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the aspern papers-第22章

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The place had indeed a bareness which did not suggest hidden treasures;

there were no dusky nooks nor curtained corners; no massive cabinets

nor chests with iron bands。  Moreover it was possible; it was perhaps

even probable that the old lady had consigned her relics to her bedroom;

to some battered box that was shoved under the bed; to the drawer of some

lame dressing table; where they would be in the range of vision by the dim

night lamp。  Nonetheless I scrutinized every article of furniture;

every conceivable cover for a hoard; and noticed that there were half

a dozen things with drawers; and in particular a tall old secretary;

with brass ornaments of the style of the Empirea receptacle

somewhat rickety but still capable of keeping a great many secrets。

I don't know why this article fascinated me so; inasmuch as I certainly

had no definite purpose of breaking into it; but I stared at it so hard

that Miss Tita noticed me and changed color。  Her doing this made me think

I was right and that wherever they might have been before the Aspern papers

at that moment languished behind the peevish little lock of the secretary。

it was hard to remove my eyes from the dull mahogany front when I

reflected that a simple panel divided me from the goal of my hopes;

but I remembered my prudence and with an effort took leave of Miss Bordereau。

To make the effort graceful I said to her that I should certainly bring

her an opinion about the little picture。

〃The little picture?〃  Miss Tita asked; surprised。

〃What do YOU know about it; my dear?〃 the old woman demanded。

〃You needn't mind。  I have fixed my price。〃

〃And what may that be?〃

〃A thousand pounds。〃

〃Oh Lord!〃 cried poor Miss Tita irrepressibly。

〃Is that what she talks to you about?〃 said Miss Bordereau。

〃Imagine your aunt's wanting to know!〃  I had to separate from Miss Tita

with only those words; though I should have liked immensely to add;

〃For heaven's sake meet me tonight in the garden!〃


As it turned out the precaution had not been needed;

for three hours later; just as I had finished my dinner;

Miss Bordereau's niece appeared; unannounced; in the open

doorway of the room in which my simple repasts were served。

I remember well that I felt no surprise at seeing her;

which is not a proof that I did not believe in her timidity。

It was immense; but in a case in which there was a particular

reason for boldness it never would have prevented her from

running up to my rooms。  I saw that she was now quite full

of a particular reason; it threw her forwardmade her seize me;

as I rose to meet her; by the arm。

〃My aunt is very ill; I think she is dying!〃

〃Never in the world;〃 I answered bitterly。  〃Don't you be afraid!〃

〃Do go for a doctordo; do!  Olimpia is gone for the one we always have;

but she doesn't come back; I don't know what has happened to her。

I told her that if he was not at home she was to follow him where

he had gone; but apparently she is following him all over Venice。

I don't know what to doshe looks so as if she were sinking。〃

〃May I see her; may I judge?〃  I asked。  〃Of course I shall be

delighted to bring someone; but hadn't we better send my man instead;

so that I may stay with you?〃

Miss Tita assented to this and I dispatched my servant for the best

doctor in the neighborhood。  I hurried downstairs with her;

and on the way she told me that an hour after I quitted them

in the afternoon Miss Bordereau had had an attack of 〃oppression;〃

a terrible difficulty in breathing。  This had subsided but had left

her so exhausted that she did not come up:  she seemed all gone。

I repeated that she was not gone; that she would not go yet;

whereupon Miss Tita gave me a sharper sidelong glance than she

had ever directed at me and said; 〃Really; what do you mean?

I suppose you don't accuse her of making believe!〃

I forget what reply I made to this; but I grant that in my

heart I thought the old woman capable of any weird maneuver。

Miss Tita wanted to know what I had done to her; her aunt had told

her that I had made her so angry。  I declared I had done nothing

I had been exceedingly careful; to which my companion rejoined

that Miss Bordereau had assured her she had had a scene with me

a scene that had upset her。  I answered with some resentment

that it was a scene of her own makingthat I couldn't think

what she was angry with me for unless for not seeing my way

to give a thousand pounds for the portrait of Jeffrey Aspern。

〃And did she show you that?  Oh; graciousoh; deary me!〃

groaned Miss Tita; who appeared to feel that the situation

was passing out of her control and that the elements of her

fate were thickening around her。  I said that I would give

anything to possess it; yet that I had not a thousand pounds;

but I stopped when we came to the door of Miss Bordereau's room。

I had an immense curiosity to pass it; but I thought it my duty

to represent to Miss Tita that if I made the invalid angry she

ought perhaps to be spared the sight of me。  〃The sight of you?

Do you think she can SEE?〃 my companion demanded almost

with indignation。  I did think so but forebore to say it;

and I softly followed my conductress。

I remember that what I said to her as I stood for a moment beside

the old woman's bed was; 〃Does she never show you her eyes then?

Have you never seen them?〃  Miss Bordereau had been divested

of her green shade; but (it was not my fortune to behold Juliana

in her nightcap) the upper half of her face was covered by the fall

of a piece of dingy lacelike muslin; a sort of extemporized

hood which; wound round her head; descended to the end of her nose;

leaving nothing visible but her white withered cheeks and

puckered mouth; closed tightly and; as it were consciously。

Miss Tita gave me a glance of surprise; evidently not seeing a reason

for my impatience。  〃You mean that she always wears something?

She does it to preserve them。〃

〃Because they are so fine?〃

〃Oh; today; today!〃  And Miss Tita shook her head; speaking very low。

〃But they used to be magnificent!〃

〃Yes indeed; we have Aspern's word for that。〃  And as I looked again

at the old woman's wrappings I could imagine that she had not wished

to allow people a reason to say that the great poet had overdone it。

But I did not waste my time in considering Miss Bordereau; in whom

the appearance of respiration was so slight as to suggest that no human

attention could ever help her more。  I turned my eyes all over the room;

rummaging with them the closets; the chests of drawers; the tables。

Miss Tita met them quickly and read; I think; what was in them; but she did

not answer it; turning away restlessly; anxiously; so that I felt rebuked;

with reason; for a preoccupation that was almost profane in the presence

of our dying companion。  All the same I took another look; endeavoring to

pick out mentally the pl
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