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the aspern papers-第6章

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I could give her my word of honor that I was a most respectable;

inoffensive person and that as an inmate they would be barely

conscious of my existence。  I would conform to any regulations;

any restrictions if they would only let me enjoy the garden。

Moreover I should be delighted to give her references; guarantees;

they would be of the very best; both in Venice and in England

as well as in America。

She listened to me in perfect stillness and I felt that she was looking

at me with great attention; though I could see only the lower part

of her bleached and shriveled face。  Independently of the refining

process of old age it had a delicacy which once must have been great。

She had been very fair; she had had a wonderful complexion。

She was silent a little after I had ceased speaking; then she inquired;

〃If you are so fond of a garden why don't you go to terra firma;

where there are so many far better than this?〃

〃Oh; it's the combination!〃  I answered; smiling; and then;

with rather a flight of fancy; 〃It's the idea of a garden

in the middle of the sea。〃

〃It's not in the middle of the sea; you can't see the water。〃

I stared a moment; wondering whether she wished to convict me of fraud。

〃Can't see the water?  Why; dear madam; I can come up to the very gate

in my boat。〃

She appeared inconsequent; for she said vaguely in reply

to this; 〃Yes; if you have got a boat。  I haven't any;

it's many years since I have been in one of the gondolas。〃

She uttered these words as if the gondolas were a curious

faraway craft which she knew only by hearsay。

〃Let me assure you of the pleasure with which I would put mine at

your service!〃  I exclaimed。  I had scarcely said this; however; before I

became aware that the speech was in questionable taste and might also do me

the injury of making me appear too eager; too possessed of a hidden motive。

But the old woman remained impenetrable and her attitude bothered me

by suggesting that she had a fuller vision of me than I had of her。

She gave me no thanks for my somewhat extravagant offer but remarked that the

lady I had seen the day before was her niece; she would presently come in。

She had asked her to stay away a little on purpose; because she herself wished

to see me at first alone。  She relapsed into silence; and I asked myself

why she had judged this necessary and what was coming yet; also whether

I might venture on some judicious remark in praise of her companion。

I went so far as to say that I should be delighted to see her again:

she had been so very courteous to me; considering how odd she must

have thought mea declaration which drew from Miss Bordereau another

of her whimsical speeches。

〃She has very good manners; I bred her up myself!〃  I was on the point

of saying that that accounted for the easy grace of the niece; but I

arrested myself in time; and the next moment the old woman went on:

〃I don't care who you may beI don't want to know; it signifies very

little today。〃  This had all the air of being a formula of dismissal;

as if her next words would be that I might take myself off now that she had

had the amusement of looking on the face of such a monster of indiscretion。

Therefore I was all the more surprised when she added; with her soft;

venerable quaver; 〃You may have as many rooms as you likeif you will

pay a good deal of money。〃

I hesitated but for a single instant; long enough to ask

myself what she meant in particular by this condition。

First it struck me that she must have really a large sum

in her mind; then I reasoned quickly that her idea of a large

sum would probably not correspond to my own。  My deliberation;

I think; was not so visible as to diminish the promptitude

with which I replied; 〃I will pay with pleasure and of course

in advance whatever you may think is proper to ask me。〃

〃Well then; a thousand francs a month;〃 she rejoined instantly;

while her baffling green shade continued to cover her attitude。

The figure; as they say; was startling and my logic had been at fault。

The sum she had mentioned was; by the Venetian measure of such matters;

exceedingly large; there was many an old palace in an out…of…the…way

corner that I might on such terms have enjoyed by the year。

But so far as my small means allowed I was prepared to spend money;

and my decision was quickly taken。  I would pay her with a smiling face

what she asked; but in that case I would give myself the compensation

of extracting the papers from her for nothing。  Moreover if she had asked

five times as much I should have risen to the occasion; so odious would

it have appeared to me to stand chaffering with Aspern's Juliana。

It was queer enough to have a question of money with her at all。

I assured her that her views perfectly met my own and that on the morrow

I should have the pleasure of putting three months' rent into her hand。

She received this announcement with serenity and with no apparent sense

that after all it would be becoming of her to say that I ought to see

the rooms first。  This did not occur to her and indeed her serenity

was mainly what I wanted。  Our little bargain was just concluded

when the door opened and the younger lady appeared on the threshold。

As soon as Miss Bordereau saw her niece she cried out almost gaily;

〃He will give three thousandthree thousand tomorrow!〃

Miss Tita stood still; with her patient eyes turning from one

of us to the other; then she inquired; scarcely above her breath;

〃Do you mean francs?〃

〃Did you mean francs or dollars?〃 the old woman asked of me at this。

〃I think francs were what you said;〃 I answered; smiling。

〃That is very good;〃 said Miss Tita; as if she had become conscious

that her own question might have looked overreaching。

〃What do YOU know?  You are ignorant;〃 Miss Bordereau remarked;

not with acerbity but with a strange; soft coldness。

〃Yes; of moneycertainly of money!〃  Miss Tita hastened to exclaim。

〃I am sure you have your own branches of knowledge;〃

I took the liberty of saying; genially。  There was something

painful to me; somehow; in the turn the conversation had taken;

in the discussion of the rent。

〃She had a very good education when she was young。

I looked into that myself;〃 said Miss Bordereau。

Then she added; 〃But she has learned nothing since。〃

〃I have always been with you;〃 Miss Tita rejoined very mildly;

and evidently with no intention of making an epigram。

〃Yes; but for that!〃 her aunt declared with more satirical force。

She evidently meant that but for this her niece would never have got

on at all; the point of the observation however being lost on Miss Tita;

though she blushed at hearing her history revealed to a stranger。

Miss Bordereau went on; addressing herself to me:  〃And what time will

you come tomorrow with the money?〃

〃The sooner the better。  If it suits you I will come at noon。〃

〃I am always here but I have my hours;〃 said 
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