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the drums of jeopardy-第46章

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author of that advertisement offering to buy the drums; no
questions asked?  Very well; then; if he would not tell her the
truth she would have to find it out herself。

Meanwhile; Cutty sat on the edge of his bed staring blankly at the
rug; trying to find a pick…up to the emotions that beset him。  One
thing issued clearly: He had wanted to kiss the child。  He still
wanted to kiss her。  Why hadn't he?  Unanswerable。  It was still
unanswerable even when the pallor of dawn began slowly to absorb the
artificial light of his bed lamp。


When Cutty awoke … having had about two hours' sleep … he was
instantly conscious that the zest had gone from the adventure。  It
had resolved itself into official business into which he had
projected himself gratuitously; and having assumed the offices of
chief factor; he would have to see the affair through; victim of
his own greediness。  It did not serve to marshal excuses。  He had
frankly entered the affair in the role of buccaneer; and here he
was; high and dry on the reef。

The drums of jeopardy; so far as he was concerned; had been shot
into the moon two hundred thousand miles out of reach。  He found
himself resenting Hawksley's honesty in the matter of the customs。

But immediately this sense of resentment caused him to chuckle。
Certainly some ancestor of his had been a Black Bart or a Galloping

He would put a few straight questions to Hawksley; however。  To have
lost all those precious stones and not to have inquired about them
was a bit foggy; wasn't normal; human。  Unless … bang on the plexus
came the thought! … the beggar had hidden them himself。  He had been
exceedingly clever in hiding the wallet。  Come to think of it; he
hadn't mentioned that; either。  Of course he had hidden the stones
 … either in Gregor's apartment or m Kitty's。  Blind as a bat。  Now
he understood why Karlov had made a prisoner of Coles。  The old
buzzard had sensed a trap and had countered it。  The way of the
transgressor was hard。  His punishment for entertaining a looter's
idea would be work when he wanted to loaf and enjoy himself。

Arriving at Hawksley's door he was confronted by a spectacle not
without its humorous touch: The nurse extending a bowl and Hawksley
staring at the
sky beyond the window; stonily。

〃But you must!〃 insisted Miss Frances。

〃Chops or beefsteak!〃

〃It will give you nausea。〃

〃Permit me to find out。  Dash it; I'm hungry!〃 Hawksley declared。
〃I'm no fever patient。  A smart rap on the head; nothing more than
that。  Healthy food will draw the blood down from there。  Haven't
lost anything but a few hours of consciousness; and you treat me
as though I'd been jolly well peppered with shrapnel and gassed。
Touch that stuff?  Rather not!  Chops or beefsteak!〃

〃Let him have it; Miss Frances;〃 advised Cutty from the doorway。

〃But it's unusual;〃 replied the nurse as a final protest。

〃Give it a try。  Is he strong enough to sit up through breakfast?〃

〃He's really not fit。  But if he insists on doing the one he might
as well do the other。〃

〃Righto!〃 … from the patient。

〃Will you tell Kuroki to make it a beefsteak breakfast for four?
I know how Mr。 Hawksley feels。  Been through the same bout。〃  Cutty
wanted Miss Frances out of the room。

〃Very well。  Only; I've warned him。〃 Miss Frances left; somewhat

〃Thanks;〃 said Hawksley; smiling。  〃She thinks I'm a canary。〃

〃Whereas you're an eagle。〃

〃Or a vulture。〃

Cutty chew up a chair。  〃Frankly; I believe a good breakfast will
put you a peg up。〃

〃A beefsteak!〃 Hawksley stared ecstatically at the ceiling。  〃You
see; I'm naturally tough。  Always went in for rough sports … football;
rowing; boxing。  Poor old Stefani's idea; and not so bad; either。  Of
course he was always worrying about my hands; but I always took great
care to keep them soft and pliant。  Which sounds rummy; considering
the pounding I used to give and take。  My word; I used to go to bed
with my hands done up in ointments like a professional beauty!  Of
course I'm dizzy yet; and the bally spot is sore; but solid food
and some exercise will have me off your hands in no time。  I don't
fancy being coddled; y'know。  I've been trouble enough。〃

〃Don't let that worry you。  I'll bring some togs in; flannels and
soft shirts。  We're about the same height。  Anyhow; the difference
won't be noticeable in flannels。  I've had to tell Miss Conover a
bit of fiction。  I'll tell you; so if need arises you can back me up。

When Cutty finished his romance Hawksley frowned。  〃All said and
done; if I'm not that splendid old chap's protege; what am I?  But
for his patience and kindness I'd have run true to the blood。  He
was with me at the balancing age; when a chap becomes a man or a
rotter。  He actually gave up a brilliant career because of me。  He
is a great musician; with that strange faculty of taking souls out
of people and untwisting them。  I have the gift; too; in a way; but
there's always a bit of the devil in me when I play。  Natural bent;
I fancy。  And they've killed him!〃

〃No;〃 said Cutty; slowly。  〃But this is for your ear alone: He's
alive; and one of these days I'll bring him to you。  So buck up。〃

〃Alive!  Stefani alive!〃 whispered Hawksley。  He stretched out his
hand rather blindly; and Cutty was surprised at the strength of the
grip。  〃Makes me feel choky。  I say; are all Americans good

Cutty put this aside because he did not care to disillusion Hawksley。
〃I found an appraiser's receipt in your wallet。  You carried some
fine jewels。  Did you hide them or did Karlov get them?  It struck
me as odd that you haven't inquired about them。〃  The change that
came into Hawksley's face alarmed Cutty。  The rich olive skin became
chalky and the eyes closed。  〃What is it?  Shall I call Miss Frances?〃

〃No。〃 Hawksley opened his eyes; but looked dully straight ahead。
〃The stones!  I was trying to forget!  My God; I was trying to forget!〃

〃But they were yours?〃 Cutty was mystified beyond expression。

〃Yes; mine; mine; mine!〃 … panting。  〃Damn them!  Some day I'll tell
you。  But just now I can't toe the mark。  I was trying to forget
them!  Against my heart; gnawing into my soul like the beetle of the
Spanish Inquisition!〃  Silence。  〃But they were future bread and
butter … for Gregor as well as for myself。  They got them; and may
they damn Karlov as they have damned me!  I had no chance when I
returned to Gregor's。  They were on me instantly。  I put up a fight;
but I'd come from a lighted room and was practically blind。  Let
them go。  Most of those stones came out of hell; anyhow。  Let them
go。  There is an unknown grave between those stones and me。〃

The level despair of the tone appalled Cutty。  A crime somewhere?
There was still a bottom to this affair he had not plumbed?  He rose;
deeply agitated。

〃I'll fetch those togs for you。  Miss Conover will breakfast with us;
and the sight of her will give you a brace。  I'm sorry。  I had to
ask you。〃

〃Beefsteak and a pretty girl!  That's something。  I suppose she was
trapped by the lift not running。〃  Hawksley was trying to meet Cutty
halfway to cover up the tragedy。 
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