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the drums of jeopardy-第60章

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that night he had come in with his face and hands bloody。  Why
hadn't he kissed her?

Johnny Two…Hawks … bourgeois?  Utter nonsense!  Of course it did
not matter now what he was; he had dug a bridgeless chasm with that
smile。  Sometime to…morrow he and Stefani Gregor would be on their
way to Montana; and that would be the last of them both。  To…morrow
would mark the fork in the road。  But life would never again be
humdrum for Kitty Conover。

The taxicabs were bumping over cobbles; through empty streets。  It
was six by now; at that hour this locality; which she recognized as
the warehouse district; was always dead。  The deserted streets; how
ever; set in motion a slight perturbation。  Supposing Karlov grew
suspicious and turned aside from his objective?  Even as this
disturbing thought took form Karlov's taxicab stopped。  Kitty's
stopped also; but without instructions from her。  She had intended
to drive on and from the rear window observe if Karlov entered that
old red…brick house。

〃Go on!〃 she called through the tube。

The chauffeur obeyed; but he stopped again directly behind Karlov's
taxicab。  He slid off his seat and opened the door。  His face was grim。

Tumpitum…tump!  Tumpitum…tump!  She did not hear the tocsin this time;
she felt it on her spine … the drums of fear。  If they touched her!

〃Come with me; miss。  If you are sensible you will not be harmed。  If
you cut up a racket I'll have to carry you。〃

〃What does this mean?〃 faltered Kitty。

〃That we have finally got you; miss。  You can see for yourself that
there isn't any help in sight。  Better take it sensibly。  We don't
intend to hurt you。  It's somebody else we want。  There's a heavy
score against you; but we'll overlook it if you act sensibly。  You
were very clever last night; but the game depends upon the last

〃I'll go sensibly;〃 Kitty agreed。  They must not touch her!

Karlov did not speak as he opened the door of the house for her。
His expression was Buddha…like。

〃This way; miss;〃 said the chauffeur; affably。

〃You are an American?〃

〃Whenever it pays。〃

Presently Kitty found herself in the attic; alone。  They hadn't
touched her; so much was gained。  Poor little fool that she was!
It was fairly dark now; but overhead she could see the dim outlines
of the scuttle or trap。  The attic was empty except for a few pieces
of lumber and some soap boxes。  She determined to investigate the
trap at once; before they came again。

She placed two soap boxes on end and laid a plank across。  After
testing its stability she mounted。  She could reach the trap easily;
with plenty of leverage to spare。  She was confident that she could
draw herself up to the roof。  She sought for the hooks and liberated
them; then she placed her palms against the trap and heaved。  Not
even a creak answered her。  She pressed upward again and again。  The
trap was immovable。

Light。  She turned; to behold Kariov in the doorway; a candlestick
in his hand。  〃The scuttle is covered with cement; Miss Conover。
Nobody can get in or out。〃

Kitty got down; her knees uncertain。  If he touched her!  Oh; the
fool she had been!

〃What are you going to do with me?〃 she asked through dry lips。

〃You are to me a bill of exchange; payable in something more precious
to me than gold。  I am going to keep you here until you are ransomed。
The ransom is the man you have been shielding。  If he isn't here by
midnight you vanish。  Oh; we shan't harm you。  Merely you will
disappear until my affairs in America are terminated。  You are
clever and resourceful for so young a woman。  You will understand
that we are not going to turn aside。  You are not a woman to me; you
are a valuable pawn。  You are something to bargain for。〃

〃I understand;〃 said Kitty; her heart trying to burst through。  It
seemed impossible that Karlov should not hear the thunder。  To
placate him; to answer his questions; to keep him from growing

〃I thought you would。〃 Karlov set the candle on Kitty's impromptu
stepladder。  〃We saw your interest in the affair; and attacked you
on that side。  You had seen me once。  Being a newspaper writer …
the New York kind … you would not rest until you learned who I was。
You would not forget me。  You were too well guarded uptown。  You
have been out of the city for a week。  We could not find where。
You were reported seen entering your office this morning; and here
you are。  My one fear was that you might not see me。  Personally
you will have no cause to worry。  No hand shall touch you。

〃Thank you for that。〃

〃Don't misunderstand。  There is no sentiment behind this promise。
I imagine your protector will sacrifice much for your sake。  Simply
it is unnecessary to offer you any violence。  Do you know who the
man is your protector is shielding?〃

Kitty shook her head。

〃Has he played the fiddle for you?〃


Karlov smiled。  〃Did you dance?〃

〃Dance?  I don't understand。〃

〃No matter。  He can play the fiddle nearly as well as his master。
The two of them have gone across the world fiddling the souls of
women out of their bodies。〃

Kitty sat down weakly on the plank。  Terror from all points。
Karlov's unexcited tones … his lack of dramatic gesture … convinced
her that this was deadly business。  Terror that for all the promise
of immunity they might lay hands on her。  Terror for Johnny
Two…Hawks; for Cutty。

〃Has he injured you?〃 she asked; to gain time。

〃He is an error in chronology。  He represents an idea which no
longer exists。〃  He spoke English fluently; but with a rumbling

〃But to kill him for that!〃

〃Kill him?  My dear young lady; I merely want him to fiddle for me;〃
said Karlov with another smile。

〃You tried to kill him;〃 insisted Kitty; the dryness beginning to
leave her throat。

〃Bungling agents。  Do know what became of them … the two who invaded
your bedroom?〃

〃They were taken away the police。〃

〃So I thought。  What became of the wallet?〃

〃I found it hidden on the back of my stove。〃

〃I never thought to look there;〃 said Karlov; musingly。  〃Who has
the drums?〃

〃The emeralds?  You haven't them!〃 cried Kitty; becoming her mother's
daughter; though her heart never beat so thunderously as now。  〃We
thought you had them!〃

Karlov stared at her; moodily。  〃What is that button for; at the
side of your bed?〃

Kitty comprehended the working of the mind that formulated this
question。  If she answered truthfully he would accept her
statements。  〃It rings an alarm in the basement。〃

Karlov nodded。  〃You are truthful and sensible I haven't the

〃Perhaps one of your men betrayed you。〃

〃I have thought of that。  But if he had betrayed me the drums would
have been discovered by the police。。。。  Damn them to hell!〃  Kitty
wondered whether he meant the police or the; emeralds。  

〃Later; food and a blanket will be brought to you。  If your ransom
does not appear by midnight you will be taken away。  If you struggle
we may have to handle you roughly。  That is as you please。〃

Karlov went out; locking the door。

Oh; the blind little fool she had been!  All those constant warnings;
and she had not heeded!  Cutty had warned he
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