts of those who surround us; those who

surround themselves with the highest will be those who change into

the highest。  There are some men and some women in whose company

we are

Always at our best。

While with them we cannot think mean thoughts or speak ungenerous

words。  Their mere presence is elevation; purification; sanctity。

All the best stops in our nature are drawn out by their intercourse;

and we find a music in our souls that was never there before。

Suppose even THAT influence prolonged through a month; a year; a

lifetime; and what could not life become?  There; even on the common

plane of life; talking our language; walking our streets; working

side by side; are sanctifiers of souls; here; breathing through

common clay; is Heaven; here; energies charged even through a

temporal medium with the virtue of regeneration。  If to live with

men; diluted to the millionth degree with the virtue of the Highest;

can exalt and purify the nature; what bounds can be set to the

influence of Christ?  To live with Socrateswith unveiled facemust

have made one wise; with Aristides; just。  Francis Assisi must

have made one gentle; Savonarola; strong。  But to have lived with

Christ must have made one like Christ:  that is to say; A CHRISTIAN。

As a matter of fact; to live with Christ did produce this effect。

It produced it in the case of Paul。  And during Christ's lifetime

the experiment was tried in an even more startling form。  A few

raw; unspiritual; uninspiring men; were admitted to the inner circle

of His friendship。  The change began at once。  Day by day we can

almost see the first disciple grow。  First there steals over them

the faintest possible adumbration of His character; and occasionally;

very occasionally; they do a thing or say a thing that they could

not have done or said had they not been living there。  Slowly the

spell of His Life deepens。  Reach after reach of their nature is

overtaken; thawed; subjugated; sanctified。  Their manner softens;

their words become more gentle; their conduct more unselfish。  As

swallows who have found a summer; as frozen buds the spring; their

starved humanity bursts into a fuller life。  They do not know how

it is; but they are different men。

One day they find themselves like their Master; going about and

doing good。  To themselves it is unaccountable; but they cannot

do otherwise。  they were not told to do it; it came to them to do

it。  But the people who watch them know well how to account for

it〃They have been;〃 they whisper; 〃with Jesus。〃  Already even;

the mark and seal of His character is upon them〃They have been

with Jesus。〃  Unparalleled phenomenon; that these poor fishermen

should remind other men of Christ!  Stupendous victory and mystery



that mortal men should suggest GOD to the world!

There is something almost melting in the way his contemporaries;

and John especially; speak of the influence of Christ。  John lived

himself in daily wonder at Him; he was overpowered; over…awed;

entranced; transfigured。  To his mind it was impossible for any one

to come under this influence and ever be the same again。  〃Whosoever

abideth in Him sinneth not;〃 he said。  It was inconceivable that he

should sin; as inconceivable as that ice should live in a burning

sun; or darkness coexist with noon。  If any one did sin; it

was to John the simple proof that he could never have met Christ。

〃Whosoever sinneth;〃 he exclaims; 〃hath not seen HIM; neither known

HIM。〃  Sin was abashed in this Presence。  Its root withered。  Its

sway and victory were forever at an end。

But these were His contemporaries。  It was easy for THEM to be

influenced by Him; for they were every day and all the day together。

But how can we mirror that which we have never seen?  How can all

this stupendous result be produced by a Memory; by the scantiest

of all Biographies; by One who lived and left this earth eighteen

hundred years ago?  How can modern men to…day make Christ; the

absent Christ; their most constant companion still?

The answer is that

Friendship is a spiritual thing。

It is independent of Matter; or Space; or Time。  That which I

love in my friend is not that which I see。  What influences me in

my friend is not his body but his spirit。  He influences me about

as much in his absence as in his presence。  It would have been an

ineffable experience truly to have lived at that time

〃I think when I read the sweet story of old;

    How when Jesus was here among men;

He took little children like lambs to his fold;

    I should like to have been with Him then。

〃I wish that His hand had been laid on my head;

    That His arms had been thrown around me;

And that I had seen His kind look when he said;

    'Let the little ones come unto me。'〃

And yet; if Christ were to come into the world again; few of us

probably would ever have a chance of seeing Him。  Millions of her

subjects in the little country of England have never seen their

own Queen。  And there would be millions of the subjects of Christ

who could never get within speaking distance of Him if He were

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